The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing

The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) is an interdisciplinary nursing model created by Sister Callista Roy in the 1980s. The goal of this system, which combines philosophical, scientific, and cultural aspects, is to achieve human adaptation in each of the four modes: interdependence, role function, physiological, and self-concept (Jennings, 2017). Physiological mode and self-concept must work simultaneously to meet basic human needs. The other two concepts reflect the demand for social integrity. Each of these modes can be related to family functioning and family nurse practitioner work. For example, as part of interdependence, the nurse can assess levels and systems of interaction and support within the family. The distribution of the patient’s condition into four categories is logical and allows for a convenient assessment of various factors that make up human health. In addition, since the theory has been developed for a long time, many applied application guidelines facilitate implementing this nursing model into practice.

Since the system is interdisciplinary and considers the individual from several points of view, it has a very high degree of generalization. RAM can be used both in caring for individual patients and in a family setting, which falls under the authority of a family nurse practitioner. In addition, due to the relatively long period of use of this system, it has been tested in various conditions and has proven itself from the best side. For example, RAM has been used very successfully to treat individuals with anorexia nervosa (Jennings, 2017). At the same time, this framework is applied not only in medical centers but also in, for example, Family Center at Holy Family University, which combines religiosity with family care (Butt, 2020). These examples reflect the flexibility of this theory as well as its effectiveness.

This last example is a solid argument in defense of RAM, as it demonstrates the possibility of using the framework in family practice. In addition, there is a plan according to which this theory can be docked with nursing practice. RAM also allows thoroughly evaluating the client’s behavior, the factors influencing them, making a diagnosis, and developing goals for implementing the approach. Consequently, this theory can take place both in ordinary practice and in the field of activity and family nurse practitioners.

The theories and concepts discussed during the past week are extremely interesting, informative, and valuable for application by nurse practitioners in various directions. The information received significantly broadens the horizons, allowing applying new approaches and analyzing the existing information in a new way. For me, a similar result could largely be achieved thanks to one of the weekly goals, namely, establishing a clear distinction between the scales of various frameworks: from grand theories to models. Having studied the past week’s material, I can now clearly distinguish between generalized ideas, which are a set of abstract concepts far from reality, from middle-range theories that compare abstract reality using tests with practice. This division allowed me to understand the need and importance of empirical research, which is a step toward implementing specific concepts in the nursing setting.

Among all the material studied, the most valuable to me seems to be interdisciplinary theories like the RAM discussed above. From my point of view, the combination of different approaches allows the most accurate analysis of the patient’s characteristics. This is especially important in the family setting since there is a need for a psychological and sometimes even philosophical analysis of existing concepts. However, before studying this material, I did not realize how many problems can arise when combining various fields of activity. Despite the existence of developed plans for executing practices, their implementation can be complicated due to the need for knowledge in multiple areas. Nevertheless, the material covered will allow me to better prepare for the practical application of such practices, giving me an edge in future work.


Butt, C. M. (2020). The middle-range theory of the adapting family: From theory to practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 33(2), 136-142. Web.

Jennings, K. M. (2017). The Roy adaptation model: a theoretical framework for nurses providing care to individuals with anorexia nervosa. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(4), 370. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 27). The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing.

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"The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing." NursingBird, 27 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing'. 27 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing." January 27, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing." January 27, 2024.


NursingBird. "The Roy Adaptation Model of Nursing." January 27, 2024.