Researching Intervention on Diabetes

This age at which a person is diagnosed with first-degree diabetes is when the personality is just beginning to develop. It is complicated to explain to children surrounded by healthy kids why they should take more active care of their health than others. Teenagers must be taught the rules of behavior with others ones who have abnormalities in their health.

It is emotionally challenging for adolescents to understand why diabetes is a chronic disease that will accompany them throughout their lives, which inevitably leads to certain physical limitations. That is why it is crucial to educate them in a culture of acceptance of themselves and their bodies (Panjwani and Revenson, 2020). Schools, colleges, and institutes must ensure that students and teachers behave ethically.

However, despite all the conditions organized by specialists for the least possible psychological damage to the teenagers’ emotional state, their living conditions will still be challenging for adolescents’ perception of reality. Maximalism, a typical manifestation of psychological maturation, can severely harm the young patient.

All the attention given to the development of cultural awareness in society may also put additional pressure on the child. Close to the children should be parents and intimate people who will support them in difficult times (Lee and Roberts, 2020). Moreover, the relatives of a child with diabetes should consider his abilities to choose the type of joint pastime.

It should be borne in mind that patients with diabetes mellitus are often depressed, apathetic, and prone to nervousness; they will be most vulnerable in moments of weakness. The spiritual aspect will play a significant role in their support because when like-minded people are around, the patient feels calmer.

It is important to note that communication with like-minded people and relatives is a panacea during a chronic illness. For example, close people become the primary support for teenagers and children during their unstable emotional state, which is complicated because it is difficult for them due to chronic disease.

Some parents, when they learn that their kids have been diagnosed with diabetes, decided to choose to homeschool. However, at this point, it is necessary to show parents what a critical role the education and communication of children with diabetes with their peers play in their health (Abuzandah, 2020). As an example, interpersonal communication and games, joint studies, and trips positively affect kids and their psychological state; that is a significant psychological and social aspect.

An essential step in treatment and life is accepting the disease and the conscious state. For the adaptation period in adolescents and children to pass painlessly, psychologists need to notice minimal changes in their psychological state. For example, psychologists will direct their thoughts to the correct flow while working with patients.

Participation in social events will further strengthen teenagers’ confidence in their importance and create additional social connections that will only strengthen the spiritual aspect of patients. For example, children who are more likely to participate in social events have much more acquaintances and friends.

One of the fundamental skills that adolescents with diabetes should work on is accepting support and care from their friends and acquaintances. As an example, the psychologist and relatives should explain to the teenager that it is vital to let people express their support and love through actions and words. That will make the teens more substantial, and they will be more confident about the future.


Abuzandah, S. (2020). Social Skills for Homeschooling Students. Creative Education, 11(07), 1064–1072. Web.

Lee, E., & Roberts, L. J. (2018). Between Individual and Family Coping: A Decade of Theory and Research on Couples Coping With Health-Related Stress. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 10(1), 141–164. Web.

Panjwani, A. A., & Revenson, T. A. (2020). Coping with Chronic Illness. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology, 61–70. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, January 3). Researching Intervention on Diabetes.

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"Researching Intervention on Diabetes." NursingBird, 3 Jan. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Researching Intervention on Diabetes'. 3 January.


NursingBird. 2023. "Researching Intervention on Diabetes." January 3, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Researching Intervention on Diabetes." January 3, 2023.


NursingBird. "Researching Intervention on Diabetes." January 3, 2023.