Health IT Examples for Free

Health IT

Health IT, or health information technology, is a growing field that is revolutionizing the medical industry. If you’re interested in writing a good paper on this topic, here are a few things you should know:

  • First, health IT is essential because it helps improve healthcare efficiency and quality. It can also aid in reducing costs and improve patient safety.
  • Second, before you start writing, it’s a good idea to look at paper samples to see how other people have tackled the topic.
  • Finally, when you’re working on your health IT essay, we recommend focusing on only one or two specific aspects of the field. By doing so, you’ll be able to provide well-rounded insights into health information technology.

Big Data in Healthcare: Innovation and Privacy Concerns

Introduction The exponential growth of the global population and increased scientific research on health have created a database of massive healthcare data. Technological advancement enables medical practitioners to access and leverage data to improve health outcomes. Big data plays a significant role in healthcare and offers unique opportunities for personalized...

Words: 1196 Pages: 5

The Electronic Medical Records System

Information technology is being increasingly used in healthcare, which is causing the industry to undergo a significant transition. The customization of healthcare has increased, and there is a chance for innovative strategies to support programs for scientific performance improvement and enhanced patient-driven treatment. The digital transformation that is reshaping the...

Words: 825 Pages: 3

Data Privacy and Security Issues in Informatics Nurse Specialists’ Profession

Data privacy and security have become increasingly important in the healthcare industry, particularly in nursing informatics. In nursing practice, Informatics Nurse Specialists (INS) plays a vital role in handling, sharing, and interpreting data, information, and knowledge. As electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information technologies continue to expand, keeping...

Words: 396 Pages: 1

Health Records: Documentation and Protection

Current standards associated with health record content and documentation include methods, terminologies, and protocols that allow for collecting, exchanging, storing, and retrieving valuable health-related information. The standardization of such data includes data element definition, data interchange formats, terminologies, and knowledge representation (Aspden et al., 2004). Therefore, when dealing with health...

Words: 549 Pages: 2

The Medi-Heal Union Hospital: Electronic Medical Record System

Introduction The Medi-Heal Union hospital (MHU) is a healthcare provider located in Abu Dhabi. The organization initiated a project that was focused on implementing an electronic medical record (EMR) system. EMR set-ups are used to create, gather, manage, and retrieve health-related information of individuals within one healthcare organization (Janett &...

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Information Technology in Saudi Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The establishment of information technology (IT) in the health sector is based on the idea of achieving different goals, including easy access to medical records. Earlier, records were saved manually in hospitals which made it difficult to access patient forms from the past. With the help of information technology,...

Words: 1558 Pages: 7

Clinical Decision Support System

CDSs automatically generate data-informed alerts and reminders for prompt clinical decision-making and intervention. I have seen a CDS integrated with EHRs to flag hypertensive cases at a hospital. It included blood pressure self-monitoring devices, which sent data to patients’ EHRs, assisting pharmacists and nurses to monitor treatment response and safety...

Words: 559 Pages: 2

The Electronic Health Record Implementation

Technologies in the modern world are constantly evolving and affecting all spheres of people’s lives, including health care. The introduction of the electronic health record (EHR), a digital, computerized version of patient information on paper, is one of the significant changes. It can carry out several tasks that aid in...

Words: 640 Pages: 2

Healthcare in the Digital World

Data Privacy and Security Targeting the health sector by malicious actors has the potential to interfere with service delivery and the supply of critical products to those in need, cause reputational and financial damage to health organisations and threaten the delivery of health services and lives of patients (Gutierrez et...

Words: 567 Pages: 2

Information Technology in Healthcare

Introduction The article under review is “Health information technology and digital innovation for national learning health and care systems” by Sheikh et al. (2021). This study explores the concept of information technology and its application in the healthcare field. Over time, information technology has been considered the key element in...

