Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation

SWOTT Analysis

SWOTT Table.

Proposed change: an education program that will aim to enhance the professionals’ knowledge about the use of the Foley catheter.
Assessment findings
Strengths Capacity to address resistance issues (Meddings et al., 2013);
Capacity to generate a feeling of community and togetherness.
Weaknesses Inability to work in an environment that lacks good relationships between all stakeholders;
This strategy requires a lot of time and effort (Oman et al., 2012).
Opportunities The care quality improvement (Melnyk & Fine-Overholt, 2015);
Patient satisfaction improvement.
Threats Diluting the goals and objectives of the proposed change effort (Meddings et al., 2013);
Lack of time.
Trends Education and training on the insertion, removal, and care of Foley catheters as one the main trends in complications prevention (Oman et al., 2012);
Within Kendall Regional Medical Center, additional measures are needed since patients are still exposed to infections, and it is vital to decrease the mortality rate.

Power and Politics as a Strength or a Weakness

The implementation of any change cannot be achieved without the authorities’ approval, and the hospital environment is not an exception. In this context, power and politics are the most important acting force. Depending on the level of support, their influence may be either positive or negative. This paper examines how politics and power exert an impact on changes and become an opportunity or threat. The way the leadership can use the results of SWOTT analysis is described.

First and foremost, power and politics can cooperate with those who introduce changes and perform them. About the new education program concerning Foley catheter usage, it implies multifaceted assistance in the organization. Nurses need time to receive training to achieve optimal care and improve service accessibility (Oman et al., 2012). This issue refers to the daily schedule, on the one hand, and simultaneously touches upon long-term decisions, such as how many weeks or months this training should last.

Politics and power become a significant instrument for patient care enhancement because the proposed changes will not be applied to practice until they are officially permitted. If educators and authorities collaborate and find a suitable solution, there will be no gap between the experience of health care professionals, the actual needs of patients, and the rules. Besides, the feeling of community is essential. Consequently, power and politics will become a strength.

Despite the potential advantages mentioned above, power and politics might also bring harm. One of the possible scenarios is that there is an initial misunderstanding between the authorities and change promoters. Since they are likely to treat each other inequitably and fail to listen to each other’s propositions carefully, no changes are implemented. Another weakness associated with relationships between authorities and health care specialists in the time framework.

There is little doubt that changes aimed at service quality improvement should be tested and put into practice as soon as possible. In case of innovations, implementation is delayed, the risks of severe complications are more serious. The improper usage of the Foley catheter in surgical settings is quite common and should be addressed at the earliest possible date (Meddings, 2013). However, if politics and power make decisions slowly, they de facto become a threat to patients’ health.

Under these circumstances, leadership should work actively and use all possible opportunities to introduce changes intended to improve the situation. One of the measures is the usage of the SWOTT analysis results. As it has been demonstrated in Strategies for Successful Change, the change theory includes several stages two of which, the knowledge and persuasion stages, are essential because the adoption of any project or refusal depends on them directly. The SWOTT analysis not only provides evidence but also structures strengths and opportunities and, on the other side, explains weaknesses and threats. As a result, all pros and cons are explicit. The information concerning trends is also of great importance because leadership can evaluate the current situation and provide authorities with this information.

Overall, power and politics can bring opportunities for further service quality improvement or become a weakness. SWOTT analysis can help leadership promote changes and cooperate with authorities more effectively.


Meddings, J., Rogers, M. A., Krein, S. L., Fakih, M. G., Olmsted, R. N., & Saint, S. (2013). Reducing unnecessary urinary catheter use and other strategies to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infection: An integrative review. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23. Web.

Melnyk, B.M., & Fine-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Oman, K. S., Makic, M. B. F., Fink, R., Schraeder, N., Hulett, T., Keech, T., & Wald, H. (2012). Nurse-directed interventions to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. American Journal of Infection Control, 40(6), 548-553.

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NursingBird. (2023, October 30). Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation.

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"Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation." NursingBird, 30 Oct. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation'. 30 October.


NursingBird. 2023. "Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation." October 30, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation." October 30, 2023.


NursingBird. "Foley Catheter Use and Change Implementation." October 30, 2023.