Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern


In the development of this paper, several objectives are projected to be achieved. First of all, the principal aspects of conducting research and implementing evidence-based practice should be discussed. Secondly, the elaboration on the particular nursing concern should be performed. Accordingly, a Population-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-(Time) (PICOT/PICO) question will be developed to provide the foundation for the creation of the MSN project proposal. Thirdly, the literature research strategy will be identified, and the application of a particular theoretical framework will be discussed. Thus, the paper will be comprehensive enough to successfully build a critical conclusion.

Evidenced-Based Practice Project Overview

The general principles of academic research and the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing should be discussed in the first place as they provide a substantial basis for the adequate development of the future MSN project. Hierarchically, nursing research is categorized as one of the principal elements of the evidence-based practice (EBP) (Holloway & Galvin, 2016). Accordingly, the contribution of nursing research to the EBP constitutes primarily the employment of the information from different academic sources along with the research conducted originally by the author.

It is possible to state that EBP and nursing research differentiate in the magnitude of the field that they cover, with EBP exploring more concerns. The evidence-based practice also includes such integral elements as principles of decision-making and advanced care as well as nursing expertise (Holloway & Galvin, 2016). Thus, one can observe that the nursing research serves as one of the instruments that ensure the overall quality of the EBP and its compliance with the highest standards of care.

Therefore, it could be hardly doubted that, in overall, evidence-based practice has a significantly positive impact on contemporary professional nursing. It is apparent from the previous paragraph that EBP could be described as a holistic framework that includes several integral elements, which serve their particular purposes. In their complexity, they influence the positive change in the theory and practice of the nursing profession. Particularly, nursing research is responsible for the renovation of nursing knowledge.

After the discussion of the general principles and importance of nursing research and EBP, it is appropriate to discuss the overall scope of the future MSN project proposal. My MSN Program Specialty Track is related to family nursing practice, and thus it is appropriate to develop a project on the topic that is connected to family-related issues. The significance of the work of a family nurse practitioner is determined by the fact that the familial context is crucially important within the grander scheme of providing care for people. In outpatient settings, the support of a nursing professional is critical.

Accordingly, EBP instruments could be efficiently used to promote changes in the routine practice environments of a family nurse practitioner. Therefore, the future MSN project will serve as an important contribution to the improvement of the identified area of practice.

Nursing Concern that Needs Improvement

The previous section provides the sufficient and evident argument for the employment of nursing research as an instrument of the evidence-based practice. Therefore, the particular nursing concern that will be investigated an elaborated in the upcoming MSN project proposal should be discussed. Given the context of my specialty track, it is appropriate to state that discharged mothers are the population group that needs the special focus of the family nurse practitioner. Therefore, this section will elaborate on particular aspects of this nursing concern.

It could be stated with certainty that the postnatal period is one of the most important periods in the lives of mothers and their newborns. It is essential that both mothers and babies receive sufficient support from family nurse practitioners during the discharge period (Kurth et al., 2016). Particularly, it is possible to state that breastfeeding, one of the most common and necessary practices among postnatal mother, is often practiced with insufficient knowledge (Perrine et al., 2015). Accordingly, the lack of knowledge about breastfeeding could significantly aggravate the quality of life of the newborns (Whitford, Wallis, Dowswell, West, & Renfrew, 2017).

Accordingly, it is appropriate to state that several principal stakeholders are involved in situations related to the identified nursing concern. Primarily, the newborns and their mother are affected to the most extent as in the postnatal period they could be hardly separated from each other, and thus they have the most impact on each other’s health (Kurth et al., 2016). Family nurse practitioners could also be mentioned as important stakeholders in this situation as they are responsible for providing adequate support of families with newborns.

The negative impact of the identified nursing concern is highly apparent. Primarily, as the breastfeeding is one critically important elements of caring for the newborns, the insufficient implementation of this technique seriously aggravates the quality of babies’ lives (Whitford et al., 2017). Secondly, the lack of breastfeeding skills usually indicated the gaps in other areas of knowledge related to newborn care.

In their complexity, these factors develop a cumulative negative effect on the life of whole families in which discharged mothers are present. It is also important to mention that the selected concern occurs frequently in the specialty track setting of a family nurse.