Words: 361 Pages: 1

The Importance of Telehealth and Telemedicine

Introduction It is important to note that telemedicine is needed for people from rural areas who do not have access to specialists and hospitals. However, the use of telemedicine raises several critical issues, such as privacy and reimbursement policies (Schlachta-Fairchild et al., 2010). Discussion Therefore, because of these concerns, people...

Words: 282 Pages: 1

Breach of Security in Electronic Medical Records

Although there have been many positive and beneficial changes in the field of healthcare over the past decade, problems still remain that can pose risks to public health and safety. In some cases, these advanced changes and innovations are the very cause of the mistakes and errors that can occur,...

Words: 1114 Pages: 4

Information Blocking Policy (21st Century Cures Act)

Introduction The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) officially enabled the information blocking provisions that cover healthcare providers, certified health IT developers, and health information exchanges (HIEs). ONC’s information blocking provisions mandate enacted in 2021 enables patients access to eight kinds of EHR notes consultation, discharge,...

Words: 601 Pages: 2

Major Issues With the Hospital’s Information Technology

Introduction You already know that the hospital appointed an expert to assist in pinpointing the biggest problems with its IT systems that must be fixed. The consultant sent in his findings after visiting various departments, speaking with personnel, inspecting the software and hardware, and assessing its effectiveness. Summary of Findings...

Words: 1110 Pages: 4

Health Information Technology and Hospital Performance

Healthcare technology has always been a rapidly changing and expensive field. New medical technologies allow for earlier and more accurate diagnoses, more targeted treatments, and less invasive surgeries. However, these new technologies come at a high cost. To finance the research and development of new medical technologies, healthcare organizations must...

Words: 2675 Pages: 2

Patient Health Information Records

Patient health information records are highly sensitive and critical pieces of data, which requires compliance when handling such documents. The case presents a situation in which a patient’s health records were destroyed without the person’s knowledge and consent. Subsequently, the patient filed a complaint to the state health department. The...

Words: 320 Pages: 1

SMS Interventions: Fundamentals for Future Mobile-Health

Automated text messaging offers an innovative, cost-effective way to improve self-care and wellbeing. It has been discovered that text-only interventions are an excellent way to encourage health self-management (Willcox et al, 2019; Whittaker et al., 2019). In this case, it helps patients feel connected with their healthcare providers (Berrouiguet et...

Words: 1132 Pages: 4

Health IT: The Essential Tool for Care Providers

Health care is the whole system consisting of health workers, patients, and electronic devices invented and embedded every year. Like every other structure, it needs to be developed and upgraded to work better with time. The HIMSS Davies Award applicants Robert P. Pierce and Brandi Ross studied the subject of...

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Medical Records’ Role in Healthcare

The essential data within healthcare systems is the patient’s medical records. In context, this data paves the future for Nursing Informatics Specialists who may function within the scope of virtual care delivery. They could “be informed by data aggregated from a multiplicity of sources and real-time knowledge generation that will...

Words: 347 Pages: 1

Pay for Performance in Health Care

The healthcare system in the United States is considered one of the most expensive in the world, while the quality of the care delivered to the patients does not always meet the expectations. Thus, the incentive-based pay-for-performance model was introduced into the healthcare system to provide patients with high-quality care...

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Healthcare Technologies: Advantages & Disadvantages

Introduction One must consider comfort and healthcare to improve an individual’s well-being and quality of life. With this said, automation of repetitive or time-consuming processes is necessary. This drive to enhance a civilization’s day-to-day routine has led to technological advancements that have spread to all corners of society, one of...

Words: 1196 Pages: 1

The Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Data is a piece of information consisting of facts or statistics that are collected for analysis. The collected details can be measurable or described in a language instead of numerals. Two main types of data are available, that is qualitative and quantitative data. Examples of qualitative data include qualifications, gender,...

Words: 307 Pages: 1

The Health Information System Implementation

I’m writing to inform you that recently one of our colleagues offered to implement a health information system (HIS) in the activities of our organization. The offer also implied an application of an electronic health record system for the organization and storage of patients’ records. I’m writing to acquaint you...

