The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes


Human health condition depends on a variety of factors that influence people during their whole lives. However, there are those which can be controlled and prevented to minimize the harmful effect and increase the quality of life. Genetics disposition to specific health issues combined with improper lifestyle habits might cause severe problems for an individual’s wellbeing. The genetic family history and information about a patient’s current health issues and behavior provide an opportunity to identify risk factors and provide preventive intervention to help a person improve the quality and longevity of life.

The interviewed patient suffers from obesity and diabetes and wishes to prevent it from evolving due to the harmful outcomes it has on their health and personal life. This disease can be prevented with the help of an accurately developed diet combined with a system of physical activities aimed at weight loss and health improvement. The paper develops a teaching plan combining information about the patient’s genetic family history, the data characterizing her current lifestyle, and an objective health condition to improve the quality of life.

Preventable Disease Overview

Type 2 diabetes is a widespread health issue that affects many people around the world regardless of age and gender. Its development greatly depends on obesity because the majority of overweight patients obtain diabetes (Leitner et al., 2017). Obesity, the low muscle mass of the body, can be the trigger for diabetes development. The main characteristic of diabetes is the condition when a human body cannot produce insulin causing a variety of complications, especially when not treated correctly (Asif, 2014). Hunger, thirstiness, and fatigue might be signals of the diseases in their earlier stages (Leitner et al., 2017).

The general worldwide tendency to gaining weight leads to a rapidly increasing number of type 2 diabetes cases among adults and children. The chosen patient identifies obesity and diabetes as acute problems that have an evolving character and adversely affect their life. According to the information gathered about the patient’s disposition to this illness, she has a high risk of the disease’s development with adverse outcomes. Family members on both paternal and maternal sides died of diabetes and had significant health issues. Therefore, it is vital to combat the risk factors to eliminate the adverse outcomes of the disease for the patient.

Evidence-Based Intervention

To eliminate the adverse outcomes the disease may provide, it is vital to develop a planned intervention capable of reducing the illness’s intensity. When addressed properly, diabetes’s harmful effect on a human’s life can be reduced, and other related diseases such as heart or kidney diseases can be prevented, as well as the overall life quality can be improved (Asif, 2014). Diet and physical exercise system aimed at reducing body weight is recognized as the most effective intervention in diabetes development prevention.

The increased amount of vegetables, fruit, and food with unsaturated fatty acids combined with a physical exercise aimed at weight loss are effective tools for disease prevention and treatment (Asif, 2014). Since obesity is the core of diabetes development, reducing body weight, the patient will improve the level of glucose and normalize the health condition.

The short-term goals of the proposed intervention are the stabilization of glucose concentration in blood with the help of dietary, weight loss to the level of a norm, and gaining muscle mass with the help of physical exercises. The long-term goals include the prevention of complications related to diabetes and the overall improvement of health conditions (Asif, 2014). The eventual achievement of these objectives will provide satisfactory results and lead to the patients’ longevity.

Implementation: Teaching Plan

Using the methods of lecturing and presentation of statistical data and scientific research results, I will provide the patient with the necessary information to emphasize the problem and the ways it can be overcome. To teach the participant how to use this information and properly apply it in practice, I will provide a detailed diet plan and physical exercise schedule. The patient will be asked to keep a diet according to the prescribed schedule and list of products. To trace the flow of intervention, I would ask the patient to write down the meals they consume in a diary. As a resource for more information and guidance, I would recommend the American Diabetes Association Website (2018) where the patient would be able to find answers to many questions.


During the process of the intervention implementation, it will be necessary to evaluate the achieved results and to make adjustments, if any, to the following stages. Due to obesity overcoming as one of the main goals, I would utilize weight control as a method of evaluation. Also, according to glucose level stabilization as the short-term goal, I would examine the blood for glucose to ensure the changes. Regular meetings and check-ups will be provided to control the proper course of the intervention.


In conclusion, the genetic family history and the current state of the patient’s health indicate their high risk of diabetes development with its severe outcomes in the form of complications. To eliminate the adverse aftermath of diabetes and obesity as the problem closely related to it, it would be appropriate to apply scheduled and balanced dietary and a system of physical training to decrease body weight and to stabilize glucose level in blood. The systemized interventions, proper utilization of the provided, and recommended information will help the patient prevent disease development and will improve the overall quality of health.


American Diabetes Association. (2018). Web.

Asif, M. (2014). The prevention and control the type-2 diabetes by changing lifestyle and dietary pattern. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 3(1). Web.

Leitner, D. R., FrĂĽhbeck, G., Yumuk, V., Schindler, K., Micic, D., Woodward, E., & Toplaka, H. (2017). Obesity and type 2 diabetes: Two diseases with a need for combined treatment strategies – EASO can lead the way. Obesity Facts, 10(5), 483-492.

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NursingBird. (2023, November 7). The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes.

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"The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes." NursingBird, 7 Nov. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes'. 7 November.


NursingBird. 2023. "The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes." November 7, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes." November 7, 2023.


NursingBird. "The Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes." November 7, 2023.