The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings


The journal selected for this study is the Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). It is an international and highly credible source of information related to diverse areas of nursing practice. The primary aims of JCN are the advancement of the discipline, as well as sharing knowledge and the most recent evidence among the multicultural professional communities, individual practitioners, and researchers (Overview, 2016).

The title of the project is “The factors supporting patient safety in primary care settings: Implications for nursing practice.” JCN is suitable for this type of research because it targets a wide audience, requires compliance with high professional and ethical standards of research conduction, and allows submitting papers on multiple topics. In this way, the journal provides a great opportunity to contribute to the field of nursing.

JCN accepts only original and well-structured papers. A manuscript should necessarily include such sections as an introduction, research background, methodology, study results, discussion, conclusion, and relevance to clinical practice (Author guidelines, 2016). The paper abstract should be structured according to specified criteria as well. It should consist of less than 300 words and should include the information of the study objectives, research background, design, methods, results, conclusions, and relevance to the practice of nursing (Author guidelines, 2016). Moreover, it is important to indicate the relevant keywords which will help readers to locate the article easily.



The study aims to discuss the factors promoting a safety culture in primary care units with a special focus on nursing roles, identify benefits associated with well-developed organizational safety culture, and suggest methods that can help to enforce patient safety principles in clinical settings.


Patient safety is the foundation of high-quality care and patient satisfaction. Nevertheless, there are many barriers to the development of patient safety culture in hospitals. Along with an unsupportive work environment, the lack of positive perceptions and awareness of existing safety principles among staff members may have a detrimental impact on the promotion of safety culture within a clinical setting.


The study employs the literature review framework.


The identified issues are approached through the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative secondary data randomly selected and located at MEDLINE and CINAHL databases.


The lack of feedback on managers’ decisions, poor training, impeded communication about errors and potential ways to avoid them are identified as the major barriers to the development of safety culture. On the contrary, appropriate team structuring, transparency, well-developed nurses’ clinical and non-clinical skills, and positive perceptions of safety culture contribute to its improvement.


To provide a safe environment for patients, it is important to maintain dialog about the current state of safety culture within a hospital among managers and practitioners; implement care models, work structures, and staff education strategies that will allow nurses to fulfill their roles efficiently.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

The findings have many practical implications, and they emphasize the need for the development of a favorable work context that may allow the development of greater awareness of safety problems within hospitals and ensure a higher level of compliance with safety principles among nurses.

Project’s contribution to Nursing Career Development

The project has the potential to provide evidence for the development of a more systematic approach to educating nurses about patient safety at different stages of their professional development. At the same time, the research results can be used as the basis for the improvement of managerial practice within the organization as the study evaluates the environmental factors within primary care settings that interfere with nurses’ performance of clinical and non-clinical activities related to safety promotion including regular patient monitoring, and patient education.


Author guidelines. (2016). Web.

Overview. (2016). Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 27). The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings.

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"The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings." NursingBird, 27 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings'. 27 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings." January 27, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings." January 27, 2024.


NursingBird. "The Factors Supporting Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings." January 27, 2024.