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Automation as Quality Improvement in Healthcare

The healthcare system is affected by numerous challenges that risk patient safety. In most cases, the level of care provided to patients is influenced by the facility’s leadership, the time taken for patients to access care, the skills and knowledge of the staff, and challenges in the systems used. Due...

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Healthcare Technologies Improving Patient Care

It is hard to disagree that this century is marked by increased technology development and the appearance of new technological solutions that make the lives of people and operations of various organizations more advanced. Healthcare is not an exception – there are several technologies that medical workers use to foster...

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Advancements in Healthcare Information Systems

Advancements in information technology have revolutionized the delivery of patient care. The technology allows nurses and other medical professionals to utilize data in determining the extent of sickness and the appropriate interventions required. Since the machines cannot give current output by simply asking them, patients’ data such as age, duration...

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Block-Chain Technology for Electronic Medical Records

The idea of using block-chain technology for medical records has been discussed for many years. With the advent of more advanced encryption, it is believed that this concept will eventually be realized. A lot of people think block-chain technology is just vaporware. Still, this technology could make a difference in...

Words: 1662 Pages: 6

The Electronic Health Record System Outcomes

Introduction An electronic health record (EHR) is an electronic version of a patient’s paper record. EHRs are dynamic, patient-centered records that can be accessed only by those granted authorization. A patient’s medical and treatment history is stored in an EHR system. It is designed to go beyond the standard clinical...

Words: 2010 Pages: 7

Healthcare Communication at Patient Portals

Introduction Effective communication between patients and healthcare providers is a vital element in providing quality healthcare services. Technology has been essential in facilitating effective communication in the healthcare sector. Many healthcare facilities adopt the patient portal technology to foster patient engagement and improve their service delivery. This technology allows the...

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Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare

Introduction Telemedicine refers to a relatively new area of healthcare practice where technological tools are used to aid in service delivery. Based on the technological background supporting its use, digital devices, such as computers and smartphones, are commonly used to help in the coordination of healthcare services provided through telemedicine...

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Health Information: Cyber Security and Privacy

Healthcare facilities handle many patients with various diseases necessitating the process’s formality. Unfortunately, the central city hospital allows many operations to be done “informally” despite being in a close-knit community where everyone knows each community member. The hospital is still using the old school information sharing where everyone can access...

Words: 1107 Pages: 4

Benefits of Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Organizations

Summary Information technology has enabled healthcare organizations to generate data essential for improving operations and customer service delivery. However, poor information management has made it difficult for organizations to analyze the data obtained in the healthcare sector and draw meaningful conclusions. The inability to understand large proportions of data generated...

Words: 569 Pages: 2

Aspects of Telemedicine and Telehealth

Introduction Technologies are transforming the shape of many organizations and industry settings in the modern world. For example, the health and education systems now utilize advanced programs that greatly increase efficiency. Telemedicine and telehealth are the most widely known healthcare technologies revolutionizing care delivery and patient management in hospitals (Matsuda...

Words: 1898 Pages: 8

Change Management Regarding Electronic Health Record System

Change management is an important phenomenon because it helps organizations improve various processes and procedures. For example, if a medical institution is going to implement an electronic health record (EHR) system, change management can help successfully cope with the task. According to Campbell (2020), “change within a health care organization...

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Health Information Management Systems (Financial)

HIM systems are an essential part of healthcare. The importance of this system lies primarily in the safety of medical data. HIM systems make the work of many employees much more accessible. Digitization of data allows medical workers to store and control all data that what previously stored in a...

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Patient Medical Records and HIPAA

Using patient information properly, as well as providing immediate access to healthcare services to vulnerable groups, particularly, patients with disabilities, constitute some of the core ethical principles in healthcare. The past several decades have allowed improving the specified tasks substantially to minimize the range of risk to which patients are...

