The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer


Quantitative research is one of the two main methods of collecting and analyzing information. This work is a systematic review of a given topic and the literature related to it. Moreover, this approach is characterized by a clear and specific formulation of the research question. It also uses systematic and reproducible methods to identify, select and critically evaluate scientific papers. This item can also include the collection and analysis of the information received. This argument can also be attributed to the fact that the scientific paper used the PICOT question construction method, which is especially useful and effective when studying a particular medical disease. as well as for the collection and analysis of research data included in the review.

The Hierarchy of Evidence in Terms of Reliability and Risk of Bias

The hierarchy of evidence is used to classify the relative strength of the results obtained as a result of the study. The arguments given in the paper are quite reliable since each of them is fueled by scientific evidence-based research. In addition, it harmoniously adapts to the hierarchy of evidence and does not contribute to the appearance of a large number of doubts. It is worth emphasizing that a sufficient number of sources were used in the work, which makes a significant contribution to the study of colorectal cancer. Because this is a rather little-discussed type of cancer, it deserves more awareness.

The Problem and Purpose

The main problem of this research is the study of such a type of cancer as colorectal cancer. Research shows that “The probability of suffering from colorectal cancer is about 4%–5% and the risk for developing CRC is associated with personal features or habits such as age, chronic disease history, and lifestyle” (Mármol et al., 2017, p. 197). Moreover, “In 2018, 1.8 million new CRC cases arose, and 881,000 deaths were reported, which accounted for nearly 10% of new cancer cases and deaths worldwide,1 and the number of new cases may increase to nearly 2.5 million in 2035” (Xie et al., 2020, p. 1). The purpose of the work, therefore, is to study the literature on the chosen topic and to study it more deeply. In addition, the dissemination of awareness about the disease is of particular value, since this type of cancer can greatly harm human health and is treated quite difficult. That is why the study emphasizes that people who are at risk need to undergo constant examinations.

The Steps of the Study

Unfortunately, in this scientific work, there is no clear distribution of work by steps. Perhaps the author did this on purpose so as not to distract the reader’s attention from the main thing. On the other hand, important factors cannot be kept silent, but on the contrary, spread among the population. Moreover, it should be mentioned that clear and detailed steps can help to organize and structure the work more understandably and effectively.

Sample Size

Given that this is a systematic review on a selected topic, this study does not have a clear sample size. The work mentions both the younger generation and the older ones since everyone can be affected by this type of cancer, especially people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The sample size would have been needed under different conditions and for a different kind of scientific work.

Measurements of Major Variables Reliable and Valid

A variable in a study may refer to a person, place, or phenomenon that the researcher conducting the work is trying to measure in some way. There is no precise definition of variables in this scientific paper. However, it is possible to determine what variables can be taken as the population at the age of sixty years, which is most often susceptible to the type of cancer under study.

Analysis of Gathered Data

The analysis of the collected data is a very important element of any scientific research. In this case, the author conducted a literary review of several articles that provide valuable information about colorectal cancer. Collecting data from suitable sources requires expertise in their selection, regardless of how much the final data collection process can be automated. To turn the collected data into analytical conclusions and their effective application, it is necessary to understand the topic being discussed in the work and have the skills to conduct the best research, organization, and systematization of the collected information.

Untoward Events During the Conduct of the Study

Unforeseen situations may arise during any scientific research. It is worth noting that during this work, no such cases were noted. This conclusion is based on the fact that a thoughtful stage of preparation was carried out before starting the study. It identified the desired results and identified the topic and sources that may seem useful. It is this kind of preparation before carrying out scientific work that can provide the desired result without causing any troubles that can slow down the work.

How the Results Fit with Previous Research in the Area

The results obtained during the literary review, which were obtained at the end of the study, can be attributed to the previous study since they also touch on the topic of maintaining people’s health. It is especially important to note that all the articles analyzed to provide valuable information for further research in this area. One of the scientific papers provides important quantitative data on the use of diagnostic colonoscopy. The other articles considered provide more extensive data on the disease, how often and who is ill with it, how it is treated and what preventive measures can be used.

What the Research Means to Clinical Practice

This study makes a special contribution to clinical practice. This is because the author considers a rather narrow problem, which is not so often discussed not only in medical circles but also among people. At the same time, statistics show that colorectal cancer is a fairly common disease, although it occurs most often in elderly people. Moreover, this scientific work carefully analyzes such a method of treating this disease as colonoscopy. In addition, the work considers various ways to diagnose this cancer, which is quite difficult to treat but easy to diagnose. Among the early symptoms of this disease, one can note constant changes in the patterns of bowel function, rectal bleeding, constant abdominal discomfort, weakness, or fatigue. If these symptoms are detected in time, a person will have the opportunity to fight cancer more effectively. In this case, many patients can avoid the appearance of this deviation by following certain rules and constantly visiting a specialized doctor.


Mármol, I., Sánchez-de-Diego, C., Pradilla Dieste, A., Cerrada, E., & Rodriguez Yoldi, M. J. (2017). Colorectal carcinoma: A general overview and future perspectives in colorectal cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(1), 197. Web.

Xie, Y. H., Chen, Y. X., & Fang, J. Y. (2020). Comprehensive review of targeted therapy for colorectal cancer. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 5(1), 1-30. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, January 2). The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer.

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"The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer." NursingBird, 2 Jan. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer'. 2 January.


NursingBird. 2023. "The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer." January 2, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer." January 2, 2023.


NursingBird. "The Study of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer." January 2, 2023.