113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Illness Research Papers Examples

  1. The History of Illness
    A patient presented the chief complaint of bodily fatigue, twitch, and a possibility of fainting during some physical exercises. This disease might influence weakness in legs and blurred vision.
  2. Acute Exacerbations in Chronic Respiratory Illness
    The problem under consideration is the prevention of hospital readmission rates for acute exacerbations in children with chronic respiratory illnesses.
  3. The Chronic Kidney Illness Impacts
    This paper analyzes all aspects of the chronic kidney disease in order to speculate on the corresponding measures in the care plan.
  4. Chronic Illnesses in Children and Nursing
    The task of parents is to form the child's habits of leading a lifestyle that will be as close to healthy and safe as possible and provide the minor with the necessary care.
  5. The Role of a Nurse in Chronic Illness Management
    Patients with chronic illnesses have problems and their needs range from developing the right pain management skills to getting information about their problem.
  6. Home Health Care & Lifestyle Illnesses Management
    The healthcare practitioner may advise the patient on various improvements that they can use to make their home a better and safer place and facilitate their recovery process.
  7. Alzheimer’s as a Chronic Illness: Patient Interview
    An interview with a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is presented and analyzed for its further application to effective planning care for the group.
  8. The Health-Illness Continuum
    Nurses need to understand and remember the concept of the health-illness continuum to motivate patients' moving to a high level of wellness despite their chronic conditions.
  9. Diabetes Patient: The Impact of Chronic Illness
    The interview indicates that the patient has accepted her disease and manages it. She is aware of her condition and controls her blood glucose level regularly.
  10. Epidemiology Assignment: Communicable Illnesses in Miami
    Communicable illnesses pose various threats to public health and can even jeopardize the development of the society.
  11. Family Genetic History and Mental Illnesses
    The adult participant in the case study does not have any major complaints except for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with which he was recently diagnosed.
  12. Alzheimer's Disease as a Chronic Illness of Interest
    The aging of the American population has led to an increased prevalence of diseases and conditions associated with old age.
  13. Treatment for a Patient With a Chronic Illness
    It is essential to be mindful of social determinants of health, the support needs of HIV patients, and the ways healthcare providers can intervene to make a positive impact.
  14. Urinary Tract Infection: Health Promotion, Chronic, and Acute Illness
    This paper describes the diagnosis, treatment, and health promotion of urinary tract infection as an acute disease and cervical cancer as a chronic illness in women.
  15. Health-Illness Continuum
    The importance of this idea is reflected in the concept of the health-illness continuum that is used to promote the value and human flourishing.
  16. Health-Illness Continuum Review
    The health-illness continuum can be used to elaborate on how an individual, regardless of the absence of physical illness, may suffer anxiety, depression, and other conditions.
  17. Hospital-Acquired Illnesses (HAIs)
    Hospital-acquired illnesses (HAIs) are a significant threat to public health. They also undermine the perceived efficacy of the healthcare system.
  18. Patient Illness Trajectory From Diabetes Diagnosis to Hemodialysis in Taiwan
    The article reviews a study that examined diabetic patients' perceptions of their health and the importance of such information for nurses in the treatment of the disease.
  19. Illness & Disease Management Across Life Span
    For the residents of St Paul, who have diabetes, the following resources are available: hospitals, pharmacies, insurance options, programs, support groups, and special training.
  20. Health and Illness in Your Community
    My experience with a maternal patient is based on observations on the positive effect of imparting knowledge on maternal healthcare, and guidelines experienced by the patient.

