How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity


Continuous reductions in the usage of motor transport and encouragement of more ecological, alternative transportation modes are now an integral feature of the majority of transportation strategies globally. Cycling infrastructure along feeder highways has been proposed as a viable method of encouraging riding and improving patient outcomes. Physical exercise’s significant health-promoting possibilities can be achieved at the societal level most effectively when people include regular exercise in their everyday lives. Cycling to and from work healthily and actively is a desirable mode of engagement. This paper aims at providing recommendations on how to make roads secure for cyclists for the benefits of enhancing physical activities among individuals. Additionally, the essay provides a relationship between road safety and cycling activities by reviewing various literature.

And it nearly comes as no surprise that reducing road fatalities and improving public health would have substantial financial benefits. For instance, the current economic cost of vehicle collisions is around 3% of global gross domestic product (GDP) (Schepers et al., 2019, p. 385). There is a socio-economic responsibility to solve this road safety issue in every town. These significant changes in travel interplay will not only lead to environmental advancements such as better air effectiveness, less overcrowding, and more effective transportation (Schepers et al., 2019). Still, they will also foster positive interactions between road users and practical activities that support their functioning and wellbeing. For instance, in Canada, women have larger risks from hypertension, asthma, and melancholy (Rosenberg & Allard, 2007). Cycling regularly strengthens and increases an individuals’ heart, breathing, and circulation, lowering their risk of heart disease. Various cycling-related techniques have been employed to accomplish these goals, resulting in a significant increase in the number of cyclists in the majority of instances. Improvement in cycling safety would also help reduce risk perceptions that may hinder potential bikers and strollers from participating in physical exercise and reaping the related medical advantages.

Road Safety and Its Significance

Because the transportation system shapes how commuters perceive their surroundings, it influences accident rates. In this perspective, the roadway instructs road users on proper behavior. Deleterious infrastructure work variables include those in which a road deficiency directly causes a crash, as well as those in which some aspect of the traffic conditions misleads a pedestrian or cyclist, resulting in miscalculations (Oviedo-Trespalacios et al., 2019). While driving as a mode of transport has excellent economic advantages, it also carries substantial hazards to one’s wellbeing, including harm or death.

As highlighted earlier, financially, road collisions cost nations an estimated 3% of their GDP in terms of accidents and fatalities (Schepers et al., 2019, p. 385). In the future, significant advancements in technology such as coordinated, intelligent transport mechanisms and vehicle robotics are predicted to increase road safety. However, new projections indicate that significant advantages will likely occur in the long run, between 25 and 30 years, due to several constraints associated with infrastructure funding, people’s opinion, and vehicle design regulations (Oviedo-Trespalacios et al., 2019, p. 86). Until all drivers have complete access to effective safety technology, creating and delivering appropriate cycling safety remedies will be essential to avoid road trauma. Therefore, some of the importance of road safety to cyclists are as enumerated below.

Enhanced Safety of Road Users

Traffic safety barriers are specifically established to enhance road infrastructure protection by shielding motorists and automobiles in the event of a crash. On roadways, safe driving measures are typically positioned in the center of the road, and they are quite successful in preventing an out-of-control car from crossing the adjacent lane. Thus, this avoids direct collisions, and occasionally, safety road barriers are installed on one side of a road to discourage out-of-control automobiles from colliding with roadside items such as tree branches, road markings, and posts. As a result, the risks of accidents and exposures to cyclists out on physical activities are minimized hence improved safety.

Reduced Incidences of Cyclists-Motorists Crash

Not only do drivers require the use of our roadways, pathways frequently run alongside main and side streets. These walkways are accompanied by various traffic safety signs designed to keep users safe. In addition, most roads have rider lanes explicitly designed for cyclists and pedestrians. Finally, road safety has warning signs to mitigate the danger of a significant crash through the various road and path signs. For instance, speed limit restrictions are usually in place at significant cycling highways to limit motorists’ speeds to prevent collisions.

Smooth Flow of Traffic

The primary benefit of roadway safety, particularly in everyday use, is ensuring orderly traffic flow. Whether it is stoplights or departure indicators, drivers are usually knowledgeable of what action to partake in each scenario, or at least they should be. These indicators help them define their function at crossroads or roundabouts. Additionally, because many cyclist accidents occur at road intersection points, as discussed in the literature, road signs ensure that these highways are safe by regulating the movement of vehicles and bikers. Since police officers cannot be everywhere to regulate and implement traffic regulations, road markings are in place to maintain appropriate traffic.

Literature Review

Various scholars have researched to establish the link between road safety and cycling. Useche et al. (2019) identified that transportation barriers deter cyclists from using road transport. They highlighted a significant safety disparity between bikers and other means of travel. Figures from both hemispheres indicated that bicyclists are seven to seventy times likelier to be harmed per journey completed than vehicle owners (Useche et al., 2019, p. 590). Moreover, they established that it was conceivable that public perceptions of an inadequate safety function are a barrier to cyclists in Canada (Vraga & Jacobsen, 2020). In polls examining variables influencing people’s choice of mode of travel, uncertainty about safety is one of the most often reported deterrents (Useche et al., 2019). Bicycling’s driving factors and impediments include elements determining willingness to cycle.

