Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future

“A Workforce for the Future” Summary

A short article by Donnelly (2015) is focused on nurse education and how it may affect labor force in the future. It is also necessary to mention that the demand for nurses that are well-educated has been increasing because they can provide services of highest possible quality. Another issue that has been identified is that there is a shortage of qualified professionals. The fact that it is stated that there are issues with funding and some strategies may not be considered as adequate is especially worrying.

The issue is that many professionals prefer to leave prematurely because of various factors. It is evident that current approach is not efficient and is in need of improvement. It is also necessary to understand that some areas are vulnerable because of such issues as aging population and others. The fact that rates of chronic diseases are increasing is problematic because it places tremendous pressure on health care providers.

It is necessary to mention that all of these problems complicate each other, and it may not be possible to address them at once. The role of education summits also should not be overlooked, and they should be viewed as a platform where professionals may voice their opinions and exchange knowledge. It is suggested that nurses should express their ideas because such issues may not be resolved by politicians. Nurses should be presented with numerous opportunities because it is a career path that is not easy and requires tremendous patience. Overall, it is likely that some of the issues may be resolved, but it will take a lot of time, and the situation is not going to change anytime soon.

“Building a Resilient and Sustainable Workforce in Healthcare: What Might It Take?” Summary

The article by Walker (2013) is focused on current issues that the industry has to deal with, and the author has made several suggestions that may be used to address this problem. It is also stated that the role of practice should not be disregarded, and it is necessary to create an environment where nurses may improve their skills and knowledge. It is believed that this approach helps to improve job satisfaction and overall quality of care.

The fact that it is paramount to focus on leadership in the future also needs to be mentioned. The author suggests that individuals that participated in such programs were able to gain valuable experience, and it has helped to increase their performance levels. Another interesting concept that is not frequently mentioned is the importance of resilience. It is paramount to note that this is a relatively new approach in this industry, but it has already been recognized as one of the most important aspects of work. Various techniques may be used to improve the resilience of the workforce, and they need to be used efficiently.

The author thinks that Magnet programs should be viewed as a step in the right direction because they help healthcare institutions to focus on issues that are important, and it can be used to increase the overall quality of service. It is also necessary to mention that this approach is always being improved, and the results of implementation are mostly positive. Overall, it is imperative to understand that it is likely that the workforce may have to deal with numerous problems in the future, and sustainability and resilience have to be prioritized in most cases.

“Health Workforce Governance in Europe: Where Are We Going?” Summary

An article by Kuhlmann, Batenburg, and Dussault (2015) has focused on the future of healthcare workforce in Europe and possible challenges that it may have to deal with in the coming years. The primary goal of this paper is to draw attention to this problem. The fact that the industry has to deal with numerous issues is also mentioned. Many articles on this topic were reviewed to support the statement.

The authors suggest that a single approach would not help to deal with all the problems, and each one has to be approached individually. It is imperative to mention that the situation is quite similar to the one that occurred in the United States, and this should be recognized as an issue that needs to be researched. It is necessary to have an understanding of ways in which tools and resources that are available may be used efficiently, and the role of expertise also should not be disregarded. The importance of professional development is also mentioned, and authors suggest that the perception of this aspect needs to change because it may be regarded as an efficient way to deal with several problems at once.

Overall, it is evident that governing of healthcare workforce needs to be improved. The issue is that it may not be easy to accomplish because of numerous internal and external factors and may take too much time. However, it is necessary to mention that the situation has been improving over the years, and it is entirely possible that many issues may be resolved in the future. The development of such workforce is critical, and it is paramount to develop approaches that may be used under particular economic conditions.

“Investing in Our Nursing Workforce” Summary

An article by Holland (2015) is focused on such aspects as the future of healthcare workforce and others. The author suggests that it is not an easy task to predict what factors may impact the industry, and what issues may be introduced in the coming years. It is also interesting that the author thinks that such tools as the Internet and social media may be used to attract nurses. Also, it is imperative to mention that this approach may be regarded as incredibly useful because it does not require significant amounts of resources and does not take too much time in most cases. It is also mentioned that retention is an aspect that is especially problematic because many individuals cannot deal with enormous amounts of tasks.

Furthermore, the issue is that it may be quite challenging most of the time, and it is important to take necessary measures that would help to improve satisfaction levels of workers. It is imperative to understand that outstanding teamwork and cooperation is one of the most significant factors that determine the quality and efficiency of operations. Also, it is mentioned that safety is one of the aspects that have a tremendous impact on the decision-making process of workers, and this fact should not be overlooked by employers.

It is also paramount to note that experienced professionals should be highly valued, and it may be necessary to develop several approaches that should be used to ensure that they are retained. Overall, the author suggests that the future of healthcare workforce may be described as uncertain at this point, but it is necessary to devote attention to sustainability and retention rates.

