Urology Examples for Free

Urology is a branch of medicine focusing on the diseases of the reproductive organs and the urinary tract. These two systems are closely connected. Often, disorders and issues with one system is likely to affect the other.

Check out our collection of essay samples to learn more about the subject, acquire data for a paper, or simply see how other people approach this subject.


Internal and External Forces of Change

It is commonly known that the usage of Foley catheters provides an opportunity to help patients on their way to recovery. Still, nowadays professionals tend to mention that it can also have an adverse influence on one’s health condition (Stickler, 2014). Love and Rodrigue (2013) noticed that urinary catheters may...

Words: 602 Pages: 3

Urinary Tract Infection in a 54-Year-Old Man

Introduction In this case, a patient is a 54-year-old man who is presented with such symptoms as sudden urgency to urinate, painful urination, and back pain during the last 48 hours. His urine test results reveal the presence of nitrites and leukoesterase, which tells about the possibility of a bacterial...

Words: 667 Pages: 3

Prostate Cancer and Erectile Dysfunction

Prostate Cancer Apart from skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most frequent form of cancer found in men of the United States of America. Prostate cancer is not easy to detect at the early stages and this is why it can be lethal. Among the risk factors for prostate cancer,...

Words: 1123 Pages: 5

Urology Infections and Prelevance of It

Introduction Nursing homes provide alternative supportive care to patients who do not need to be in other healthcare institutions. The facilities have qualified nurses and operate according to the nursing and healthcare standards. Additionally, they have a very high patient population because of the rising cost of hospitalization. However, the...

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Acute Bacterial Prostatitis: Case Study Analysis

The 42 years old patient presents acute bacterial prostatitis symptoms because he reports dysuria, pain in the lower back, and urinary retention. First and foremost, the digital rectal exam (DRE) shows signs of inflammation, such as redness, tenderness, and the patient reports feeling pain and a loss of function, such...

Words: 853 Pages: 4

Urinary Tract Infections Diagnostics and Treatment

Patient Initials: JD Subjective Data: The woman is 28 years old. She is in moderate distress currently. The patient has suffered from complications during urination for two days already. She complains about its frequency and associated burning and pain. JD has suffered from increased abdominal pain for a week already...

Words: 1288 Pages: 5

Urinary Tract Infection Prevention and Acute Care

Patient Initials: JD Subjective Data: The woman is 28 years old. She is in moderate distress currently. The patient has suffered from complications during urination for two days already. She complains about its frequency and associated burning and pain. JD has suffered from increased abdominal pain for a week already...

Words: 1241 Pages: 5

Genitourinary Disease Care and Education Plan

Subjective Data Client Complaints: Decreased urinary flow over the past two years; the condition turned acute during the last two weeks. Over this time, the client has been increasingly experiencing excessive nighttime urination urges while the urine flow strength has reduced. During the past 24 hours, the client has been...

Words: 1258 Pages: 5

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Prevalence

Empirical Review Several types of research have been carried out on the prevalence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) in hospitals. The researches review the impact of CAUTIs and nursing-driven indwelling catheter protocol in terms of reducing CAUTIs. Through quantitative evaluation, the researches in the five articles involved reviewing the...

Words: 1110 Pages: 5

The Morality and Legality of Male Circumcision

Introduction Circumcision is “one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the world,” the purpose of which is to remove the foreskin from the penis. The question of whether circumcision should be considered a human rights or a medicals right issue has not produced a conclusive answer to this...

Words: 565 Pages: 3