Rephrase Machine:
Free Essay Rephraser

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🤖 Rephrase Machine: How to Use It?

Recall your last year of studies. How many times did you take a piece of text and write it in your own words? We bet it was more than a dozen.

What you did is called rephrasing. If you remember, summarizing a paragraph takes more time than writing one from scratch.

Do you want a better option?

Our Rephrase Machine will do the job for you:

  1. Enter the source text into the respective field.
  2. Adjust the percentage of words to be altered.
  3. Press the button and copy the result.

🤔 What Is Rephrasing & Why Is It Important?

Rephrasing means using your own words to transmit another person’s message or ideas. For example, if someone told you a joke, you retell it to a friend in a week by rephrasing the original version. Paraphrasing is usually as long as the original version, which differentiates this writing from a summary.

Meanwhile, paraphrasing may have one of the purposes below (or all of them if we think at the level of sentences).

To clarify People paraphrase to eliminate the possibility for double interpretation when the original is too general.
To organize When the ideas from the source material are chaotic and unsystematized, paraphrasing brings more sense into the context.
To abstract Thus, you can use the source for more generalized considerations.
To specify The most frequent way to use paraphrase is to apply a general rule to your particular topic.
To elaborate This purpose applies when you have more information than the cited source.

One might also paraphrase to allow the source material to apply to a broader range of ideas or information or to narrow its scope to a more concrete example.

Why is Rephrasing Important...

...For Students

  • It helps them prepare all sorts of study projects in a clear and organized manner;

  • It is one of the most popular ways of taking notes in class;

  • It trains their writing skills;

  • It is an intrinsic part of any scholarly article;

  • It allows them to avoid repetition while quoting a passage in their academic writing;

  • It is the best way to eliminate plagiarism.

...For Business

  • Most business documents (memos, agreements, terms and conditions) are paraphrased documents from the past;

  • Content teams create advertising materials using references, which they paraphrase to avoid repetition. Many of them use a rephrase machine for automation;

  • It helps businesses renovate their paperwork while keeping the original ideas in place;

  • It helps companies grow and move in step with time.

🔀 How to Rephrase without Plagiarizing?

Below you’ll find the tips that will help you paraphrase without plagiarizing.

Tip #1: Preserve the Original Meaning

There’s only one way to follow this rule. Keep everything that has been mentioned and abstain from introducing anything that wasn’t. It sounds easy but is hard to follow, especially if you are creative. You should draw a line between your ideas and those from another source. Thus, you won’t mislead the reader.

Tip #2: Express It Differently

Meanwhile, don’t forget it’s not a direct quote; it’s a paraphrase. You cannot use more than four or five original words in a row. But changing the vocabulary is not enough. You should restructure the sentences by changing the word order, tenses, phrasal verbs, and point of view. Using the active voice may also be helpful whenever the source uses passive.

Tip #3: Credit the Source

Depending on the citation style, add the author’s name and publication year or page number of the book where you found the passage. Don’t forget to add this source to the bibliography list at the end of your paper.

đź‘€ Rephrasing Examples: Bad & Better

Below you’ll find a bad and a better example of a passage from Florence Nightingale: A Biography by Annie Matheson published in 1913. Under the table. We explain what is wrong with the bap paraphrase.

Here is the original passage:

Miss Nightingale belongs to that band of the great ones of the earth who may be acclaimed as citizens of the world; her influence has extended far beyond the limits of the nation to which she owed her birth, and in a very special sense she will be the great prototype for all time to those who follow more especially in her footsteps, in the profession she practically created. We must ever be grateful for the shining example she has given to nurses, who in her find united that broad-minded comprehension of the ultimate aim of all their work, with a patient and untiring devotion to its practical detail, which alone combine to make the perfect nurse.

❌ A bad example ✅ A better example
Miss Nightingale is one of that band of great people who may be called the citizens of the world; her influence has extended beyond the limits of her profession, and she will be a great role model to those who follow in her footsteps in the job she created. We must be forever grateful for the shining example she has given to nurses, who united that broad-minded comprehension of the ultimate purpose of all their work with a caring and untiring devotion to its practical detail, which makes the perfect nurse. Florence Nightingale rightly belongs to the great personalities and acclaimed citizens of the world. She influenced reality far beyond national boundaries. She will always be the “shining example” for all who follow in her footsteps, as she practically created the profession of a nurse. Thanks to her, all her successors have united that open-minded comprehension of their vocation, i.e., the patient and untiring attention to detail, which by itself could make a perfect nurse (Matheson, 2001).

What’s wrong with the bad example?

Comparing this passage with its original version reveals several drawbacks in the rewording. The paraphraser deleted some words and changed some of the remaining ones for synonyms. Such modifications are insufficient and may be viewed as plagiarism. Moreover, the original wording is preserved at several points. In one case, the meaning was changed as the limits of the nation and profession differ.

The writer made no changes to the word order or grammar. Finally, there’s no reference to the author or their work, which is inadmissible.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to generate a thesis statement for your paper, try our thesis-generating tool.

âť“ Rephrase Machine FAQ

âť“ How to Rephrase a Sentence?

  1. Do your best to understand the author’s intentions. For this purpose, read the sentence several times.
  2. Look at the word order and grammatical structure. Could you improve or simplify anything? A good paraphrase is always more reader-friendly than the original.
  3. Write your version of the author’s expression without adding anything new or deleting the essential thoughts.

âť“ How to Rephrase a Paragraph?

  1. Read the paragraph to get the meaning.
  2. Read it once again, paying attention to the structure.
  3. Make an outline of the piece:
    • Topic sentence
    • Explanation
    • Reasoning
  4. Paraphrase the original, merging or dividing the sentences and changing their order, where necessary.

âť“ How to Rephrase a Thesis?

You will need a rephrased thesis at the end of your essay. As a rule, it is the first or second sentence of the concluding paragraph. You should start the phrase from a different point to rephrase its preliminary version (from the introduction). Consider your arguments from the main body and restate the same message from a height of the new knowledge.

âť“ How to Rephrase a Quote?

The main thing to keep in mind while rephrasing a quote is to transmit the author’s message as it is. Still, you can freely transform the sentences or change their order. Never use more than five original words in a row, and swap as many words with their synonyms as possible.


đź”— References

  1. How to Paraphrase (Without Plagiarizing a Thing) - Grammarly
  2. Paraphrasing // Purdue Writing Lab
  3. Examples of Paraphrasing Without Plagiarizing
  4. Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing - Academic Integrity at MIT
  5. How to Paraphrase a Paragraph: 9 Steps (with Pictures)