Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population

Leadership and Role Delineation in ANP

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) possess numerous competencies that make it easier for them to deliver high-quality care to their patients. Leadership attributes guide them to empower, mentor, and develop their followers. The nurse leader (NL) in our unit is someone who has demonstrated some of the best leadership attributes and role delineation. To begin with, the NL uses the power of negotiation to manage challenges and conflicts in the unit.

Communication is a useful skill that makes it possible for the NL to establish new teams and promote positive relationships (Mastrangelo, Eddy, & Lorenzet, 2014). The leader uses specific skills such as coordination and collaboration to address various problems. The leader is also a competent decision-maker and critical thinker. These attributes of our leader have led to better practices in the unit.

The leader understands the importance of focusing on his roles and goals. The use of evidence-based concepts and clinical skills guides the NL to come up with the best care delivery models. The integration of systems knowledge, critical thinking, and leadership competencies is a common practice that has been promoted by the leader. Teams are developed and guided to complete different tasks.

The ultimate goal is to encourage more nurses to use evidence-based ideas and embrace the power of lifelong learning. The acquired knowledge guides every practitioner to come up with appropriate initiatives to deliver excellent patient care (Daly, Jackson, Mannix, Davidson, & Hutchinson, 2014). The leader goes a step further to present adequate information, technological inputs, support systems, and clinical guidelines to the followers. This role delineation has facilitated excellence in care delivery.

Organizational Behavior and Leadership Theories

My current nursing experience has revealed various theoretical approaches that influence organizational behaviors and leadership practices. In my current practice setting, the institution supports the use of a decision-making organizational approach. This organizational behavior theory asserts that decisions should be guided by the targeted goals. The behavioral theory indicates that the most appropriate behavior in an institution should be the one that is goal-oriented (Daly et al., 2014).

This means specific behaviors that might not support the targeted goals should be discouraged. This organizational behavior model has guided different managers to consider the existing code of ethics in the hospital. The institution has therefore been able to meet the needs of more patients.

The working environment has also been characterized by different leadership styles. The common style evident in my practice setting is the path-goal theory. This model of leadership indicates that the leader should use his or her competencies to guide targeted followers. The leaders in the unit present adequate resources and offer the right support to the nurses. This practice has made it easier for more caregivers and nurses to focus on the changing needs of their patients (Wong, 2015).

Another observation is that the leaders encourage their workers to engage in evidence-based practices that resonate with the objectives of the hospital. The leadership strategy creates room for empowerment and guidance in every unit. The leader in our unit uses a supportive approach to identify and address the issues affecting the nurses (Daly et al., 2014). Consequently, the existing organizational behavior and leadership approach has supported the institution’s healthcare delivery model.

DNP Role in Population-Focused Interventions

Healthcare practitioners are equipped dexterities that can guide them to design effective models to deliver quality support to different individuals and populations. A good example of a holistic or biopsychosociospiritual (BPSS) intervention focusing on a specific individual is a personalized care delivery that considers the spiritual, social, psychological, and biological attributes of a given patient. The intervention will begin by analyzing the health issues affecting the patient.

The next move is to develop an evidence-based intervention plan that is sensitive to the person’s spiritual, social, psychological, and biological attributes (Hunter, 2016). This means that the relational existence of the individual should be considered throughout the care delivery process. The plan should be in accordance with the person’s religious beliefs, social expectations, and physician needs. The interactions associated with these domains will ensure the intervention focuses on the totality of the patient’s health.

This holistic model would be revised accordingly in an attempt to support the needs of a given population. Unlike in the personalized approach, the intervention will consider the religious attributes and social aspects associated with the targeted population. It is necessary to understand that a given population might be characterized by persons with diverse spiritual and religious foundations. It would be appropriate to ensure the holistic intervention model caters to the diverse needs of such groups within the targeted population. The psychological issues defining the population will be used as a guideline for the holistic intervention (Hunter, 2016).

The implementation process for this model should be managed by a group of professionals. Such experts include social workers, psychologists, and medical practitioners. The developed team will find it easier to implement the holistic intervention and support the target population (Mastrangelo et al., 2014). When the approach is implemented effectively, the needs of the population will be met in a timely manner.

Assessing Populations

Many regions across the country continue to face a wide range of health challenges. Such issues have been making it impossible for many people to realize their health goals. The conducted investigation indicates clearly that many people in my region are affected by different health issues. The top four health concerns in the region include disparities in health care delivery, preventable illnesses such as obesity, premature deaths, and substance abuse (Daly et al., 2014).

The region is characterized by different racial groups. This is one of the reasons that have been presented to explain the source of disparity in health care services. Many youths have been engaged in malpractices such as substance abuse and smoking. Premature deaths are also common in the community due to a lack of adequate health promotion strategies. Obesity is another health challenge affecting many people in the region.

This observation is congruent with the issues outlined by the Healthy People 2020 project. The mission of the Healthy People 2020 is to promote a wide range of initiatives that have the potential to deal with the major health concerns affecting many people in the United States. The issues affecting my community show conclusively that the country is facing similar hurdles in its healthcare sector. This similarity should be a wakeup call for practitioners, policymakers and medical professionals to develop new health promotion strategies (Wong, 2015). Such initiatives should be informed by the major health issues affecting different populations. My Evidence-Based Health Promotion Project will therefore focus on the issue of substance abuse in the region.


Daly, J., Jackson, D., Mannix, J., Davidson, M., & Hutchinson, M. (2014). The importance of clinical leadership in the hospital setting. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 6(1), 1-18. Web.

Hunter, J. (2016). The hole in holistic patient care. Open Journal of Nursing, 6(1), 776-792. Web.

Mastrangelo, A., Eddy, E., & Lorenzet, S. (2014). The relationship between enduring leadership and organizational performance. Leadership & Organisation Development Journal, 35(7), 590-604. Web.

Wong, C. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: State of the science. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(1), 275-278. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, October 30). Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population.

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"Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population." NursingBird, 30 Oct. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population'. 30 October.


NursingBird. 2023. "Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population." October 30, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population." October 30, 2023.


NursingBird. "Nurse Leadership in Relation to Special Population." October 30, 2023.