Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community

The existence of communicable diseases belongs to the number of factors that negatively impact the health of people in any communities and increase mortality rates. The City of Miami cannot be regarded as an exception when it comes to communities with a high prevalence of communicable diseases. Today, the community is impacted by various diseases that can be spread in different ways. They include both sexual and non-sexual contacts with infected individuals and contacts with contaminated objects and body fluids such as blood.

In the chosen community, such diseases are presented by AIDS, HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydiosis, and the incidence of all conditions except for HIV has increased since 2016 (Florida Department of Health, 2018).

The situation involves significant threats when it comes to gonorrhea, the disease that has no obvious symptoms in many cases but leads to a variety of complications. In Miami, the number of cases of this sexually transmitted disease in 2018 is almost double what it was two years ago (Florida Department of Health, 2018). Considering the detrimental impact of gonorrhea on the reproductive system, the introduction of special disease prevention programs would play an important role in reducing health issues in pregnant women and new mothers.

People in Miami are also impacted by diseases related to insect and animal bites and contacts with contaminated alimentary products. For instance, there are some cases of malaria, whereas the influence of other exotic diseases is absent (Florida Department of Health, 2018). According to the official reports, the most widespread communicable disease in Miami transmitted by food is campylobacteriosis, the condition with severe complications such as sepsis (Florida Department of Health, 2018). Therefore, people in the community face numerous health risks related to communicable diseases.


Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County. (2018). Epi monthly. The Epi Monthly Report, 19(3), 1-4. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, February 1). Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community.

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"Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community." NursingBird, 1 Feb. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community'. 1 February.


NursingBird. 2024. "Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community." February 1, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community." February 1, 2024.


NursingBird. "Communicable Diseases in the Miami Community." February 1, 2024.