Words: 335 Pages: 1

Informatics in the Clinical Setting: Interview

Introduction Gathering patient data is an essential process in healthcare as it is necessary for their treatment as well as organization statistics and research. However, any information connected to one’s health is also extremely sensitive, requiring discretion and protection. With the growing need to find a better solution for storing...

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Innovations in Health Information Technology

Medical practice is accompanied by servicing a large number of patients, conducting many complex diagnostic examinations, and processing a significant amount of information. Therefore, without health information technology (HIT), it is difficult to provide quality medical care. 81% of researches demonstrated improved medical outcomes in efficiency or effectiveness due to...

Words: 706 Pages: 2

Patient Portals, Personal Health Records, and Social Media

The delivery of health care is a complicated process, which makes medical professionals rely on various supporting tools. In particular, patient portals, personal health records (PHR), and social media lead to better health outcomes. Patient portals offer many benefits that include patient-provider communication, providing individuals with constant access to their...

Words: 319 Pages: 1

Electronic Health Record: Pros and Cons Within Nursing Practice

Pros Cons Organizational efficiency: Instead of significant paperwork that comes with each patient, Electronic Health Record (EHR) allows for improved documentation accuracy, lower risks of malpractice, and easier medication management and tracking of treatment progress. Cybersecurity and privacy concerns: EHR systems, especially those without HIPAA compliancy and low levels of...

Words: 399 Pages: 1

Sentinel City™ Community Health Simulation Analysis

Introduction Sentinel City is a large modern city in virtual reality, providing ample opportunities for domestic travel and exploring the surrounding area and residents. Sentinel U, as the author of this virtual territory, offers nursing students an unusual, exciting, and authentic experience of working with people (Sentinel City, n.d). This...

Words: 1463 Pages: 5

Improving Information Technology in Healthcare

The continuous development of digital technologies in healthcare allows to maximize the quality of provided services and significantly improve health outcomes among patients. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Health Information Exchange (HIE) are some of the innovative concepts in the industry that facilitate the electronic communication of health-related information between...

Words: 1148 Pages: 4

Technology Challenges in Medical Practices

Introduction The advancement of technology in the United States healthcare system has led to numerous changes in how medical operations are executed. Such technologies have made the functions of the healthcare system to be highly computerized. The use of technology in the medicine sector is perceived to reshape how individuals...

Words: 850 Pages: 3

Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record

One of the most popular technologies implemented thanks to the development of informatics in healthcare is the Electronic Health Record System (EHR). This innovation has significantly alleviated information processing in the healthcare sphere. Moreover, it provided extended opportunities for clinicians to collect and analyze the patient’s medical history and other...

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Challenges of Electronic Health Record Implementation

Healthcare Informatics The medical community recognizes the importance of technology and its benefits to healthcare. Healthcare informatics (HI) combines information technology and medicine to obtain, store, search, and use information efficiently (“What is health informatics?” n.d.). Technologies help quickly find patients’ medical histories, assess their condition, analyze the situation, and...

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Health Organization Policies: Clinical Classification and Coding

Computer-assisted coding (CAC) is a system that can accurately and automatically create medical codes from clinical documentation electronically. The system analyzes different medical documents to generate accurate medical codes for specific phrases and terms (Faes et al., 2019). The advantages of CAC facilitate matching outputs with reporting requirements, including official...

Words: 1208 Pages: 4

The Electronic Health Records Implementation

The Electronic health records system is a crucial element in innovating the healthcare service. Implementing EHR can affect the workflow and operations at the Vila Heath Independence Medical Center. As such, it is necessary to recognize the external and internal stakeholders impacted by the change. It is important to address...

Words: 866 Pages: 3

Emerging Health Care Technology: Artificial Intelligence

Background The current world is facing change due to the boom in innovation brought about by the development of new technologies. The technologies have affected our lives in all aspects and have impacted on workplace, schools, and homes. Advancements in technology have been seen in the healthcare sector as well....

