Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice

Nursing requires immediate action, and its educational part vastly contains from strategies of doing and practical approaches. However, the concepts a nurse can rely on in her decision making should also be clarified and established during studying. Stable notions, values, and belief systems help a nursing professional perform in stressful situations confidently and keep themselves away from the stress of ethical dilemmas. A concept is a block of a belief system that impacts a professional’s actions and decisions (Foley & Davis, 2017). A nursing practitioner needs to evaluate significant values and choose ones that address their own vision of care providing. Concept analysis requires a detailed description of a concept, dividing it into smaller elements, and determining its implementation benefits in nursing (Foley & Davis, 2017). This paper aims to describe my values and belief system, choose the most crucial concept, and analyze its meaning and appliance in my nursing practice.

The beliefs are individual for each person because unique life experiences affect and form the values. There are different concepts of equal importance for providing a high level of health care, such as respect, spirituality, inclusion, empathy. Respect is a standard that determines the relationships between people, and I value this concept because nursing requires to provide care which cannot exist without regards. Spirituality highlights that the inner side of a person is crucial, and it is valuable for my nursing practice as I can assist patients in filling their needs and profoundly impact their therapy. Inclusion is especially important in the healthcare setting because it reflects the attitudes towards people with special needs. Working with inclusive clients taught me to value this concept while creating a convenient environment. Empathy and communication are valuable standards to apply in nursing practice as they build trust and respect.

My belief system is based on interpersonal communication, and I value empathy as the crucial concept of providing health care. I concluded it after reflecting on my past experiences and attitudes I have towards people. I have always been a communicative person who can start a conversation and determine one’s mood by the way they speak. I find empathy significant for my life because sharing feelings was beneficial for me in hard times. Moreover, I often see how patients become calmer and more dedicated to getting well when I show a willingness to emphasize.

I value interpersonal communication, and most importantly – empathy, thus it is necessary to analyze it as a concept. Empathy can be defined as an intention to take a patient’s side and desire to understand their experience to gain trust and establish communication (Fernandez & Zahavi, 2020). The relevant terms that determine the concept are caring, recognition, acknowledgment of feelings, trusting, and the therapeutic relationship (Foley & Davis, 2017). Empathy can be seen as a personal trait or professional skill for a healthcare worker, developed to build profound communication with clients and their families. It is valuable in nursing practice because it impacts caring and leads to a patient’s satisfaction (Fernandez & Zahavi, 2020). I perceive the concept of empathy as fundamental for interpersonal relationships required in all life spheres.

I have applied my belief system in professional practice because communication and, therefore, empathy is essential to provide convenient and effective care. The concept of understanding and acknowledging one’s feelings became the attitude I use for establishing a trusting relationship with patients and their families. This sharing empathy approach admitted my belief that communication impacts the whole treatment for a patient and a nursing practitioner’s performance.

The four metaparadigms of nursing can also be discussed in terms of empathy, the most valuable belief. These concepts are person, environment, health, nursing, and following them help build the right attitudes towards work and care providing (Galutira, 2018). I faced the demand to apply these paradigms on different occasions throughout my working experience. Communication with patients and their families helped me provide the most convenient care possible and conduct my actions within the above concepts.

The person is the paradigm that requires to comply with the spiritual, communicational, and individual needs of a client, and it is a nurse’s responsibility to provide a deep interpersonal connection. Empathy is highly demanded in applying this metaparadigm, as it is essential to build a profound relationship between a nursing practitioner and a patient. I always use empathy to reveal my understanding of a client’s needs and show a willingness to give the most effective assistance possible. I am sure that patients value compassion because it eases the suffering and allows them to share their feelings with me, that is why this concept is crucial for my belief system.

The environment is another metapardigm of nursing that highlights the necessity of a propitious atmosphere around a patient. It is in a nurse’s power to take care of the surroundings and benefit a care receiver’s health and well-being. In my practice, the environment played a significant role in motivating a person to recover from illness and stay healthy after a discharge. I applied empathy as a concept of providing a patient and their family with trust and understanding to make them feel safe and increase their awareness of proper behavior in the healthcare environment.

Health as a metaparadigm is vital for human well-being throughout the whole life span. In nursing theory, health is related to the balance between a person, their physical, psychological needs, and the social environment (Galutira, 2018). My professional nursing practice included situations when a patient could not correctly share their needs to determine the convenient environment to establish. I applied empathy to share their emotional feelings, talked to the family members, and my responsiveness helped achieve the required balance. Having a solid belief system helped me to decide to communicate and find an optimal solution quickly.

Nursing is the central metaparadigm that has to be continuously kept in the mind of a healthcare professional. It is a concept that requires a nurse to evaluate their actions and make decisions leading a care receiver to the most beneficial health outcomes (Galutira, 2018). Communication with a patient is crucial to understand their needs and include them in the treatment. I begin assessing possible actions that can improve a client’s health conditions by determining the strategy of creating an interpersonal connection. Showing empathy is often the first step to take, and patients tend to value such a level of awareness about their situation.

The belief system is important in nursing practice because it determines how a professional will choose to provide care. Accordingly, a nurse can build solid values conducive to their traits and beliefs to assist them throughout their career. I determined empathy as the most significant concept to apply in the working environment because it helps me communicate with patients and their families in the most effective and caring way.


Fernandez, A. V., & Zahavi, D. (2020). Basic empathy: Developing the concept of empathy from the ground up. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110, 103695. Web.

Foley, A. S., & Davis, A. H. (2017). A guide to concept analysis. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 31(2), 70–73. Web.

Galutira, G. D. (2018). Theory of reflective practice in nursing. International Journal of Nursing Science, 8(3), 51–56. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, November 13). Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice.

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"Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice." NursingBird, 13 Nov. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice'. 13 November.


NursingBird. 2023. "Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice." November 13, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice." November 13, 2023.


NursingBird. "Analysis of a Concept in Nursing Practice." November 13, 2023.