Patients’ Readmissions Due to Heart Problems

Athilingam, P., Jenkins, B. A., Zumpano, H., & Labrador, M. A. (2018). Mobile technology to improve heart failure outcomes: A proof of concept paper. Applied Nursing Research, 39, 26-33. Web.

The authors of the research draw attention to the suffering and economic burden that heart failure (HF) patients’ readmissions create. As a solution, they propose developing a HeartMapp application that will allow patients with HF to manage their condition better and reduce the number of readmissions. The goal of their current study is to test the usability of the app for patients. At the same time, the authors studied a significant amount of literature, citing more than 45 sources in the article. Among the authors of the paper are nursing specialists and telehealth consultants, which suggests the reliability of the research.

The authors conducted open-ended interviews with 125 participants, including patients and health services providers, on issues relating to the feasibility of introducing the new app. Athilingam et al. (2018) identified seven key topics, including: increased number of readmissions, patient education and involvement, deficiencies in the technologies used today in telemedicine, and other issues. The article is of interest to researchers and health care providers. The value of research is in deep insight into the problem from various perspectives, usage of the Business Model Canvas framework, and potential solution to the problem of readmissions.

A shortcoming of the study is its focus on several issues, each requiring closer research and a small sample of patients with HF. Nevertheless, the authors conclude that the HeartMapp has a high potential to manage patients’ conditions and reduce readmissions. Therefore, the paper is helpful for studying the problem of readmissions among patients with heart problems. Nurses have a significant role in promoting and harnessing innovation and evidence-based practice. By studying such researches, they can propose appropriate initiatives at the workplace.

Sousa, J. P., & Santos, M. (2019). Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients: A qualitative study from Portugal. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 42(1), 81-88. Web.

The authors, concerned about many readmissions of HF patients, want to develop a disease management program (DMP). The studied paper aims to lay the foundation for intervention and management to be built on the real needs of HF patients and not assumptions. The research includes a study of the literature on the topic, and 30 sources are used for the article. The authors are a registered nurse in the cardiology unit and a Ph.D. in the research center, which contributes to the reliability of the source.

The researchers conducted interviews with five patients, two cardiologists, and three nurses, and their content analysis was made with the NVivo 10 program. As a result, three urgent issues were identified – health management, behavior management, and support received (Sousa & Santos, 2019). In all three aspects, among other reasons, patients lacked the knowledge to manage their condition effectively. The article is of interest to health care providers and researchers focused on addressing the issue of readmissions. The paper’s significance is that it proves the need to educate patients with HF about basic knowledge, in particular symptoms of the condition. The article also recalls the importance of taking patients’ interests into account when designing any interventions.

A significant shortcoming of the study is a very small sample of interview participants. However, the authors established the particular importance of patient education. By identifying disturbing symptoms, they can contact a doctor promptly and prevent readmission. This fact is vital for the development of effective intervention and DMP. The article expands knowledge about the possibilities of preventing readmissions, and nurses can use them to develop evidence-based practices. Nurses can also draw attention to patient awareness if such an aspect is missed.


Athilingam, P., Jenkins, B. A., Zumpano, H., & Labrador, M. A. (2018). Mobile technology to improve heart failure outcomes: A proof of concept paper. Applied Nursing Research, 39, 26-33. Web.

Sousa, J. P., & Santos, M. (2019). Symptom management and hospital readmission in heart failure patients: A qualitative study from Portugal. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 42(1), 81-88. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, February 2). Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems.

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"Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems." NursingBird, 2 Feb. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems'. 2 February.


NursingBird. 2024. "Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems." February 2, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems." February 2, 2024.


NursingBird. "Patients' Readmissions Due to Heart Problems." February 2, 2024.