The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools

Transformational leadership is one of the most potent and effective management styles, continually improving and altering the workplace. Such strategy initiates positive changes in the subordinates, focused on helping them achieve the milestones, and motivating them to develop professionally. Transformational leaders are evident to possess certain traits, such as intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, motivation, and influence (Cherry, 2020). Therefore, groups led by transformational leaders tend to be successful in problem-solving, which is especially critical in the nursing profession across all domains, including disease prevention.

Obesity has become the core issue of the 21st century, with many nations stepping over the line of average weight, especially in the United States. Transformational leaders should not only effectively enact change but also be able to oversee and prevent health problems within their clients and subordinates. Obesity among school children is an emerging issue that concerns all healthcare practitioners, and as a former elementary school teacher, Melissa has relevant concerns regarding this topic.

To prevent schoolchildren from unhealthy eating habits, and help obese students adopt a healthier lifestyle, a transformational leader, such as Melissa, must organize a community activity to effectively solve the issue. To address obesity among schoolchildren, CNL can provide lessons on nutrition’s impact on our health. Analogous community project will hold occasional interactive lectures among students to demonstrate the effects of unhealthy food on the body and its future impact, while simultaneously serving only healthy alternatives in the canteen on these days.

As a leader of aforesaid initiative and a former teacher, Melissa can construct a comprehensive plan of the intervention and use her networking skills to persuade school boards to admit such “Healthy Day” initiative. Among critical AP roles needed for akin activity are education and staff training to provide only necessary information to children, which can be achieved through Melissa’s previous role as an educator (International Council of Nurses (ICN), 2019). A Nurse Practitioner must integrate research, education, practice, and management to provide a plan of community intervention.

Working within large communities and motivating them to change their lifestyle to a healthier version requires specific core competencies, which can influence the audience. In-depth knowledge of the matter and the ability to comprehensively present it to the segment are vital to the strategy’s success because unclear topics are likely to have no transformational effect. Moreover, motivating and stimulating students to choose health is highly challenging, however, manageable for a transformational leader (Cherry, 2019). In other competencies for the matter, one can identify topic knowledge, public speaking and persuasion expertise, evaluation, and diagnostic abilities.

The implementation of the obesity prevention community activity in schools requires significant support, including material and authoritative. Primarily, a community project presentation to the nursing association is required to receive material support and providence with materials and additional staff, where public speaking competence would be practical to implement. School support and permission are equally crucial for the conduct of such Health Days among the students. The persuasive skills of transformational leaders should sufficiently supplement this matter and successfully negotiate with school boards for corresponding initiative.

It is critical to start obesity prevention from a young age, educating children on the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Transformational leaders possess all proficiencies to influence and motivate their audience to change the routine in both workspaces and outside of it. School intervention aimed to decrease obesity among children can become a useful interactive community proposal that will motivate students to reconsider their health habits. Sufficient support from the nursing association and the school board is required; thus, with the competencies and skills of a transformational leader, the prediction of triumphant implementation is entirely prospective.


Cherry, K. (2019). How to become a stronger and more effective leader. Verywell Mind. Web.

Cherry, K. (2020). Transformational leadership. Verywell Mind. Web.

International Council of Nurses (ICN). (2019). NP and AP roles – ICN nurse practitioner / advanced practice nursing network. AANP. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 24). The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools.

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"The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools." NursingBird, 24 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools'. 24 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools." January 24, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools." January 24, 2024.


NursingBird. "The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools." January 24, 2024.