Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis

Personal Nursing Autobiography

I have a strong academic background that supports my healthcare practice. I completed my Master’s degree in microbiology several years ago in Cuba. I currently work as a registered nurse (RN) in Florida where I offer evidence-based services to my clients. My employer is the Florida Health Department (FHD). My major roles as an RN include the provision of health education and physical examination to clients. I also assess the immunizations and physical statuses of patients. I competently review and interpret laboratory or X-ray reports. The findings are then communicated to the supervisor.

I always educate patients with various diseases such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). I participate in a number of programs such as the FL SHOTS and HMS. I am also planning to acquire more nursing concepts in the future. This fact explains why I am aspiring to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). This advanced practice role in nursing will make it easier for me to diagnose and treat various diseases (Carman et al., 2013). In the future, I will work hard to earn a doctoral degree. Consequently, I will practice independently and provide advanced services to my clients. I have always embraced the power of lifelong learning in order to acquire new concepts and skills that can make me a competent provider of evidence-based nursing care. These elements explain clearly why I will succeed as a healthcare provider in the future.

During my childhood, I used to admire various medical professions. The people working in different healthcare settings provided adequate support and care to their patients. I made the decision to become a caregiver after finishing school. Additionally, my siblings always encouraged me to pursue my career goals. These aspects played a critical role throughout my decision-making process (Payne & Steakley, 2015). With the current problem of a nurse shortage, I strongly believe that my responsibilities in the medical field will support the emerging needs of many patients.

The Four Meta-Paradigms of Nursing

Nurse practitioners should develop a powerful philosophy that can guide them whenever providing care to their clients. That being the case, my nursing philosophy is governed by a number of principles, concepts, and meta-paradigms in order to support my goals. The four meta-paradigms of nursing play a critical role in my practice as a caregiver (Fairbrother, Jones, & Rivas, 2014). This discussion, therefore, gives a succinct summary of my perspective on the four nursing meta-paradigms.


My practice as an RN focuses on the unique needs of the client or human element. Human beings tend to have their unique needs, religious beliefs, energy fields, and health models. In order to achieve desirable health results, I always focus on the personal needs of the targeted patients. Throughout the healthcare delivery process, the patient should be supported through the use of multidisciplinary teams. This approach will ensure the nursing practice re-patterns the patient’s energy field (Payne & Steakley, 2015). This practice will definitely restore the client’s health.


This meta-paradigm is what makes a difference in every nursing practice. Personally, I strongly believe that the nurse is an important link in the healthcare delivery process. As a nurse, it is appropriate for me to participate, collaborate, and empower my clients. The nurse should be in a position to “treat the profession as a science and art” (Kleinpell et al., 2014, p. 12). By so doing, the needs of the patients will be carefully understood, monitored, and addressed. The nurse should use their competencies to support the health of every client.


Human beings are inhabitants of the natural environment (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Consequently, the surrounding environment will definitely have significant implications on the health outcomes of its dwellers. Additionally, the environment presents avenues or hazards capable of dictating a person’s health. The existence of beliefs and values is something that must be taken seriously throughout the healing process. That being the case, I consider the environment as a critical aspect in order to ensure the health challenges affecting my clients are clearly understood (Payne & Steakley, 2015). The participants involved during the healthcare delivery process should be empowered in order to record acceptable results.


This meta-paradigm plays a significant role in my nursing philosophy. The health of an individual can be defined differently depending on the disease affecting him or her. Whenever providing adequate care to my patients, the greatest concern is transforming their conditions for the better. In order to achieve positive results, it is necessary to consider the position or role of the other three meta-paradigms (Kleinpell et al., 2014). This practice encourages me to identify evidence-based concepts that have the potential to improve the lifestyle of the targeted client. The use of modern informatics, acquisition of new concepts, and consideration of multidisciplinary teams can definitely improve the health outcomes of underserved populations.

Two Practice-Specific Concepts

My nursing approach is strengthened by various concepts. Such concepts can guide me whenever identifying, addressing, and supporting the diverse needs of my clients. NPs should consider various practice-specific concepts and interpret them accordingly. This strategy can make it easier for them to use the concepts in an evidence-based manner and eventually transform the experiences of their clients (Carman et al., 2013). The two major practice-specific concepts that are unique to my nursing philosophy include cultural competence and the use of multidisciplinary teams.

Cultural Competence

One of my strengths as a nurse is the ability to provide adequate care to patients from diverse backgrounds. I have acquired this skill throughout my life. I have lived in different countries such as Cuba and the United States. I have interacted with many people from diverse backgrounds. Consequently, I can offer quality care to patients from different backgrounds (Mattila et al., 2014). This is true because I have understood that individuals from different backgrounds should be respected. The diversity experienced in Florida has also played a critical role in supporting my nursing philosophy. I have successfully provided quality care to persons from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and religious groups.

