The Health and Medical Division Recommendations


Errors happen in every organization, but it is always prudent to work towards curbing them. In the healthcare sector, errors produce detrimental results because the industry deals with saving human lives. The Health and Medical Division (HDM) offers relevant recommendations to help promote the organization’s objectives. Through these acclamations, affordable, equitable, and quality care was guaranteed. This means that they provide a roadmap to more significant achievement in the organization.

Some of the recommendations affect the work of bedside nurse, such as enhancing patient-centered care. When government agencies are involved in monitoring operations, healthcare organizations improve the way nurses care for patients. This includes raising the standards and expectations of the nurses to reduce errors. Enhancing patient-centered care also means regular examinations and re-licensing of the nursing practitioners. It warrants updated procedures aligned with the healthcare sector’s dynamics of the entity.

An organization must deliver its mandate effectively and timely as a marker of quality services. The number of chronic cases that have been successfully treated is another indicator of effectiveness. The amount of personnel and facilities available aid in guaranteeing success in operations within the institution. The organization has incorporated medical procedures with the functions from other departments, improving patient safety. Besides, the partnerships in researching the issues in healthcare help improve patients’ experiences, which has raised the establishment’s ratings. The working environment has also improved exponentially, adding up to the rating of the organization. Generally, the entity has benefited positively from the HDM’s recommendations.


  • Health and Medicine Division (HMD) provided insightful recommendations.
  • They are helpful to healthcare organizations and providers.
  • They ensure affordable, equitable, and quality care.
  • The recommendations provide roadmaps for meeting objectives.
  • The purpose of every organization is to achieve its goals.

Health and Medicine Division (HMD) offered quality recommendations based on reports from experts. They guide healthcare providers and organizations proposing similar services, enhance quality, and reduce human errors. They also help ensure that affordable, equitable, and quality care is provided (Donaldson et al., 2000).

Recommendations Directly Affecting Nurses

  • Introduction and application of evidence-based practices.
  • Having interdisciplinary collaboration intensification of patient-centered care.
  • Forming governmental agency to monitor healthcare operations.
  • Periodic examination and re-licensing of nurses.
  • Raising expectations and standards regarding patient safety.

Evidence-based practices, collaboration, and involving government agencies in monitoring influence patient care and raise the standards and expectations. Conducting regular re-examinations and re-licensing to ensure that nurses focus on minimizing mistakes and prioritize patient safety in care provision (Donaldson et al., 2000).

Organizational Quality Indicators

  • Financial, management, and human resource structure.
  • Effectively responding to healthcare issues and problems.
  • The individuals are protected from chronic diseases.
  • Effectiveness of processes and their outcomes.
  • Personnel and facilities available in the organization.

Several indicators of performance are the framework of the organization’s structure relating to finance, management, and human resource. The institution efficiently responds to healthcare issues and offers high-quality services (Grossu & Kaļķis, 2019). The operating processes are effective while the personnel and facilities of the entity help indicate the quality of the services offered.

Evidence of the Organization’s Alignment to HMD’s Vision

  • Incorporation of medical procedures within the establishment
  • An organization that is led by professionals
  • Conducting continuous training of caregivers and workers
  • Adopting technology in managing health records
  • Partnering with other organizations in research work

Medical procedures are incorporated in all departments’ functions to guarantee safety. Professionals assist the leadership in ensuring the effectiveness of operations. Through continuous training, they are able to learn new technologies. Adopting health record management enhances communication while research partnerships improve effectiveness (Donaldson et al., 2000).

Patients’ Experience

  • Improved interactions within the organization
  • A conducive environment that enhances patient care
  • Understanding the personal characteristics of the patients
  • Improved relationship with the healthcare practitioners
  • General satisfaction with the services offered

Evidently, patients’ interpersonal interaction with other people in the organization has improved. Another critical factor that affects the patient’s experience is characteristics of the communication, as it is the basis of having mutually beneficial interactions with the nurses and other caregivers. Additionally, there is a positive patient experience and satisfaction with services.