“Preparing the Nursing Workforce of the Future” Summary

An article by Ellenbecker (2010) is focused on particular challenges that nursing workforce may have to deal with in the future. It is imperative that shortages of professionals are incredibly problematic most of the time, and such issues may not be easily resolved. The author suggests that current educational programs are in need of improvement, and it is imperative to make sure that nurses are prepared for their jobs. The fact that numerous nurse shortages are expected in the future is especially problematic because requirements are always growing. Another issue that is worth noting is that new technologies and techniques are being introduced every day, and some of them may be disruptive.

The necessity to keep track of latest trends in the industry should not be overlooked, and it may be hard to deal with such enormous amounts of information for some individuals. The author of the article has noted that the demand for nursing education from the side of students has been increasing over the years, and many individuals are interested in this profession (Ellenbecker, 2010).

The issue that needs to be discussed is that it is not an easy task to find individuals that are qualified and professional. However, it is necessary to note that this problem may be resolved in the future because this problem has been recognized as significant and enormous amounts of resourced have been devoted to it. Overall, it is imperative to understand that nursing education is incredibly complicated most of the time, but the future of the workforce is looking bright because the demand for such professionals has been increasing and is expected to grow in the future.

“Skill Maximization: The Future of Healthcare” Summary

An article by McIntosh and Sheppy (2013) is focused on such aspects of healthcare workforce as productivity, quality of care, and others. The authors suggest that it is paramount to increase the responsibilities of such professionals, and it will help to increase the level of service. It is also stated that the industry is incredibly dependent on labor, and it is necessary to make sure that skills of employees are used to their full potential.

The fact that abilities and knowledge of some individuals are not recognized is problematic because they could be used to increase the efficiency of operations. The authors have reviewed the literature on this topic to get a better understanding of the issue. Keywords and particular phrases were used to determine the sources that are appropriate in this case. Another aspect that should be taken into account is that it is evident that it is necessary to improve patient outcomes, and skills that are expected from the workforce may also have to be revised.

The problem is that some of the approaches may be viewed as outdated, and this should not be acceptable at this point because the overall goal of the industry is to ensure that patients are provided with high-quality services. Financial constraints are quite significant and may affect the workforce. However, approaches that would help to minimize the costs and increase skills of employees at the same time need to be developed. The authors suggest that role constitution may be used as a way to deal with several challenges, but it is important to understand that it is not easy to implement such significant changes most of the time (McIntosh & Sheppy, 2013).

“Supporting the Growth of Peer-professional Workforces in Healthcare Settings” Summary

An article by Turner, Kennedy, Kendall, and Muenchberger (2014) is focused on the fact that it is necessary to make sure that healthcare providers are presented with opportunities that would help them to develop as individuals and professionals. The study has shown that targeted training is an approach that may be used efficiently, and it has proven to be incredibly useful. The results indicate that it helps to increase levels of motivation and individuals that participated have started to become much more active in communities. The authors suggest that such innovative approaches have to be used because the overall impact is statistically significant.

It is paramount to understand that it is not an easy task to justify such changes, but authors believe that such approach needs to be considered by healthcare institutions in the future. However, it is important to note that there may be issues with funding and other complications that are hard to predict most of the time. It is evident that there are numerous benefits of target training and it may become an essential part of the industry in the future.

Authors wanted to draw attention to this approach, and it is hard to argue with the fact that the role of education of healthcare workforce should not be overlooked because standards are set incredibly high at this point and every professional is expected to meet the needs of patients. It is imperative to understand that it is necessary to make sure that productivity is maximized, and training has to be cost efficient. Overall, it is suggested that this approach would be incredibly useful in the long-term, and would help to address some of the issues that are currently present.

“Sustaining the Education Workforce in Healthcare: Challenges for the Future” Summary

A study by Girot and Albarran (2012) has focused on education of the workforce and the ways in which it may be sustained. The authors have noted that this area is quite problematic and mentioned that it may not be an easy task to recruit and retain such professionals. Such tools of analysis as surveys were used in this particular case because this approach is the most efficient. The information that was collected was put into spreadsheets and analyzed with a use of statistics. The authors have suggested that global crises have had a tremendous impact on the industry and have affected an ability of healthcare institutions to deal with such problems.

A broad range of other articles on this topic were used during the research and cited to support the argument. It is believed that healthcare educators are incredibly professional and able to provide services of highest possible quality. However, the problem is that many issues are quite noticeable at this point. Another aspect that is worth noting is that the demands are always growing, and it may not be an easy task for such professionals to deal with such enormous amounts of information.

