Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis

According to the article, “aspiring nurses often seek education on leadership skills but may not be prepared for the transition from bedside to leadership” (Bove & Scott, 2021, p. 44).

Thus, mentors are exemplary, providing guidance and necessary psychological support to new leaders throughout their careers, as they have not yet found a balance between the organization’s needs, staff, and patients (Bove & Scott, 2021).

Nursing leadership skills are essential and should be passed on to new healthcare workers. Thus, despite the increasing challenges of healthcare, experienced nurse leaders can provide adequate support to younger leaders. According to the article, “aspiring nurse often seek education on leadership skills but may not be prepared for the transition from bedside to leadership” (Bove & Scott, 2021, p. 44). Therefore, the younger generation faces challenges in the role of nursing leaders.

During the period of cooperation and support, leaders need to establish trust with the staff and work hard to build a team. They describe this time as a challenging period for leadership positions (Bove & Scott, 2021). However, mentors aim to encourage new leaders to grow and improve. Thus, mentors are exemplary, providing guidance and necessary psychological support to new leaders throughout their careers, as they have not found a balance between the organization’s needs, staff, and patients (Bove & Scott, 2021). Leadership advice settle to the category of creating a leader within while focusing on learning and developing leadership skills (Bove & Scott, 2021). Thus, the joint work of experienced nurses and health workers of the new generation will help identify leadership skills and knowledge problems.


Bove, L. A., & Scott, M. (2021). Advice for aspiring nurse leaders. Nursing2021, 51(3), 44-47. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 18). Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis.

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"Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis." NursingBird, 18 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis'. 18 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis." December 18, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis." December 18, 2024.


NursingBird. "Advice for Aspiring Nurse Leaders: Article Analysis." December 18, 2024.