Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution

Organizational conflict can be defined as a clash of interests, which occurs in the workplace environment due to the dissimilar needs and desires among different levels of subordination and clients (Rahim, 2010). In turn, it can be described as a presence of dissimilar ideas regarding finding an alternative solution to a significant issue (Rahim, 2010). The definitions portray that the primary reasons for the occurrence are opposing views, values, desires, needs, and proposals. Nonetheless, some methods for conflict resolution tend to exist to minimize the consequences. For instance, mediation implies using the assistance of a third party to find a solution to a questionable issue (Rahim, 2010). Additionally, the contradictory sides of the conflict can try to discover a compromise while sacrificing some of their desires and values (Rahim, 2010).

Nonetheless, conflicts tend to occur in the modern world. For example, conflicts between patients and doctors take place often. One of the case scenarios is the prescription of the medicine by a doctor. However, a patient terminates the consumption himself/herself without informing the doctor of his/her actions. Consequently, the condition of the patient fluctuates in a negative direction due to the absence of consumption of the required medicine. The patient complains to the doctor about his/her inability to provide sufficient treatment and claims to report to the supervisor about the malpractice. In this case, the mediation can be utilized as an instrument to solve the conflict by using a manager and additional testing as a third party. In turn, the supplementary examination will help reveal that the patient did not follow the prescriptions and terminated the usage of medication without informing the doctor.


Nelson, D., & Quick, J. (2013). Organizational behavior: Science, the real world, and you. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Rahim, M. (2010). Managing conflict in organizations. London, UK: Transaction Publishers.

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NursingBird. (2021, July 4). Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution.

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"Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution." NursingBird, 4 July 2021,


NursingBird. (2021) 'Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution'. 4 July.


NursingBird. 2021. "Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution." July 4, 2021.

1. NursingBird. "Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution." July 4, 2021.


NursingBird. "Organizational Conflict: Occurrence and Resolution." July 4, 2021.