What are the advantages of Case Management in hospitals?
Case management programs have proven to significantly curtail the repeated admission and save the expenditures. Support mechanisms applied in case management increase the results and decrease the resource misuse. There are kinds of non-medical circumstances which can be best dealt with by specially trained case managers. For instance, they are trained to deal with the constant concentration on the circumstantial aspects of patients with diversified chronic states (Studies highlight benefits of case management approaches, 2015).
What resources and strategies does a nurse manager need to expand an evidence-based program?
To expand an evidence-based program, a nurse manager should demand evidence of efficiency, implement logic, and stimulate experimental programs. This way, evidence base will be created and further used for development (Pfeffer & Sutton, 2006).
Pfeffer, J., & Sutton, R. (2006). Evidence-based management. Harvard Business Review. Web.
Studies highlight benefits of case management approaches. (2015). Web.