Words: 890 Pages: 3

Electronic Health Record System Implementation

Introduction Electronic health records open a way to use information technologies to improve healthcare. Server databases with applications providing access to them may be used to facilitate the doctors’ work by storing and analyzing patients’ data, organizing the work process, and easing the collaboration. Patients, too, may use this system...

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Electronic Health Records in Nursing Practice

Electronic health record (EHR) is an information resource that allows both doctors and patients to have constant access to treatment history. The critical aspect of implementing EHRs is Meaningful Use, characterized by the meaningful electronic exchange of health information to improve healthcare quality (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). Using EHRs allows...

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Self-Service Kiosks in Healthcare: Advantages and Disadvantages

The healthcare sector is integrating cutting-edge technology such as self-service kiosks to help provide quality care through effective service delivery. Self-service kiosks are interactive digital touchscreens that allow patients to do certain chores without the need for assistance (Darzentas & Petrie, 2019). Kiosks are a fast and efficient approach to...

Words: 307 Pages: 1

Data Advanced Techniques in Data Analytics in the Healthcare

Introduction Data is the cluster of facts and statistics obtained for a specific purpose. The information derived from data is raw and needs to be analyzed to be useful in the decision-making activities of a health organization. Quality collection, storage, and analysis of data is a mandatory requirement in a...

Words: 859 Pages: 3

Managing Information Risks in Healthcare

The development of technology has made social media presence an inevitable business strategy across all industries. Therefore, sharing information has become easier and faster, increasing the chances of exposing patients’ data. My organization has an effective security rule that prevents practitioners from sharing patients’ information. This rule ensures data breach...

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The Importance of EHRs in a Clinical Setting

In her post, Kristen Stock did a great job exploring the importance of EHRs in a clinical setting for effective data tracking. EHRs have indeed shown to be an essential part of the healthcare process because they provide relevant data on the basis of which the clinical team can define...

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Privacy Issues of Electronic Medical Records Systems

Technological advances facilitate the way people perform their work and streamline internal processes in organizations, providing better efficiency and comfort. One of the examples of such innovations is the electronic medical or health records systems (EMR or EHR). They were introduced to U.S. healthcare in 2009 with the Health Information...

Words: 288 Pages: 1

Analysis of Electronic Health Records System

Introduction The implementation of electronic health records (EHR) allowed medical establishments to keep a better track of their patients, diagnosis, billing statements, and other components of health care services that affect its delivery. However, the information stored in these systems should be confidential because it includes specific details about individuals,...

Words: 2260 Pages: 10

Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records

Healthcare organizations are increasingly moving from patients’ paper charts to digital electronic health records (EHR) and electronic medical records (EMR). As such, the EHRs system has become a vital component of information technology in hospitals. Within our clinical setting, the EMR contains the medical history of the patients, diagnoses, treatment,...

Words: 327 Pages: 1

3D Printing in Medicine: Legal and Ethical Issues

3D printing is a technology that builds many successive layers of raw material to complete a three-dimensional object according to the predesigned model. The implementation of 3D printing in medicine deserves particular attention because it can cure conditions not responding to conventional treatment. For example, this technology is used to...

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Electronic Medical and Health Records’ Analysis

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are used by medical organizations to store patient information, schedule appointments, and communicate with patients online. The Johns Hopkins Hospital, for instance, uses a single integrated EHR system Epic. The difference between the two systems is in EHRs share the...

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Goals for Technology Implemented in a Hospital

A clear, actionable, and measurable technology goal for the organization The hospital will leverage technologies such as E-visits, medical equipment upgrades, mHealth apps, online patient portals, big data, machine learning algorithms, and a patient relationship management platform to improve patient satisfaction in six months. How this goal supports the mission...

Words: 375 Pages: 1

The Role of Personal Health Records in Diabetes Management: A Review of Recent Studies

Introduction Diabetes is among the most concerning conditions for the population’s well-being. Due to the rising prevalence of diabetes among adults and the complex nature of self-management necessitated by ongoing therapy modifications, managing diabetes remains difficult. To ensure adherence to treatment plans that fit patients’ needs and preferences, it is...