👍 Good Illness Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Mental Illness Management Within Care Programme Approach
    Examining a client Care Programme Approach and critically evaluating its utility, focusing on a client-centered social, psychological, and biomedical recovery-based formulation.
  2. Health and Illness in the Community
    The United States health indicator of general populations is hailed as one of the best in the world, and has been rated highly by the United Nations Human Development Index.
  3. Healthy People 2020 on Food-Associated Illnesses
    This paper discusses the objectives, goals, and indicators of the Healthy People 2020 Initiative in Miami, analyzes HIV/AIDS, food-associated illnesses, and tuberculosis.
  4. The History of Present Illness
    The patient is a 35-year-old woman who expresses concern about a rash on her face. The patient has had a rash across the face and the bridge of the nose for a week
  5. Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum
    In caring for patients, the health-illness continuum helps healthcare professionals assess the level of wellness and associated risks of patients.
  6. Chronic Illness Posting and Managing Approaches
    Managing chronic illness is a complex problem for the patient. The following discussion aims at the observation of the issues related to chronic illness management.
  7. Mental Health Illness and Substance Abuse Implication
    Mentally unstable people are often a threat not only to themselves but to society as well. It is therefore high time that mental health insurance becomes a matter of public concern
  8. “The Future of Nursing” by Institute of Medicine
    Institute of Medicine's (IOM) report The Future of Nursing was issued in 2010 to encourage the transformation of the nursing profession in education, practice, and leadership.
  9. SOAP Note on Kawasaki Disease
    A SOAP note on Kawasaki disease: A patient’s complaint, history of illness, diagnosis/assessment, and management plan and health promotion.
  10. Researching SOAP Case Study
    The patient is a 23-year-old female with complaints of severe left lower abdominal/pelvic pain for 6 hours. The onset of the presenting condition occurred six hours prior to the visit
  11. Diabetes and Healthy People 2020
    The paper will address diabetes from the point of view of Healthy People 2020 and discuss diabetes' impact on individual health and the overall health of the nation.
  12. Personal Health Aspects and Assessment Measures
    The assessment measures are universal and can be used by everyone. Depending on the aim, appropriate assessment measures can be used; individuals can inquire from the specialists.
  13. Morbidity and Mortality in Mental Health Problems
    The mental health morbidity chart shows that in 2019, among 328 million people, there were 13,1 million people age 18 and older suffering from mental illness.
  14. A Diabetes Patient's Challenging Experiences
    The current paper provides one with a better understanding of individuals’ experiences with chronic illnesses and associated vulnerabilities.
  15. Listeria Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Management
    Listeria disease is an infection caused by Listeria monocytogenes, and it is highly contagious but only among people with compromised immune systems.
  16. Mortality and Illness Among the Spanish-Speaking Population
    The level of mortality and illness among the Spanish-speaking population significantly exceeds the level of mortality and illness among the whole population.
  17. Researching of Foodborne Illness
    The Hispanic community can be significantly impacted by foodborne illness, especially in terms of health inequities.
  18. Mental Health Risks in Bereavement and Chronic Illness
    Bereavement and chronic illnesses like diabetes can lead to mental health issues. The patient’s story highlights the need for support during grief and pain management.
  19. Childhood Chronic Physical Illness and Adult Emotional Health
    The paper research the article "Childhood Chronic Physical Illness and Adult Emotional Health" about young children's chronic health problems and childhood illnesses.
  20. Mental Illness Concepts in Abnormal Psychology
    Mental health practitioners should thoroughly investigate behavioral symptoms observed in patients with dementia to avert prescribing toxic psychotropic agents.
  21. Effectiveness of Psychotropic Drugs in the Treatment of Mental Illness
    The paper discusses the effectiveness of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of mental illnesses. It highlights the importance of correctly prescribing medication.
  22. Children With a Terminal Illness: Nursing Theories
    The paper claims that through the use Theory of Caring, nurses might facilitate skills of providing compassionate help when stress of parents with hospitalized terminally ill children.
  23. The Health-Illness Continuum Care
    The health-illness continuum care was created with the knowledge that a patient's health may be most susceptible during gaps in care and thus works to address those gaps.
  24. Examining the Health-Illness Continuum
    The health-illness continuum is a system illustrating the state of human health. Its importance and significance are expressed in the health system.
  25. Chronic Illnesses Policy Changes
    Managing a chronic disease often requires constant access to resources that are highly localized and may even be tethered to a single provider.

🏆 Best Illness Essay Titles

  1. The Social Construction of Illness: Key Insights and Policy Implications
  2. Cognitive Therapy with Patients with Chronic Physical Illness
  3. Opioids for the Palliation of Breathlessness in Advanced Disease and Terminal Illness
  4. Parity of Esteem between Mental and Physical Health
  5. Mood and Anxiety Disorders as Early Manifestations of Medical Illness
  6. Involving Family in Psychosocial Interventions for Chronic Illness
  7. Food Safety: Emerging Trends in Foodborne Illness Surveillance and Prevention
  8. Somatic Presentations of Psychiatric Illness in Primary Care Setting
  9. Organizing Care for Patients with Chronic Illness
  10. Palliative Care of Children Suffering from Life-Threatening Illness
  11. Challenges and Approaches to Reducing Foodborne Illness
  12. Abnormal Illness Behaviors: A Developmental Perspective
  13. The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Foodborne Illness in High-Income Countries
  14. Lipid Peroxidation in Psychiatric Illness: Overview of Clinical Evidence
  15. Coping with Chronic Illness in Childhood and Adolescence
  16. Risk Factors in Critical Illness Myopathy during the Early Course of Critical Illness
  17. Models of Antimicrobial Resistance and Foodborne Illness
  18. Acceptance and Denial: Implications for People Adapting to Chronic Illness
  19. Measuring Quality of Life in Patients with Terminal Illness
  20. Comorbid Somatic Illnesses in Patients with Severe Mental Disorders
  21. AIDS as a Chronic Illness: Psychosocial Implications

