Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient

The ambiguous attitude towards vaccination is due to several reasons. Some people are worried about the vaccine’s side effects; others believe that the immunity after the previous illness will be stronger than that acquired through vaccination. However, vaccination is currently thought to be the safest way to help people develop immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases. One way to convince people of the need for vaccination is to disseminate vaccine safety information on resources available to large numbers of people. Therefore, medical organizations are obligated to provide information to all interested parties that the product has passed the licensing process and is safe for the human body.

In terms of its positive effect on the development of human immunity, the vaccine occupies a leading position. Vaccination “not only provides induvial protection for those who are vaccinated,” but it also prevents the spread of disease throughout the nation (Orenstein & Ahmed, 2017). The human immune system is being trained to recognize the virus through the action of the vaccine. Subsequently, this will help the immune system when it encounters an actual virus. However, many do not want to get vaccinated due to the potential side effects. A vaccinated person can avoid adverse side effects by consulting a therapist beforehand or using a proven vaccine.

Complete details on the side effects will help to convince the patient of the safety of the vaccine. The vaccine must contain information about the manufacturer, the availability of a license, and the composition of the administered drug. The exact procedure for administering the vaccine assumes adherence to the safety standards specified in the memo by the World Health Organization (2021). Legislatures in the fight against citizens’ refusal to vaccinate can introduce additional compensation measures for those whose health will suffer from the vaccine (Kamin-Friedman, 2017).

Thus, vaccination is an excellent method to strengthen the immune system without significant health risks.


Kamin-Friedman, S. (2017). Therapeutic Justice and Vaccination Compliance. International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 5(1/2), 5-24. Web.

Orenstein, W., & Ahmed, R. (2017). Vaccination saves lives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(16), 4031-4033. Web.

World Health Organization. (2021). Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Principles and Procedures for COVID-19 Vaccination Activities. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 7). Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient.

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"Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient." NursingBird, 7 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient'. 7 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient." December 7, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient." December 7, 2024.


NursingBird. "Vaccinations: Explaining Pros and Cons to Patient." December 7, 2024.