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The HITECH Act in Miami Children’s Hospital

The HITECH Act generally belongs to a broader health information technology (HIT) concept. HIT has three aspects defined as its primary purposes: provide better care, make the care affordable, and pursue healthy populations and communities (McBride & Tietze, 2018). In this context, the HITECH Act contributes to the technological transformation...

Words: 341 Pages: 2

Health Information Technology and Patient Care

Abstract In the last century, there has been an accelerated development and adoption of information systems and technology in patient care. The healthcare sector is not an exception as numerous advancements in health systems technology are being achieved to improve patient care and, subsequently, the healthcare system. This paper seeks...

Words: 1399 Pages: 6

The Use of Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Background Information Although blockchain technology was initially launched as an asset for the financial industry, it is safe to say that it could be applied to any other professional field. The ultimate nature of blockchain technology makes it possible for healthcare providers to benefit from implementing new digital instruments (Farouk...

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Innovative 3D Modeling in Hospital Settings

Introduction The use of advanced technologies in medicine is now ubiquitous, and utopian visions of a high-tech future in the service of almost any branch of medicine have become closer than ever to reality. New technologies are actively used by health services in most developed countries. First of all, technological...

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Electronic Health Records in Advanced Nursing Practice

Technologies are meant to enhance everyday life in many areas, and healthcare is not an exception. For example, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are intended to improve the efficiency and quality of health care delivery (Kruse et al., 2018). However, aside from various benefits, EHRs also have some drawbacks, both of...

Words: 615 Pages: 3

Informatics Usage in Nursing Practical Settings

Introduction Informatics in healthcare helps to work with data, which are results of clinical trials, medical examinations, treatment results, and other outcomes. Computer systems organize, compute, compare, and show them to clients and patients as they describe their health state. Those outcome data are the basis for medical decisions, which...

Words: 888 Pages: 4

Health Belief Model in Diabetes Care

Introduction It is important to note that diabetes is a chronic condition where an individual’s body experiences issues with blood sugar regulations. Although there are a number of key underlying reasons behind the disease, such as genetics, diet, sleep, and weight, and others, behavioral elements play a central role in...

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Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing

Introduction Delivery robots technology has been widely used in nursing practice in most developed countries. It is one of the most common technological practices in nursing. The technology seems to be highly accepted and preferred, and therefore researching about it will give more information about its importance and any limitation...

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Big Data in Patient Care: Benefits and Potential Issues

The organization of modern medical practice in such a way as to ensure the highest possible patient safety seems to be the cornerstone of nursing. In the modern world, digital methods of storing information are becoming a new established tradition and progress is made mainly through the development of computer...

Words: 1124 Pages: 5

EHR as a Way to Improve Quality

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are now widely used in the US healthcare setting. These IT systems enable healthcare professionals to improve the quality of care significantly. It has been acknowledged that EHR systems are instrumental in reducing the rate of medical errors and associated negative health outcomes for patients...

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Nursing Informatics in Healthcare

Nursing Informatics and Nursing Informaticist Nursing informatics means a specialty that involves the integration of nursing science with a raft of information and analytical sciences. It aids in identifying, defining, managing, and communicating knowledge, data, and information that is aligned to nursing practices (Kumari, 2019). The role of a nurse...

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Systems Challenge: ER Avoidable Use

Issue Overview Nowadays, the overall system of the emergency department working patterns requires some revision in terms of avoidable visits. According to the researchers, the term “avoidable” can be defined as the visits that did not require further medical intervention (Hsia & Niedzwiecki, 2017). As for the current situation in...

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Electronic Record Keeping in Healthcare

Evolution of Record Keeping Healthcare record keeping is important. Documentation empowers professionals. Effective management of archives fosters therapy. Record keeping in healthcare is an important factor due to the monitoring of patients’ performance and improvement based on the treatments. Human evolution posed a solution to the management of the archives...

