Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing


Delivery robots technology has been widely used in nursing practice in most developed countries. It is one of the most common technological practices in nursing. The technology seems to be highly accepted and preferred, and therefore researching about it will give more information about its importance and any limitation associated with the practice. Many articles and journals published show evidence of the use of delivery robots in health practice, and I used them as the database in choosing my topic of discussion. I used accuracy as the basic research term in coming up with the topic that matches the theoretical efficiency of the delivery robots reported and the actual use of this technology in healthcare systems.

Annotated Bibliography

Summerfield, M., Seagull, F., Vaidya, N., & Xiao, Y. (2018). Use of pharmacy delivery robots in intensive care units. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 85(1), 77-83. 

This article explores robotic science in medicine, and the main points of the work are the use of robots in delivering food and medicine to patients. The use of robots in nursing has helped improve the quality of care and patient safety by delivering drugs and food to the patients in good time. They can get the required medicine without the actual presence of the nurse in the ward. The robots are also deployed to supply food to various patients residing in the hospital. This helps the patients to minimize contact with other people and reduce the chances of other infections. For example, during the COVID 19 period minimizing physical contact is an important health practice to stop the spread of the virus.

According to Summerfield, the use of robots in nursing is relevant to nursing practice and the whole health care providing system because it increases speed in the practices, uses accurate methods of delivering the required items to patients and the robots are more reliable. Any instruction given to them can be retrieved for future use to consult a particular medication to a specific patient or another type of food the patient is given at the specific date.

By reading the article, a health care practitioner can understand the use of robotic technology in taking care of patients incorporated in nursing. The article ensures that the reader can understand the efficiency of the robots in supplying the required items to the patients. Therefore, health practitioners can consider using this technology in their practice as it appears to be a highly effective and non-tedious activity. Robots, in this case, reduce labor costs since they replace nurses who are supposed to deliver the items to the patients. Reduction in labor means more profit being made from the health care practice if it is a private business.

Christoforou, E., Avgousti, S., Ramdani, N., Novales, C., & Panayides, A. (2020). The upcoming role for nursing and assistive robotics: opportunities and challenges ahead. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2(3). 

This article explores robotic technology in health care systems. The main point of the work is the use of delivery robots in support of older people and people living with disabilities as a supplement done by the nurses in hospitals and nursing homes. According to Christoforou, the delivery robots serve as supplemental health care employees in hospitals. They can combat loneliness in people living with disabilities as well as older adults. The robots impact improving the patients’ quality and safety of health care because they also handle interactive care activities with these patients even in the absence of the health care worker. This enables the patients to be mentally stable and happy and to feel alive even though they are elderly or disabled.

According to this source, the relevance of robot technology to nursing and the interdisciplinary healthcare team is to provide a conducive environment for the treatment of older adults and people living with disabilities in the absence of healthcare workers. It is an alternative way of ensuring that such patients are engaged and feel active. The reader can understand the benefit of delivery robots in taking care of an important population that is usually ignored through the article. This makes the article more relevant to the changes and advancements in the use of robots in nursing.

Pierce, R. (2020). Robots, the Alzheimer patient, and the GDPR: Policy and privacy considerations for using robots in care, treatment, diagnosis, and patient transfer. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 16(S10), 32. 

This article is richly informative regarding the use of delivery robots in nursing. The main points in the work are the use of the delivery robots in patients transfers and ambulation. According to Pierce, the health care workers can use the robots to transfer patients to other hospitals or another branch of the same hospital if needed. They are also used to enable patients with difficulties in moving to walk from place to place. This ensures the safety of the patient as they can be rushed to specialists urgently. According to the healthcare system team, the relevance of robot technology to nursing is that transfers are quick and easy in hospitals, and patients with difficulties in walking can move around to change the environment without the assistance of a health caregiver physically. This enables the nurses and the other healthcare workers to concentrate on their work making it more efficient. From the article, the reader can understand that delivery robots create more time for the nurses to concentrate on their work and make it more efficient. Hence, the article is more relevant to the topic than many others.

González-González, C., Violant-Holz, V., & Gil-Iranzo, R. (2021). Social robots in hospitals: a systematic review. Applied Sciences, 11(13), 5976. 

This source discusses the use of delivery robots in communication. The main points in the work are the use of nursing robots in communication between the doctor and the patient. Patient safety and health care quality are improved through this technology because the doctor can talk to the patient without being physically present, and the doctor does not send a nurse to communicate with the patient. This also helps save time for other activities making the work for nurses and the health care team easy. This article gives the reader important information concerning the use of robot technology in communication, making the article more relevant.


The key learning from the publications can be tied together by concluding that delivery robots make work easy and efficient for nurses and the health care team. Organizational factors such as hospital management, training on the use of the robots, and financial management greatly affect the efficiency of using robot technology in hospitals since the robots are expensive to buy and maintain. Implementing delivery robots technology is appropriate as it improves patient safety (Hulick & Yip, 2020). It also improves the quality of health care as well as reducing the workload of health care workers.


Christoforou, E., Avgousti, S., Ramdani, N., Novales, C., & Panayides, A. (2020). The upcoming role for nursing and assistive robotics: opportunities and challenges ahead. Frontiers in Digital Health, 2(3).

González-González, C., Violant-Holz, V., & Gil-Iranzo, R. (2021). Social robots in hospitals: A systematic review. Applied Sciences, 11(13), 5976.

Hulick, K., & Yip, M. (2020). Medical robots (2nd ed., p. 56).

Pierce, R. (2020). Robots, the Alzheimer patient, and the GDPR: Policy and privacy considerations for the use of robots in care, treatment, diagnosis, and patient transfer. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 16(S10), 32.

Summerfield, M., Seagull, F., Vaidya, N., & Xiao, Y. (2018). Use of pharmacy delivery robots in intensive care units. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 85(1), 77-83.

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NursingBird. (2022, October 14). Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing.

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"Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing." NursingBird, 14 Oct. 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing'. 14 October.


NursingBird. 2022. "Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing." October 14, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing." October 14, 2022.


NursingBird. "Delivery Robots Technology in Nursing." October 14, 2022.