Many theorists believe that cultural competence is a powerful concept for nurses because it can ensure adequate and seamless care is available to patients from diverse backgrounds (Mattila et al., 2014). The cultural, traditional, religious, and social attributes are critical throughout the medical care delivery process. Experts in healthcare encourage nurses to create teams characterized by individuals from various origins. By so doing, the best communication and decision-making practices will emerge in each department. This development will make it easier for cross-cultural leaders to support the needs of their clients (Carman et al., 2013). Patients prefer healthcare facilities that have the potential to deliver culturally-sensitive medical care (Payne & Steakley, 2015). This fact explains why I will always focus on this practice-specific concept. I am planning to read widely in an attempt to acquire new dexterities that have the potential to improve my skills as a provider of culturally-competent nursing care. This move will eventually make me a successful RN.

Multidisciplinary Teams

The concept of multidisciplinary teams is widely supported by literature because of its ability to transform the nature of the nursing practice (Patterson & Krouse, 2015). The concept brings together many professionals from different health departments in an attempt to provide care and promotion. Unfortunately, many scholars have ignored this concept despite being a powerful element in nursing philosophy. Personally, I have always supported the concept because it is capable of revolutionizing the nature of the nursing practice. If quality healthcare is to be delivered to more clients, nurses should work with caregivers, physicians, therapists, and family members. This model can be used to support the health needs of patients with terminal illnesses such as cancer.

The use of these teams has been observed to offer patient-centered care. The changing needs and expectations of the clients are monitored in a timely manner. The professionals working together will offer evidence-based ideas in an attempt to produce desirable health outcomes (Patterson & Krouse, 2015). Ferguson and Cioffi (2013) indicate that the use of multidisciplinary teams is something capable of promoting effective communication, commitment, courage, and competence. These developments will eventually support the health needs of the targeted patient. This concept will definitely become a critical attribute of my nursing philosophy in the future. This move will empower me to support the needs of more clients and underserved populations.

List of Five Propositions

In order to record positive results, medical practitioners and nurses should develop powerful philosophies guided by a set of propositions. Ferguson and Cioffi (2013) believe propositions should also be matched with the four nursing meta-paradigms and practice-specific concepts. Adequate propositions have the potential to support, guide, and ensure the nurses put the needs of the clients first. RNs who understand the power of propositions will be in a position to deliver timely care to their patients (Mattila et al., 2014). Such assumption statements can also guide them to offer evidence-based support to individuals who might be in need of critical care.

This knowledge and understanding explain why I have been able to come up with powerful propositions as a nurse. The prepositions make it easier for me to identify, monitor, and address the diverse needs of my patients. The assumptions also guide me whenever identifying the right caregivers who can guide me in order to deliver desirable care to my patients (Fairbrother et al., 2014). The key propositions that define my nursing philosophy are presented below.

  • Nursing should be treated as a powerful health practice that focuses on the unique needs of clients who have different energy fields.
  • Registered Nurses (RNs) should collaborate, communicate, and share ideas with other professionals in the health sector in order to offer desirable care to their patients.
  • Nurses should embrace the power of life-long learning in an attempt to acquire new concepts and dexterities that have the potential to transform their philosophies.
  • Since nursing is a global practice, the concept of cultural competence should be taken seriously because it brings together professionals capable of supporting the changing health needs of clients from diverse backgrounds.
  • Nurses should acquire evidence-based ideas, skills, and concepts in order to continue addressing the changing needs of many populations across the globe.


Carman, K., Dardess, P., Maurer, M., Sofaer, S., Adams, K., Bechtel, C.,…Sweeney, J. (2013). Patient and family engagement: A framework for understanding the elements and developing interventions and policies. Health Affairs, 32(2), 223-231.

Fairbrother, G., Jones, A., & Rivas, K. (2014). Changing the model of nursing care from individual patient allocation to team nursing in the acute inpatient environment. Contemporary Nurse, 35(2), 1-16.

Ferguson, L., & Cioffi, J. (2013). Team nursing: Experiences of nurse managers in acute care settings. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(4), 5-11.

Kleinpell, R., Scanlon, A., Hibbert, D., Ganz, F., Fraser, D., Wong, F.,…Beauchesne, M. (2014). Addressing issues impacting advanced nursing practice worldwide. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(1), 1-14.

Mattila, E., Pitkanen, A., Alanen, S., Leino, K., Luojus, K., Rantanen, A.,…Aalto, P. (2014). The effects of the primary nursing care model: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing & Care, 3(205), 1-24.

Patterson, B., & Krouse, A. (2015). Competencies for leaders in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(2), 76-82.

Payne, R., & Steakley, B. (2015). Establishing a primary nursing model of care. Nursing Management, 46(12), 11-13.

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NursingBird. (2021, July 21). Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis.

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"Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis." NursingBird, 21 July 2021,


NursingBird. (2021) 'Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis'. 21 July.


NursingBird. 2021. "Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis." July 21, 2021.

1. NursingBird. "Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis." July 21, 2021.


NursingBird. "Primary Nursing Care Model as Philosophical Basis." July 21, 2021.