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AI-Pathway Companion: Empowering Nurses in Healthcare Decisions

The decision-making process in the healthcare sector is complex, multi-component and largely dependent on the qualifications of the healthcare professional. The complexity of the existing factors is in many ways an obstacle to the implementation of any automated decision-making system. Until recently, technical solutions were unable to provide something qualitatively...

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Design Application of EHR in Population-Based Analytics

EHR The term EHR has the definition of “a repository of electronically maintained information about an individual’s health status and health care, stored such that it can serve the multiple legitimate uses and users of the record” (McDonald, Tang, & Hripcsak, 2014, p. 391). According to Shillingstad, EHRs have done...

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Informatics Solution Proposal for Supply Issue

Healthcare centers tend to face a severe problem of wastefulness in terms of supply utilization. As a result, it leads to considerable financial losses since the medicaments are not used and later discarded. Thus, it is vital to advance the supply chain management in order to avert growing medical costs...

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Information Security in Healthcare: Education Methods

Introduction Education is key to success, which means that it is a major necessity in an individual’s life. Through education, students can learn various things, including learning how to deal with arising matters like the increased cybercrimes, phishing, and spam emails. There are various teaching methods and can be categorized...

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Implementation of New Systems: EHR Implementation

The Significance of Usability The user-friendly experience of a product is referred to as usability. A useful product can readily accomplish the desired goals. A usable product allows the user to remember how to use it and teach others. The user’s purpose, and remember how to use it on subsequent...

Words: 443 Pages: 2

Information Security in a World of Technology

Introduction With the increased rate of technology reliance while working, it is necessary to secure all the elements of online data and information. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been rampant in modern systems with the development of cloud-based software. Therefore, if there is the advancement of technology, it means the hackers...

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The BlueStar Diabetes Mobile Health Application

Patient Scenario The approved patient scenario concerns a 55-year-old male patient diagnosed with diabetes three years ago. In addition to diabetes, the client suffers from alcohol addiction and regularly smokes, exacerbating his condition. The nursing assessment shows that the patient is at high risk of developing diabetes-related complications due to...

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Information System Application for Decision Making

In this century, technological advancements influence all aspects of people’s life. Technology applications are changing traditional health care system methods to provide a comprehensive approach to medical treatment and decision-making processes. The health care system is rich in information and data that need to be evaluated, as medical workers have...

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Components of Good Communication Skilled Personnel

The operators must be clear and concise with the information they pass to the clients. The operators should ensure that they avoid being too wordy by only focusing on the relevant issues to be addressed. Having a clear communication and information system for the donors will build trust and increase...

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Risks, Barriers, and Benefits of EHR Systems

With the rapid growth of technology today, the medical field has adopted technology to enable it increase the productivity of most health care professionals. After an interview with the IT director at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, it is true that there are various areas where technology has been adopted...

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Evaluating the Functionality of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Products

Introduction Electronic Health Record (EHR) products help manage users’ information and patient care. The products control such records as billing, prescriptions, appointments, communication, and test results. Some of the EHR products include CareCloud Charts and the Advanced Data systems corporation (ADSC). Carecloud Charts provide patients care tools and clinical reporting....

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Informatics Trends to Watch in 2020

Future of Informatics The recent surge in the adoption of personal computing technology and access to Internet services has had far-reaching implications on informatics in the last ten years. In essence, there has been massive evolution on informatics and data management not only in healthcare but also in other organizational...

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The Covid-19 Related Technology of Contact Tracing

The article chosen for analysis is “NHS Contact-tracing App Released in England and Wales” by Sara Rigby, and it appeared on Science Focus magazine on September 24, 2020. The technology presented in the article is the “NHS Contact-Tracing App”, which is being used for contact tracing among people living in...

