Scroll of Pediatric Vaccines Overview


  • Work principle of the vaccines
  • The necessity of children protection
  • The work is ongoing as pathogens mutate
  • No sickness does not mean no risk
  • Collective immunity is achieved through mass immunization

Note: Vaccines use weakened forms of viruses and bacteria so that the human immune system could learn to resist them. Children need protection from dangerous pathogens through safe vaccination. Viruses and bacteria mutate; thus, the work on developing new adjusted preventive measures is ongoing. When most people are immunized, it makes the environment relatively safe for the few that are not. Collective immune protection is not possible when the majority chooses not to vaccinate.

Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine

  • Works against several flu viruses
  • Administered through shots and sprays
  • Raising awareness helps to vaccinate more people
  • The weak immune system increases the risk
  • Seasonal vaccination develops a collective immune response

Note: Quadrivalent influenza vaccine is effective against four known types of flu viruses. Most of the shots and sprays are approved for people three years old and over, but some are safe starting at six months. Educational events, like school talks and conferences, help to increase the chance of immunization. Weak immune system and stress factors put people at a higher risk of influenza (U.S. Department of Health, 2017). Vaccinating most of the community makes the probability of catching the flu significantly lower.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

  • Hepatitis B takes different forms
  • The method includes a series of shots
  • The importance is taught at school
  • An easily transmitted disease
  • Close contact with carriers increases risk

Note: Hepatitis B targets the liver and can take short- or long-term forms. The potentially severe consequences include cirrhosis and liver cancer. The vaccination is performed at birth and is administered in several shots. The necessity of immunization is taught in school biology classes but often forgotten by college age. Hepatitis B can be transferred through birth, household contact, and many other forms (U.S. Department of Health, 2019). Those who have contact with hepatitis B carriers are at higher risk of catching it.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

  • A sexually transmitted disease
  • May lead to various forms of cancer
  • Is easily prevented by immunization
  • Recommended for children starting at 11
  • Sexually active teenagers are at higher risk

Note: HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. It may lead to genital wards and various forms of cancer. Among the vaccines available in the U.S. are Gardasil, 4vHPV, Cervarix, and Gardisil 9. All of them are certified and recommended for boys and girls starting at the age of eleven. Sexually active teenagers are at higher risk and need to be informed about the disease and available vaccination methods by school or parents. (Ventola, 2016). One-time vaccination can prevent both delicate genital issues and serious health risks.

Measles Vaccine

  • A disease mainly associated with children
  • Is highly contagious through air droplets
  • Usually explained to young parents
  • Administration method includes two-dose series
  • Close contact leads to higher risk

Note: Measles vaccination is considered a routine procedure for small children in most hospitals. This disease is easily transmitted through breathing, coughing, and sneezing. The most severe consequences of measles include encephalitis, severe pneumonia, and possibly death. Specialists recommend two-dose series administrated to a child: between the twelve and fifteen months and between four and six years. Pediatricians usually explain this to young parents during the general hospital visit for a baby observation. The immunization was proven effective, as by now, the rates decreased by 99%. (Ventola, 2016). Hospital personnel and those in close contact with someone who has measles are at higher risk.

Rubella Vaccine

  • Usually a mild disease
  • Two dose series is recommended
  • Easily preventable through vaccination
  • School education provides information
  • Cases significantly declined in recent decades

Note: Rubella vaccination is commonly done together with mumps and measles immunization, although the disease itself is most dangerous for the newborns. Any contact of a pregnant woman with contagious air droplets could lead to a damaged brain or heart for the baby. The number of cases declined over the last years because rubella is easily preventable through immunization, and most girls know about it from school classes (Ventola, 2016). Being around someone with this disease is a risk factor.

Pertussis Vaccine

  • Still a dangerous disease
  • Most severe cases happen to babies
  • Recommended for children and adults
  • Tdap vaccine is used
  • Cases are on the rise

Note: Pertussis, or whooping cough, used to be one of the most common death reasons for babies. All who have close contact with the infants should receive the vaccine. Since the 1990s, more cases have been noticed among adolescents and adults. The overall weakening of the human immune system due to antibiotics and a clean domestic environment increases the chance of catching the disease. Tdap vaccine is a useful measure against pertussis; however, some U.S. citizens have strong objections (Ventola, 2016). The common argument is that pertussis is no longer around, which led to cases being on the rise in the last decade. Unfortunately, the medical side of the immunization is not propagated enough to convince more people to vaccinate.


  • Collective responsibility can make the environment safer
  • Research provides more answers than denial does
  • Generations have tested vaccines
  • Dangers seem insignificant when far away
  • Vaccination may save many lives

Note: Despite pursuing individual goals, people live in a society and influence each other. Collective vaccination allows citizens to focus on development as opposed to survival. Some people deny the effectiveness of immunization before the research, which leads to unreasonable protests. Many vaccines have been tested over the decades and were proved safe and effective. The simple act of immunization may potentially save hundreds of lives by preventing the spreading of the disease.


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2017). Seasonal influenza vaccine dosage & administration. Centers for Disease Control and Preventions. Web.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2019). Hepatitis B VIS. Centers for Disease Control and Preventions. Web.

Ventola C. L. (2016). Immunization in the United States: recommendations, barriers, and measures to improve compliance: Part 1: Childhood vaccinations. P & T: A Peer-reviewed Journal for Formulary Management, 41(7), 426-436. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 8). Scroll of Pediatric Vaccines Overview.

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NursingBird. 2024. "Scroll of Pediatric Vaccines Overview." December 8, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Scroll of Pediatric Vaccines Overview." December 8, 2024.


NursingBird. "Scroll of Pediatric Vaccines Overview." December 8, 2024.