Healthcare Environment

  • The social factors within the healthcare system.
  • Economic factors in the organization or population.
  • Physical environment within the healthcare setting.
  • Influencing the health behaviors of patients.
  • Improving the healthcare processes and facility maintenance

Social and economic factors refer to the cost of treatments, while the physical environment is the organization’s personnel, infrastructure, and furniture. Healthy behaviors entail consuming nutritionally valuable foods and protecting oneself from adverse weather.

Improvement Goals

  • To enhance patient safety and caregiving
  • To ensure effectiveness of health operations.
  • To improve equity in the healthcare system.
  • To sustain patient-centered care within the organization.
  • To ensure timeliness in operations or caregiving.

Improvements warrant the safety of patients, healthcare equity, and effectiveness of services. These are the essential goals to ensure that patient-centered care is sustained across all departments, warranting timeliness in operations and caregiving across the organization.

Care Microsystems

  • Understand the structure of the organization.
  • Service delivery within the care microsystem.
  • Health information system to manage patient data.
  • Structuring of departments within the organization.
  • Improved patient health outcomes within the entity.

Microsystems implies how an organization is structured and how departments are interlinked in providing services. They dictate how an entity delivers its benefits and how health information is stored. The result is the improvement of patient healthcare services and outcomes (Donaldson et al., 2000).

Factors Contributing to Errors

  • Diagnostic and treatment negligence during care processes.
  • Prescribing and dispensing faults during care provision.
  • Administering and monitoring mistakes by practitioners.
  • Misunderstanding the management systems for preventing challenges
  • Poor procedures leading to preventable errors

Most of the errors that exist in the organization are attributed to mistakes in the medication process (Latimer et al., 2017). The main sources of errors are diagnostic and treatment errors, prescribing and dispensing mistakes, administering and monitoring errors, poor understanding of management processes, and poor procedures causing preventable errors.

Why Errors Happened

  • Negligence from healthcare practitioners of the organization.
  • Communication barriers between patients and caregivers.
  • Poor management that leads to malfunctions.
  • Delaying distribution of financial and human resources.
  • Having many system failures within the system

Sometimes caregivers become ignorant and neglect their responsibilities, which results in errors. Several faults occurred due to communication barriers and poor management from stakeholders in the organization. Leaders fail to allocate resources, creating gaps that cause failure in the systems (Latimer et al., 2017).

Prevention of Errors

  • Understanding the strategies for error prevention.
  • Nurses following appropriate medical and clinical procedures.
  • Double-checking medication and processes before implementation.
  • Collaborating with other nurses during care provision.
  • Ensuring proper documentation of procedures in nursing care.

Nurses must understand the strategies for error prevention and follow the medical processes. Double-checking medication and processes before implementation and collaborating also minimize errors. This will warrant proper documentation of all procedures and enhance collaboration between practitioners (Donaldson et al., 2000).


  • Organization strives to implement HMD recommendations.
  • They provide guidance in achieving the objectives.
  • Improvement of care within the organization.
  • Documenting service delivery within the institution.
  • Outlines error sources and prevention measures.

The organization has shown efforts to implement HMD’s recommendations completely. They are suitable for the establishment in achieving its aims. The commendations provide comprehensive guidelines and a basis to formulate appropriate objectives for improving care in the entity.


Grossu, D., & Kaļķis, H. (2019). Performance measurement tools for total quality management in application to healthcare environment: A qualitative systematic review. Journal of Economics and Management Research, 8, 82-89. Web.

Donaldson, M. S., Corrigan, J. M., & Kohn, L. T. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system (vol. 6). National Academies Press.

Latimer, M., Jackson, P. L., Eugène, F., MacLeod, E., Hatfield, T., Vachon‐Presseau, E., Michon, P., & Prkachin, K. M. (2017). Empathy in pediatric intensive care nurses part 1: Behavioural and psychological correlates. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(11), 2676-2685. Web.

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NursingBird. (2022, May 10). The Health and Medical Division Recommendations.

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"The Health and Medical Division Recommendations." NursingBird, 10 May 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'The Health and Medical Division Recommendations'. 10 May.


NursingBird. 2022. "The Health and Medical Division Recommendations." May 10, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "The Health and Medical Division Recommendations." May 10, 2022.


NursingBird. "The Health and Medical Division Recommendations." May 10, 2022.