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InFormatics Solution Proposal: General Solution – EHR

Introduction An electronic health record (EHR) is defined as the digital version of patients’ paper charts. The technology is real-time, patient-centered, and it avails records instantly and securely to approved users. Within the last decade, medical facilities have consistently used this software to manage efficiency during practice (Robson et al.,...

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The Use of Electronic Health Record (EHR) in Healthcare Settings

There are several studies that have proven the benefits of Electronic Health Record (EHR) for patient’s safety, as well as their ability to improve efficiency in primary care settings (Porterfield, Engelbert, & Coustasse, 2014). Regardless of the benefits of the implementation of EHR in primary health care settings, health care...

Words: 2066 Pages: 8

The Useful of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing

Nursing care is all about information. It encompasses recording and interpreting data about patients, sending this data to other specialists, diagnosing and developing care plans, finding and analyzing information, scheduling, making reports, and so on. That is not surprising that technologies can make nursing practice noticeably easier and more efficient,...

Words: 547 Pages: 3

MHealth App Patient Scenario

Introduction The rapid development of technology allows for enhancing the perception of health assessment. Medical personnel and patients can no longer rely solely on physical examination to monitor the state of health – the new digitalized means of analyzing personal data facilitate timely recognition of issues, providing detailed reporting. The...

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Medical Informatics Specialist – Personal Statement

I might want to professionally pursue training in medical informatics role. I have had aspirations to train in a profession that shall enable me to perform an overall database management role in major medical institutions. I am deeply fascinated about specializing in medical informatics. This is because the training shall...

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Staying Relevant. Product Promotion on the Internet

Overview The facility has a website and Facebook page for its online marketing. However, the main concern is that they are not being utilized in the best way possible to market the facility and services offered to the community. Objectives of the project The most important goal of the project...

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Aspects of Telemedicine Software

Introduction The notion of medicine has always been covertly correlated with every aspect of human life. Thus, the slightest modification in the behavioral patterns is to be immediately considered by the healthcare authorities. Such a phenomenon is primarily characterized by the fact that modern people, to stay healthy, have to...

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Telenursing an Emerging Innovation in Health Sector

Abstract Studies associated with telenursing have indicated an increased benefit of using technology in the nursing care delivery system. The benefits of using the telenursing technologies range from improved diagnosis and consultations to the development of career options to professional nurses. Most importantly, telenursing have led to the improved patients’...

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Lexicomp: Mobile Application for Medical Drug Use

Name: Lexicomp Author: The application is created by Lexicomp, a developer of clinical information solutions applicable to various spheres. Endorsement: the application offers access to multiple databases licensed by the FDA, and other governmental agencies, which means that it is a licensed tool that can be used by individuals for...

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The Patients Records System. Electronic Medical Record

Structure is the key focal point for quality improvements. The availability of reliable facilities and equipment alongside qualified doctors and nurses constitute paramount aspects that lead to the provision of the high-quality care. Apart from structure, outcomes and customer satisfaction makes the patients feel respected, cared for and treated with...

Words: 663 Pages: 3

The Role of ICT in the Provision of Medical Information

Complete interoperability in health care institutions faces significant challenges in enabling meaningful use and incentives, as well as, maintaining a competitive edge. The key role of interoperability is to ensure high efficiency in various functions including research, finance and clinical operations, which enhance both profitability and the organization’s ability to...

Words: 595 Pages: 3

Information Systems and Quality Improvement

The use of IT enabled systems is gaining momentum in most hospitals. The systems are used to improve the quality of nursing services that patients receive with an aim of enhancing their safety. In this regard, the paper gives credible information to enable various stakeholders in the health sector to...

Words: 587 Pages: 3

Nursing Informatics in Professional Practice

Introduction Nursing is the core of flow of information in most health care facilities therefore, if nursing informatics is developed, it will augment the availability of information to nurses for clinical practice, education, management and research ( Scholes & Barber, 2010). Informatics is a combination of computer science and information...

Words: 1216 Pages: 5