Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan


The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have been tremendously negative, especially for vulnerable groups. The situation has been particularly challenging in terms of maintaining people’s mental health at the required level. Due to the claustrophobic nature of lockdowns, a range of people have been feeling excluded from social interactions, which has caused their mental health to deteriorate (Vahia et al., 2020). The observed problem has been especially prevalent in aging people, which is why creating a strategy for addressing their mental health needs is vital. Therefore, this paper is aimed at aging patients who have been experiencing mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety, as a result of the lockdown.

Additionally, the study will be useful for healthcare experts who manage the needs of the target population. By considering the research outcomes, healthcare practitioners will develop improved approaches to tending to the needs of aging patients and reducing the development of anxiety and depression in them despite the lockdown and the stress that it has caused. Additionally, it could be argued that the paper under analysis also targets a broader, global audience due to the ubiquitous nature of the issue. Finally, the research in question will provide caregivers of older patients with an opportunity to support their aging relatives during the pandemic and provide them with the necessary assistance. The practice setting for the study will be represented by the clinical environment for aging patients.

End-User Needs

To ensure that the data is properly used, it will be represented in the shape of graphs, diagrams, and concise guidelines that other experts, as well as caregivers and patients themselves, could use in order to manage the problems associated with the deterioration of mental health among patients with the propensity toward anxiety and depression. Furthermore, given the fact that the research outcomes will have to be presented not only to fellow academic researchers and healthcare experts but also caregivers and patients, the language of the research must be clear and unambiguous. Avoiding the words that could cause confusion or be unknown to some of the audiences should become the main strategy.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that the target audience, specifically aging patients with mental health concerns, has specific needs due to them being housed in nursing facilities. Therefore, it will be necessary to make the outcomes of the study in the form of graphs, guidelines, and education booklets available to the specified population by dispersing them in nursing facilities.


Furthermore, given the fact that the outcomes of the analysis will also interest healthcare and nursing experts, who focus on the area of mental health issues, it will be necessary to promote the research to be published in corresponding peer-reviewed journals. Due to the emphasis on anxiety and disorder as the key mental health problems to be prevented or addressed, it will be most sensible to select the publishers such as “JAMA,” “The Permanente Journal,” and “Plos One” as the main target for the paper in question (Lake & Turner, 2017; Vahia et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021). Other academic sources may also be incorporated into the study; however, the specified recommendations should be considered first as the most likely sources of addressing the subject matter.

Additionally, publishing sources addressing mental health issues specifically could be seen as the target for the specified material. The choice of the publishing journal will depend upon which theme is the prevalent one in the specified research. While the age of the participants and the threat of developing a mental health concern are vital aspects of the study, the emphasis on the effects of the coronavirus still represents the main issue at hand, which is why corresponding journals will have to be selected.

Presentations at Local, State, and National Levels

Furthermore, to ensure that the results of the study reach the target academic audience, meetings and panels should be considered as the means of disseminating the research results and making them readily available to healthcare experts. For instance, to represent the outcomes of the study on the national level, the platform provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Development (2021), or CDC, will have to be considered. The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (2021), in turn, can serve a similar function, helping to reach out to as many experts across the U.S. as possible. In turn, to address the healthcare and nursing academics on a statewide level, local panels organized by the state nursing boards will have to be considered. With an opportunity to attract the local press and mass media to the event, one can expect that the information will quickly reach the target demographic.

Finally, to appeal to the target demographic on local levels, minor panels organized by local healthcare and nursing organizations will have to be seen as the target venue. Although the budget for the specified events may be quite scarce, these panels will still provide a chance for healthcare practitioners, nurses, and researchers to learn about the state of mental health issues in aging patients, as well as the innovative tools for addressing these issues.


Lake, J., & Turner, M. S. (2017). Urgent need for improved mental health care and a more collaborative model of care. The Permanente Journal, 21. Web.

Li, Y., Scherer, N., Felix, L., & Kuper, H. (2021). Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS One, 16(3). Web.

Vahia, I. V., Jeste, D. V., & Reynolds, C. F. (2020). Older adults and the mental health effects of COVID-19. JAMA, 324(22), 2253-2254. Web.

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NursingBird. (2022, August 9). Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan.

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"Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan." NursingBird, 9 Aug. 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan'. 9 August.


NursingBird. 2022. "Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan." August 9, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan." August 9, 2022.


NursingBird. "Patients with Mental Health Concerns: Research Dissemination Plan." August 9, 2022.