The level of job satisfaction is also quite problematic and needs to be addressed because salaries are viewed as not proportional. Results of the study indicate that there are statistically significant variations among professional groups. Another core aspect that is worth noting is that the workforce is aging, and less that twenty percents of employees possess a doctorate. The authors have concluded that such results are not surprising, and it is expected that it may become incredibly problematic in the future.

“Teaching Population Health: Considerations for Educating the Future Healthcare Administration Workforce” Summary

An article by Caron and Hooker (2015) is focused on the role of healthcare administration workforce and the ways in which it may deal with challenges in the future. The interesting idea that was suggested by the authors is that this problem may not be resolved by health organizations alone, and there is a need for collaboration. It is imperative to understand that the current situation in the industry may be regarded as the new era, and it is likely that the situation is not going to change anytime soon.

The fact that healthcare professionals must be able to adapt to any possible changes in the future is mentioned, and it has become an essential component of the profession at this point. The system has been reformed, and it may not be easy to adapt at first. However, it is paramount to mention that it is a necessary measure that had to be taken because the quality of services had to be improved. The article pays the most attention to the concept of population health, and what techniques may be used to ensure that healthcare outcomes are met. The authors have researched a broad range of articles on this topic to support the statement.

Overall, it is suggested that healthcare workforce should be focused on the well-being of the population, and it is an aspect that needs to be considered by educators because it would help to change the way healthcare is delivered in most circumstances. Overall, the authors think that this approach would increase the efficiency of operations and focus on quality needs to be expanded in the nearest future (Caron & Hooker, 2015).

“The US Healthcare Workforce and the Labor Market Effect on Healthcare Spending and Health Outcomes” Summary

An article by Pellegrini, Rodriguez-Monquio, and Quian (2014) is focused on such aspects of the healthcare workforce in the US as healthcare spending and others. It is imperative to mention that the connection between the labor market and possible healthcare outcomes is an interesting topic that needs to be researched in the future because such data may be viewed as incredibly valuable. It is also necessary to note that the overall impact of Medicaid and Medicare should not be overlooked because these initiatives have increased the accessibility of healthcare, and the results are quite noticeable. It is understandable that individuals may have to deal with numerous problems during the periods of crises, but healthcare providers should be provided with necessary resources that would help to deliver services of highest possible quality.

Results of the study indicate that there is a relationship between healthcare spending and occupational employment, and the data that was received is statistically significant. It is imperative to understand that healthcare spending has a tremendous impact on the workforce, and it is likely that any changes to the policies will affect healthcare professionals as well. This aspect should not be overlooked and needs to be considered by the government. It is also interesting that the way some professions are affected is different. For example, the study has shown that such spending hurts employment of surgeons, and such results are rather interesting and need to be researched.

Overall, it is evident that a particular relationship is present, and the government needs to make sure that such institutions do not have to deal with issues that are related to funding because health and well-being of the population are of utmost importance.


Caron, R. M., & Hooker, E. A. (2015). Teaching population health: Considerations for educating the future healthcare administration workforce. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 32(3), 381-389.

Donnelly, T. (2015). A workforce for the future. Nursing Management, 22(7), 17.

Ellenbecker, C. H. (2010). Preparing the nursing workforce of the future. Policy Politics Nursing Practice, 11(2), 115-125.

Girot, E., & Albarran, J. (2012). Sustaining the education workforce in healthcare: Challenges for the future. Nurse Education Today, 32(1), 32-38.

Holland, C. (2015). Investing in our nursing workforce. Nursing Management, 46(9), 8-10.

Kuhlmann, E., Batenburg, R., & Dussault, G. (2015). Health workforce governance in Europe: Where are we going? Health Policy, 119(12), 1515-1516.

McIntosh, B., & Sheppy, B. (2013). Skill maximization: the future of healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 19(3), 118-122.

Pellegrini, L. C., Rodriguez-Monquio, R., & Quian, J. (2014). The US healthcare workforce and the labor market effect on healthcare spending and health outcomes. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 14(2), 127-141.

Turner, B., Kennedy, A., Kendall, M., & Muenchberger, H. (2014). Supporting the growth of peer-professional workforces in healthcare settings. Disability & Rehabilitation, 36(14), 1219-1226.

Walker, K. (2013). Building a resilient and sustainable workforce in healthcare: What might it take? Contemporary Nurse, 45(1), 4-6.

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NursingBird. (2021, April 1). Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future.

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"Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future." NursingBird, 1 Apr. 2021,


NursingBird. (2021) 'Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future'. 1 April.


NursingBird. 2021. "Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future." April 1, 2021.

1. NursingBird. "Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future." April 1, 2021.


NursingBird. "Health and Nursing Workforce in the Future." April 1, 2021.