Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing

Nurses in the modern world are constantly faced with discrimination, social injustice, and cultural conflicts. Moreover, these problems are complicated because nurses are carriers of a particular culture, which means stereotypes and prejudices. Nursing practice shows that the ethics of compassion should be above all. Neither the gender, age, nor social status of the patient does not matter – the nurse is obliged to assist at the highest level.

Faced with pain, grief, family grief, and anxiety every day, nurses awaken a range of existential worries. This unrest escalates into crises, which are sometimes challenging to manage, especially in the face of a vast flow of patients. In the past few years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such a flow has, unfortunately, become commonplace. Nurses note the constant feeling of guilt and shame that hit them because of the deaths of patients and unclear diagnoses.

Nurses also face situations every day that require urgent solutions. The fate of people depends on the decision-making in their work. Sometimes relatives and friends turn away from these people, but this does not mean that assistance has been suspended. The responsibility of nurses is sometimes too high; not every person can withstand it. However, their duty is heightened in the face of injustice and discrimination.

Emancipated knowledge is necessary for nurses who want to become competent professionals. This knowledge will not be laid down by professors within the college walls but can only come with experience in complex departments (Chinn, 2021). Often these departments are emergency medicine and intensive care; some doctors recommend trying a job in a rural hospital. Nursing practice is an endless accumulation of experience, bright and unusual. Even emancipated knowledge should come to young nurses with their first work experience.


Chinn, P. L. (2021). Theorizing as emancipatory action; emancipatory action as theorizing. Nursology. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 26). Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing.

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"Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing." NursingBird, 26 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing'. 26 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing." January 26, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing." January 26, 2024.


NursingBird. "Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing in Nursing." January 26, 2024.