Jackson Memorial Hospital
Jackson Memorial Hospital has presented a health information initiative that focuses on coordination care, the lowering of resource utilization and having the ability to avoid emergency department visits. Jackson Memorial Hospital will be utilizing an electronic Health record System that shares information throughout Jackson and Community providers. Many patients in the past have used this facility’s emergency department for chronic illnesses that would just relate to primary care settings but eventually kept returning.
Many of these clients are called frequent fliers. The electronic system was a proposing program that addresses coordination care throughout the county. The facility will be utilizing and health information exchange calls Virtual Suite. This will allow coordination care in Miami-Dade County and other community providers. This coordination of care initiative will focus on Jackson’s three primary care centers:
N. Dade Health Ctr., Rosie Lee Wesley Health center & Jefferson Reaves Sr Health Center
Using the electronic health system will coordinate primary care providers to access specialty care clients and inpatient clientele. The objective of the system is to help all clients throughout the county and eventually throughout Florida. The system will have access to an array of patient services (e.g. Social workers Physicians and the pharmacy) upon the company’s research of health electronic. Patient quality adherence and safety will continue to be paramount to the establishment JHS will implement this systems change strategy at three tiers of clinical settings.
Barriers and Challenges
Jackson Memorial Hospital I.T program is a well-elaborated solution for the information storage and processing problem the health care institution faces. However, it does feature a number of issues. First of all, its interface remains quite user-unfriendly for health care professionals. The cause of the problem is the system’s complexity. Next, the system faces frequent systemic bugs due to the abundance of components that still need more integration. Another challenge is the rate of error protection still remaining quite low. The system needs multiple IT components integration to ensure lower error probability (Repique, 2011).
Summary of Model
Courtesy of the Jackson Memorial Hospital I.T program the figure below provides a quick tutorial on how health information is transmitted and interacted. As shown in the display below the health information exchange is the central department. While partnering with physicians, health systems, and community hospitals, the exchange utilizes Allscripts, Epic, and Greenway. The central department not only stores information but corresponds to it as well.
North Shore Health System
History and Summary of Model
North Shore Health Systems LIJ is deemed the third-largest health system in the New York metropolitan area. This facility pioneers research and care for people of in 16 hospitals. It provides 400 outpatient physician care facilities, 6000 beds, 10,000 nurses. The North shore health system has partnered with InterSystem, which is a global leader in software and having the ability to connect and implement secure technology infrastructures. InterSystem provides informatics that will incorporate connectivity with providers across the North Shore health system facility and neighboring partners like hospitals, physician practices, and community service programs.
North shore invested in this initiative collaboration and is valued at $25 million. This facility has agreed to comply with the Affordable Care Act as industries make a transition from fee-based services to coordinated care.
Barriers and Challenges
The challenges faced by North Shore Health Systems are great as the system has to interact with administrative systems, integrated, and nontraditional care venues. When it comes to the user, who is the patient, one faces higher prices and lower quality of the service received due to the enlargement and integration of the system (Abdelhak, Grostick, & Hanken, 2014). This phenomenon can be explained by the increased system’s bargaining power with health plans (Abdelhak et al., 2014).
From the point of view of the end-user of the system, who is the health care professional, the main issue is usability barriers. The North Shore Health Systems is a cutting-edge IT solution with a variety of options and capabilities. However, such a scope of functionality does not necessarily guarantee the system’s being user-friendly according to Repique (2011). This is the case with the given system since for the majority of the health care professionals, IT skills are their weaker point, and this is especially the case when the problem concerns cutting-edge solutions.
Another existing complexity connected with the system’s effective functioning is the absence of unified technical standards in different care units, clinical facilities, and health care institutions that formulate the complex system of the North Shore. According to El-Jardali, Lavis, Ataya, and Jamal (2012), the lack of technical standardization often causes system bugs that considerably slow down its work or can even block it at times.

North shore electronic health record is able to integrate 15 hospitals, 12 emergency departments, and approximately 400 outpatient and physician practices. The implementation is to be completed in a six-month time span, which allows technology-based companies like HealthShare to be able to comprise the health record, clinical viewers.
Powerful data management
Highly optimized for healthcare, our built-in data management technology understands health information in all its forms. HealthShare supports all data types — structured, unstructured, images, documents, messages — from clinical, administrative, and patient sources within a consistent, easy-to-manage environment.
Connecting people, places, and things
Our enterprise service bus technology provides rapid and reliable healthcare integration. With out-of-the-box support for global healthcare information protocols and messaging formats, HealthShare is the gold standard for interoperability.
InterSystems analytics technology embeds powerful insight into all HealthShare solutions. Using HealthShare, you can deliver actionable information within clinical workflows, inform care coordination, and manage business processes with analytics created specifically for healthcare information.
Compliance with Federal Health I.T Strategic Plan
Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 released (2015) states the following: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, in collaboration with more than 35 federal partners, released Sept. 21 the updated Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020. The final Plan represents the collective strategy of federal offices that use or influence the use of health information
technology. The Plan’s work aims to improve the health IT infrastructure, help transform health care delivery and improve individual and community health. The Plan sets a blueprint for federal partners to implement strategies that will support the nation’s continued development of a responsive and secure health IT and information-use infrastructure.
In comparing Jackson Memorial Hospital with North Shore Health Systems, both are compliance with the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, and neither has taken a haphazard or bastardized approach to its compliance. Both are nearly similar but utilize different philosophies for their compliance. The North shore has spent over $25 million for compliance, whereas Jackson memorial internal links its departments in a more affordable approach.
Kolodner, Cohn, and Friedman (2008) said “health InformationTechnology (IT) is necessary but not sufficient for transforming U.S. health care. However, the recent work to advance health IT is far from an exercise in “magical thinking.” Amazingly enough, nearly $600 million in federal funding was designated to support statewide HIE organizations. Some states have invested substantial additional funding (Rudin, Motala, Goldzweig &Shekelle, 2014).
So the money is there so while both have utilized these funds and incentives mega corporations are to look to help smaller facilities in their implementation. The funds were specifically used to finance the upgrading of the system to ensure patients’ personal information safe and integrate the system with the existing patient personal data confidentiality legislation. We can all go forward if we consider those who are in despair.
Abdelhak, M., Grostick, S., & Hanken, M. A. (2014). Health information: management of a strategic resource. London: Elsevier Health Sciences.
El-Jardali, F., Lavis, J. N., Ataya, N., & Jamal, D. (2012). Use of health systems and policy research evidence in the health policymaking in eastern Mediterranean countries: Views and practices of researchers. Implementation Science, 7, 2-9.
Federal Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020 released. (2015). The American Nurse, 47(5), 9.
Kolodner, R. M., Cohn, S. P., & Friedman, C. P. (2008). Health information technology: strategic initiatives, real progress. Health Affairs (Project Hope), 27(5), w391-w395. Web.
Repique, R. J. R. (2011). Progressive information technologies in psychiatric nursing. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 43(2), 77-83.
Rudin, R. S., Motala, A., Goldzweig, C. L., &Shekelle, P. G. (2014). Usage and effect of health information exchange: a systematic review. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 161(11), 803-811. Web.