Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play


A nurse practitioner is fast becoming the medical partner for many individuals in the United States. As a clinician who blends clinical knowledge in diagnosing and treating medical conditions with an added focus on illness plus wellness management, he or she brings a comprehensive view and individual touch to medical care. Regarding expertise, the profession is found between a registered nurse and a mid-level practitioner. They are trained to evaluate patient needs, ask for diagnostic as well as laboratory tests and interpret the results. I am pursuing a career in nursing to help people find the best treatment while in hospitals. This paper looks at the profession of nurse practitioners and the role they play.

Role of the Nurse Practitioner

A nurse practitioner, as an independent and licensed professional, practices autonomously and in collaboration with medical care professionals as well as other individuals. He or she provides a variety of services, including the diagnosis as well as management of chronic, acute, and complex health issues, illness prevention, promotion of health, counseling, and health education. These professionals may also act as interdisciplinary consultants, medical care researchers, and patient advocates (Hearn, Ellington & Jones, 2018). Their role is consistent with an APRN consensus model practicing in centers focusing on women’s wellness, pediatrics, neonatal, adult geriatrics, and psychiatric mental wellness.

Select and Describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role

A nurse practitioner autonomously makes decisions according to assessment, diagnosis, and interpretation of test outcomes. Assessment involves critical thinking capabilities and the collection of both subjective and objective data (Hearn et al., 2018). The latter means data that can be tangible and measurable such as intake and output, weight, height, and vital signs. The former consists of verbal communications from a caregiver or directly from a patient, who may or may not be a relative of the former. A friend can also play a role in data gathering (Collins & Small, 2019). Electronic means, such as stored records, may assist in the assessment process.

The formulation of a diagnosis by applying clinical decision-making helps in planning as well as the implementation of a patient’s care. The NANDA offers nurses an updated list of the types of nursing diagnoses. According to the association, a nursing diagnosis refers to a clinical judgment concerning responses to potential or actual medical issues on the part of an individual, family, or community. It embraces the theory of Maslow concerning the hierarchy of needs and assists in prioritizing as well as planning care according to outcomes.

Purpose of Becoming a Nurse Practitioner

A nurse practitioner is a profession that involves a person interacting with a patient on a more personal level than a doctor. During the pandemic, many individuals in the community were afraid of contracting the coronavirus disease (Hearn et al., 2018). Very few had the knowledge to understand how the illness can move from one individual to the other or even how to manage it. The people who were left to help such individuals were the nurse practitioners. They helped in discovering whether some of the signs and symptoms were seen among the patients who deserved to be tested for COVID-19 or not.

Nurse practitioners offered knowledge at the time. It was much needed and helped to bring calm among people. I am becoming a nurse practitioner because I would like to help various people find the right medical treatment in hospitals. An NP has the role of assessing and diagnosing a patient (Ljungbeck, Forss, FinnbogadĂłttir, et al., 2021). There have been multiple circumstances of individuals receiving the wrong cure because the diagnosis carried out was incorrect. I would like to help reduce such cases from the profession because they result in people not having the same trust they once had in medical practitioners.

Summary of an Article on the Role of a Nurse Practitioner

Workforce and workload in care are the main issues that have led to a growing global trend toward the expansion of the responsibilities of a nurse. An advanced nurse practitioner is increasingly being asked to take on roles and activities conventionally conducted by doctors (Torrens, Campbell, Hoskins, et al., 2020). Positive implementation of new roles within teams consisting of individuals from various disciplines is time-consuming and complex. Thus, it is essential that one understands the factors that support or may impede the implementation of the roles (Torrens, Campbell, Hoskins, et al., 2020). Creating collaborative associations with other medical professionals, as well as negotiating the role, is vital to the successful implementation of the role. Additionally, team consensus concerning the role plus how it incorporates into a wider team is also important.

Institute of Medicine on the Need of Nurse Practitioners

The Institute of Medicine, in its report, sees a future whereby primary care, as well as prevention, will be the key drivers of the medical care system. Additionally, they have a vision that coordination and collaboration will be a norm, payment of service a reward for value and not volume, and that quality care is offered at a reasonable price. To accomplish such goals, the institute has identified that some aspects of the medical care system need to change, including the nursing profession (Collins & Small, 2019). It recommends reconceptualization of the nurses’ roles regarding the whole workforce, societal concerns, shortages, and current as well as future technology. Other recommendations are expanding the nursing faculty, redesigning nursing education, and increasing the nursing schools’ capacity to ensure enough capable nurses to deal with current as well as future health needs.

Impact as an Advanced Practice Nurse on Healthcare Industry and Patient Outcomes

To make an impact on the whole industry and patient outcomes, one needs to ensure that the key roles of an advanced practice nurse are conducted with the most excellent expertise. The healthcare industry’s growth is reliant on patient outcomes (Collins & Small, 2019). Assessment and diagnosis are two functions carried out by an advanced nurse, and they both determine the results. For instance, it is through a keen assessment that problems affecting a patient are discovered, and it is through proper diagnosis that they receive the best treatment. I will emphasize the quality of assessment and diagnosis that will positively impact patient outcomes. Additionally, I will ensure that patients receive the best counseling so that they consent to only the best treatment options. I will empower fellow nurse practitioners to acquire more knowledge through further studies so that we are better equipped to handle more roles and responsibilities.


A nurse practitioner is an essential person to patients in a hospital, especially now that they are being asked to perform roles that once belonged to doctors. As a clinician who combines clinical knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of medical problems, they are able to bring a detailed view as well as a personal touch to medical care. Since the population keeps on increasing, there is a growing need for more capable nurses to deal with the issues of the people. Thus, the Institute of Medicine has made recommendations even as the sector desires to employ more professionals. For instance, it recommends reconceptualization of the nurses’ roles in terms of workforce, societal problems as well as technological advancement. The institute also recommends the expansion of the faculty, redesign of nursing education, and an increase in the capacity of nursing schools in an attempt to increase the number of well-trained nurses.


Collins, C. M., & Small, S. P. (2019). The nurse practitioner role is ideally suited for palliative care practice: A qualitative descriptive study. Canadian oncology nursing journal, 29(1), 4. Web.

Hearn, C., Ellington, B. J., & Jones, R. (2018). The role of the nurse practitioner in the management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology Nursing, 41(5), 424-426. Web.

Ljungbeck, B., Forss, K. S., Finnbogadóttir, H., & Carlson, E. (2021). Content in nurse practitioner education–A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 98, 104650. Web.

Torrens, C., Campbell, P., Hoskins, G., Strachan, H., Wells, M., Cunningham, M.,… & Maxwell, M. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of the advanced nurse practitioner role in primary care settings: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104, 103443. Web.

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NursingBird. (2022, November 23). Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play.

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"Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play." NursingBird, 23 Nov. 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play'. 23 November.


NursingBird. 2022. "Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play." November 23, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play." November 23, 2022.


NursingBird. "Nurse Practitioners and the Role They Play." November 23, 2022.