🎓 Simple Research Topics about Illness

  1. High-Altitude Illnesses: Physiology, Risk Factors, Prevention, and Treatment
  2. The Neuropsychology of Self-Reflection in Psychiatric Illness
  3. Physical Health of People with Severe Mental Illness
  4. The Corbin and Strauss Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: An Overview
  5. Causes and Effects of Mental Illness
    In terms of its effects, mental ailment leads to difficulties in learning, among other social challenges. The condition affects the patients and the immediate environment.
  6. The Sick Role Concept: Understanding Illness Behavior
  7. Coping with Terminal Illness: The Role of Hopeful Thinking
  8. Illness Beliefs among Patients with Chronic Widespread Pain
  9. Recognition of Illness Associated with Covert Chemical Releases
  10. The Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Pain in Terminal Illness
  11. Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention of Common Waterborne Illnesses
  12. Rickettsial Diseases as a Leading Cause of Acute Febrile Illness
  13. Critical Care and the Global Burden of Critical Illness in Adults
  14. Patient Requests for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Terminal Illness
  15. The Impact of Functional Psychiatric Illness on the Patient’s Family
  16. Acute and Chronic Illness: Similarities, Differences, and Challenges
  17. Use or Misuse of Human Serum Albumin in Critically Ill Patients
  18. Psychotherapeutic Considerations for Patients with Terminal Illness
  19. Association of Psychiatric and Physical Illnesses with Suicide in Older Adults
  20. Warning Signs and Symptoms of Heat-Related Illness
  21. The Social Course of Illness in Neurasthenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  22. Children’s Concepts of Illness: Implications for Health Education
  23. An Overview of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale

❓ Illness Research Questions

  1. What Is the Role of Primary Care in Chronic Illness Management?
  2. How Does Discrimination Affect People with Mental Illness?
  3. Does Chronic Illness Affect the Adequacy of Health Insurance Coverage?
  4. What Is More Difficult to Endure: Physical or Mental Illness?
  5. How Do Sociological and Lay Ideas about Illness Differ from Those of Biomedicine?
  6. What Social Factors Can Contribute to Mental Illness?
  7. Do Clinicians Have an Implicit Bias in Favor of Specific Disease over Nonspecific Illness?
  8. How Does Stress Cause Physical Illnesses?
  9. What Psychiatric Genetics Has Taught Us about the Nature of Psychiatric Illness?
  10. Does Artificial Nutrition Improve the Outcome of Critical Illness?
  11. Why Does Patient-Centredness Matter in Chronic Illness?
  12. How Does Maternal Psychiatric Illness Affect Infant Development?
  13. Does Palliative Care Improve Outcomes for Patients with Incurable Illness?
  14. Is the Role of Mental Illness in Suicide Overestimated?
  15. How Does Drug and Alcohol Misuse Develop among People with Psychotic Illness?
  16. Do Biomedical Models of Illness Make for Good Healthcare Systems?
  17. What Is the Difference between an Illness and Disease?
  18. Does Cortisol Play a Role in the Association of Depression with Medical Illness?
  19. Glycemic and Nonglycemic Effects of Insulin: How Do They Contribute to a Better Outcome of Critical Illness?
  20. Does Being Religious Help or Hinder Coping with Chronic Illness?
  21. How Does Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Training Improve the Skills of Health Workers?
  22. Why Does Anxiety Mimic So Many Physical Illnesses?
  23. Does Impairment of Energy Metabolism Result in Excitotoxic Neuronal Death in Neurodegenerative Illnesses?
  24. How Are Chronic Illnesses Linked to Diet and Nutrition?

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NursingBird. (2024, December 8). 113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://nursingbird.com/topics/illness-research-topics/

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"113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples." NursingBird, 8 Dec. 2024, nursingbird.com/topics/illness-research-topics/.


NursingBird. (2024) '113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 8 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 8, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/topics/illness-research-topics/.

1. NursingBird. "113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 8, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/topics/illness-research-topics/.


NursingBird. "113 Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples." December 8, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/topics/illness-research-topics/.