Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings

Background Information

For this assessment, I conducted an interview with the Quality Assurance professional and attended committee meeting devoted to error analysis in a hospital setting where I work as a nurse. As a result, I received an opportunity to find out the peculiarities of the quality improvement process. In addition to that, I deepened in the way’s errors are usually analyzed.

Continuous Quality Initiatives

The hospital setting where I work pays much attention to continuous quality improvement. The Quality Assurance professional emphasized that our approach deals with the creation of quality control groups that consist of the staff members who focus on particular quality aspects (personal communication, October 16, 2016). They align them with the organizational objectives, such as customer satisfaction or financial stability. Having everyone involved in the initiative implementation, the seniors ensure that all professionals do their best to improve the quality of the provided services and enhance health outcomes for patients. A strong commitment is that driver which ensures continuousness of the initiative.

Analysis of Errors

Unfortunately, our hospital setting is not protected from errors. Both human factor and technical issues can lead to them. To be prepared to react and prevent critical problems, the organization maintains various analyses. With their help, the possibility of harmful situation can be minimalized and quality improved.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is often utilized to find out what led to the particular issue. Having an opportunity to deal with the cause, we receive a chance to prevent further complications. Considering those adverse symptoms that affect our performance negatively, the main problem is identified. Then, it is analyzed thoroughly so that several levels of causes are identified until the root one is found. Thus, we can solve only it and do not need to waste time on additional issues that can be solved as a consequence.

Those problems that may occur but are not faced yet are identified with the help of Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA). When designing some initiative or strategy, we consider possible failures beforehand and then adapt the system so that they can be overcome. A group of the staff members gathers all available information related to the topic and discusses what can go wrong, why, and what outcomes can be seen. Then, controls for each failure are pointed out. They are prioritized, and recommendations on how to cope with them are provided (ASQ, 2016).

Finally, enormous attention is paid to the serious harm done to patients. Serious Safety Events measure is used to discuss the quality of the healthcare services in the framework of patient safety (Cincinnati Children’s, 2016). It is presented as a chart on which serious safety events are pointed out. As a result, the staff receives an opportunity to consider them in the historical perspective. Thus, there is a possibility to see whether the implemented initiatives are helpful or not. This measurement is followed by a problem-solving process that is used to identify how observed issues can be minimalized or omitted at all.

Quality Improvement Processes

Personally, I believe that the way our hospital setting maintains continuous quality improvement is appropriate and advantageous for the organization. Being controlled by the efficient leadership, workgroups conduct error analyses and provide recommendations on how to improve the quality of provided services. The fact that all members of the staff are committed to these procedures ensures their willingness and readiness to implement initiatives that are likely to bring positive changes.


ASQ. (2016). Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA). Web.

Cincinnati Children’s. (2016). Serious safety events. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 24). Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings. https://nursingbird.com/quality-improvement-in-the-hospital-settings/

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"Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings." NursingBird, 24 Jan. 2024, nursingbird.com/quality-improvement-in-the-hospital-settings/.


NursingBird. (2024) 'Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings'. 24 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings." January 24, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/quality-improvement-in-the-hospital-settings/.

1. NursingBird. "Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings." January 24, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/quality-improvement-in-the-hospital-settings/.


NursingBird. "Quality Improvement in the Hospital Settings." January 24, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/quality-improvement-in-the-hospital-settings/.