Enough, the magnitude of the selected nursing concern is apparent. Accordingly, it is argued that mothers in the post-discharge period need special attention from family nurse practitioners since it is the period that induces an increased amount of stress for women (Purdy, Craig, & Zeanah, 2015). Therefore, it is appropriate to observe that the most suitable resolution of the identified nursing concern will be the investigation of the efficiency of evidence-based practice interventions on the quality of breastfeeding among postnatal mothers (Perrine et al., 2015).

It is appropriate to develop a purpose statement of the MSN project proposal in the following way: during the post-discharge period, it is of high significance to support mothers who are breastfeeding, and thus best interventions that serve this objective should be identified.

PICOT Question and Literature Search Process

It should be stated that the specific aspects of the problem under consideration, especially the importance of the first weeks after the postnatal discharge, determine the choice of the quantitative methodology. Accordingly, the PICOT question should be developed to cover all principal areas of interest within the problem. It is formulated as follows:

  • (P) in the postpartum mother, would
  • (I) post-discharge breastfeeding support phone calls,
  • (C) compared to mothers receiving no post-discharge support phone call,
  • (O) increase the likelihood of breastfeeding success
  • (T) at six-week postpartum?

The overall result that is expected to achieve is the identification of the best intervention strategy for postnatal mothers and their babies.

The question of the literature review as the critically important element of any evidence-based practice project is of high significance since it allows to ensure and improve the originally proposed hypothesis by gaining insights from the academic sources. In the contemporary context, the access to such databases as CINAHL, SAGE Publications, and PubMed allows conducting the literature research with considerable ease. The following set of terms and keywords should be used in the process of database research: post-discharge, mothers, breastfeeding, newborns. Additionally, it is possible to add such words as interventions and phone calls. Once again, in the context of my specialty track, the Uniformed Nurse Practitioner Association is the most relevant organization in the context of the MSN project proposal.

Theoretical Framework

As the importance of the theoretical contribution to the development of EBP projects was previously identified, it is appropriate to discuss a conceptual framework that would enhance the implementation of the future MSN project. As the selected nursing concern is mostly connected with the problem of self-care skills among postnatal mother, it is logical to observe that the Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory is the most suitable theoretical approach for this project (Hartweg, 2015). The basis of the selected method is the communication process between “the self-care agent (person receiving care)/dependent-care agent (family member/friend providing care)” and “the nurse (nurse agent)” (Hartweg, 2015, p. 109).

As the selected theoretical approach strives to provide the patients with the confidence in their self-care skills, the theory is indeed highly applicable to the MSN project within the context of the family nurse practitioner’s work. Accordingly, a nursing professional would encourage postnatal mothers to implement self-care techniques that would bring positive results for mothers, their newborn children, and family nurse practitioners.


In general, this paper achieves the objectives that were identified in the introduction. First of all, the critical importance of the nursing research and evidence-based practice as the instruments that contribute to the contemporary nursing knowledge is identified. The specific and relevant nursing concern was selected and discussed by the author to provide the material for the development of the MSN project proposal. Most importantly, the PICOT question was developed as it will guide the implementation of the future project. Additionally, the aspects related to the literature research process and relevant theoretical framework were elaborated. In conclusion, one can state with certainty that this essay serves as the solid foundation for the further development of the MSN project.


Hartweg, D. L. (2015). Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory. In M. C. Smith & M. E. Parker (Eds.), Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.) (pp. 76-81). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.

Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Kurth, E., Krähenbühl, K., Eicher, M., Rodmann, S., Fölmli, L., Conzelmann, C., & Zemp, E. (2016). Safe start at home: What parents of newborns need after early discharge from hospital – A focus group study. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 82-96.

Perrine, C. G., Galuska, D. A., Dohack, J. L., Shealy, K. R., Murphy, P. E., Grummer-Strawn, L. M., & Scanlon, K. S. (2015). Vital signs: Improvements in maternity care policies and practices that support breastfeeding — United States, 2007–2013. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 64(39), 1112-1117.

Purdy, I. B., Craig, J. W., & Zeanah, P. (2015). NICU discharge planning and beyond: Recommendations for parent psychosocial support. Journal of Perinatology, 35(S1), S24-S28.

Whitford, H. M., Wallis, S. K., Dowswell, T., West, H. M., & Renfrew, M. J. (2017). Breastfeeding education and support for women with twins or higher order multiples. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, February 10). Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern.

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"Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern." NursingBird, 10 Feb. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern'. 10 February.


NursingBird. 2024. "Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern." February 10, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern." February 10, 2024.


NursingBird. "Breastfeeding Support as a Nursing Concern." February 10, 2024.