Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research


The periodical chosen for abstract submission is the American Journal of Nursing (AJN), a peer-reviewed source that welcomes authors submitting their original research and evidence-based manuscripts. The journal accepts and disseminates the original findings and encourages a two-way informed discussion (Information for Authors, 2016). It is aimed at maximum diversity of topics to provide the highest-quality evidence for the subsequent clinical research and practice. The project entitled Familial Pressure as a Factor Influencing Smoking Rates of Adolescents in Miami-Dade County will comply with this diversity.

Before submitting manuscripts, the journal bids its authors and contributors to carefully review the guidelines available in a variety of formats. Although the American Journal of Nursing does not specifically focus on abstract submissions, paying more attention to original research, the guidelines for abstracts as part of the research materials can be found on the website. A structured abstract of a study should include a problem statement, its significance, the design and methodological framework of the study, the sampling and variables (specifically for quantitative studies), and the landmark results and conclusions of the research (Editorial Manager, 2013).


Regarding the abovementioned guidelines, the abstract was composed accordingly.

Project title: Familial Pressure as a Factor Influencing Smoking Rates of Adolescents in Miami-Dade County.

Problem statement: Family is one of the factors impacting the rates of smoking among adolescents, which has been proved on the national scale. However, the exact familial causes of adolescents starting to smoke in the context of Miami Dade are unknown. Establishing the influence of familial pressure on teenage smoking rates is the problem tackled by the present research.

The purpose of the present research project is to single out the familial causes of teenage smoking. The aim is to provide a base of evidence for nursing practices involving teenage smoking education of parents and adolescent children. To reach the goal, the following objectives should be accomplished: assessing the smoking status and the psychological and physical well-being of adolescent children and interviewing them as to the perceived level of familial pressure and control.

Question: What family-related factors contribute to adolescent smoking among Miami-Dade teenagers?

Hypothesis: Parental smoking, as well as excessive parental control and pressure, will have a statistically significant positive association with adolescent children’s smoking status.

Methodology: The project uses a mixed-method design: students in Miami-Dade high schools are surveyed confidentially as to their smoking status. Those who report having tried smoking a least once are further interviewed qualitatively to distinguish common motifs in relation to familial issues.

Implementation steps: a stratified sample of 300 students of Miami-Dade high schools aged 10-18 are surveyed; of them, 62 reported to have tried cigarettes or other tobacco products at least once. The interviews and statistical analysis are carried out considering the gender, family type, and smoking status.

Results: The common motif analysis revealed the following factors: parental overprotectiveness and control (reported by 42%), moderate to extreme religiosity (37%), parental smoking (16%), and neglect (4%).

Conclusion: The initial hypothesis was affirmed (namely, the parental smoking and excessive control), and two other factors were singled out: parental religiosity and neglect.

Relevance to clinical practice

The project can provide solid evidence for targeting the nursing educatory practice regarding teenage smoking rates at families reported to be overprotecting, over-controlling, neglecting, or enforcing religious practices. It can reduce the occurrences of teenage smoking, specifically within the Miami-Dade community.


Editorial Manager. (2013). Web.

Information for Authors. (2016). Web.

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NursingBird. (2021, April 18). Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research. https://nursingbird.com/teenage-smoking-education-nursing-research/

Work Cited

"Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research." NursingBird, 18 Apr. 2021, nursingbird.com/teenage-smoking-education-nursing-research/.


NursingBird. (2021) 'Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research'. 18 April.


NursingBird. 2021. "Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research." April 18, 2021. https://nursingbird.com/teenage-smoking-education-nursing-research/.

1. NursingBird. "Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research." April 18, 2021. https://nursingbird.com/teenage-smoking-education-nursing-research/.


NursingBird. "Teenage Smoking Education: Nursing Research." April 18, 2021. https://nursingbird.com/teenage-smoking-education-nursing-research/.