In a poll, individuals identified the following aspects as significant barriers in the Vancouver metropolitan area. The danger of harm from car-bike incidents and the risk posed by drivers unfamiliar with safe driving near bicycles had the highest frequencies (Useche et al., 2019). Useche et al. (2019) enumerated that greater ridership patterns may lead to a rise in cyclist protection since rising bicycling frequencies proved to reduce accident rates. When there are few bicyclists on the road, motorists may not anticipate them and commit so-called looked-but-failed-to-see violations that culminate in accidents (Useche et al., 2019). When automobiles and cyclists are unfamiliar with sharing space, both participants may make sweeping generalizations about the actions of the other. They highlighted that growing riding counts might mean that more people ride bicycles, thus, increasing motorists’ awareness of bicyclists and their activities, therefore, urging them to drive defensively. Finally, a higher cycling population translates into a louder voice advocating for bike infrastructure.

Another study demonstrated the relationship between road safety and cycling by analyzing cyclists’ risk of exposure while using roads. Prati et al. (2018) enumerated that a higher probability of an accident was associated with susceptibility to threat due to travel behavior. This link was examined using a variety of exposure variables, including biking to work, the average days took cycling, the overall amount of excursions, and cycle track kilometers. Greenberg (2013) discovered an elevated contagion incidence during the current COVID-19 pandemic that hindered individuals within Canada from participating in cycling activities. The role of exposure can be attributed to the fact that the roadway is an environment fraught with inherent dangers, and exposure increases the likelihood that these risks manifest as a collision.

Vehicle kilometers traveled did not appear to be connected with an increased probability of crashes and so do not appear to be a good proxy for hazards in bicycle incidents. Instead, Prati et al. (2018) demonstrated that the number of bicycles and traffic volume might factor in collisions. It is inherently evident that the danger of crashes is related to the amount of motorized automobile traffic. While the frequency of crashes increases as riding exposure grows, the likelihood of a motorist colliding with a bicycle decreases as the population of cyclists increases (Prati et al., 2018). According to Prati et al. (2018), the security in abundance effect is likely related to increased consciousness of bicycles among motorists and their social adjustment in the vicinity of cyclists, rather than modifications in traffic rules, norms, or route design. Additionally, the more individuals who cycle, the fewer people will use other modes of transportation, including automobiles, minimizing the likelihood of a collision.

Lastly, numerous studies have concentrated on the effects of infrastructure qualities on cycling. Liu et al. (2021) discovered a higher probability of crashes at intersections when contrasted to other road segments. In terms of crossroads type, Liu et al. (2021) found that four-leg junctions increased the probability of crashes. Additionally, there is an indication that roundabouts may contribute to an increase in crashes (Liu et al., 2021). Their findings in this review reinforce the theory that roundabout conversions may increase the incidence of accidents. Several more studies concentrated on cycling infrastructure.

Moreover, they referenced the omission of bicycle infrastructure as a significant contributor to crashes, indicating that traffic vulnerability raises the likelihood of collisions. They discovered that cycling on noticeable cycleways built into roundabouts resulted in more significant traffic fatalities for cyclists than intersections without any cycle point. In addition, bridges without cycle lanes elevated collision danger, whereas highly maneuverable roadways reduced collision risk (Liu et al., 2021). However, the inclusion of structured medians, either obstacle or segmented roads, appeared to reduce the probability of crashes, as medians posed major impediments for bicycles, preventing them from crossing illegally.

Additionally, another infrastructural characteristic that poses a risk of collision is designed medians that provide sanctuary for bicycles crossing streets, allowing them to complete the passage in two phases. However, Liu et al. (2021) discovered that the existence of a median did not affect the risk of crashes. They examined the impaired or partially impaired visibility linked with road features and found that collisions were more likely to occur when inadequate street lighting. Thus, as a result, cyclists had a constrained sight perspective, paths were blocked, roundabouts had restricted or partially curtailed deceivability, blind struggles occurred at intersections, and major streets roads had more entryways with inadequate deflections.

Suggestions for Making Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity

The literature review provides a strong link between road conditions and bikers’ exposure to accidents. Furthermore, as evidenced by various authors, the results suggest that bicycle infrastructure, transportation barriers, and exposure risks are crucial elements that deter bicyclists from engaging in physical activities. Therefore, looking at the literature on the relationship between road safety and cycling to promote bikers’ physical activity and wellness, the following points would help make roads safer for them.

Improving Cycling Infrastructures

One strategy has been to increase pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. For cyclists, this stretches from huge auto-free zones covering a large portion of the town center, broad and well-lit cycle paths on both sides of each major road, and at junctions and multilane intersections. Buehler and Pucher (2017) enumerated that Canadian cities have likewise made significant investments in expanding and improving bicycle infrastructure. The cities have accomplished this by having separate rights-of-way supplemented by various other metrics, including dedicated bike turn paths giving access to roundabouts (Buehler & Pucher, 2017). These cities have also incorporated segregated cycle traffic transmissions with advanced green lights for riders and bicyclist-activated stoplights at key crossing points. In addition, urban landscape adjustment generates purposeful dead ends and halting and meandering routing for cars while giving direct, fast redirection for bicycles. All these measures aim to promote the culture of cycling among bikers as it is an essential physical activity.

Erecting Speed Bumps on Roads

Traffic calming measures include limiting motor vehicle speeds to 30 kilometers per hour (19 miles per hour) or less, both legally and physically. The restriction is through the use of elevated crossing points and pedestrian walkways, cycle lanes, road shortening, winding routes, contours, speed humps, and artificial dead ends established by midblock street closedown (Buehler & Pucher, 2017). Traffic calming ensures that walkers, bicyclists, and kids running on neighborhood roads have the same right to use them as cars and trucks. The primary safety benefit of speed bumps is reducing motor speed limits. Therefore, this is critical not just for the motorcyclist’s strategy to escape colliding with cyclists and pedestrians but also for the non-life car drivers in the event of a collision.

Conclusion. Physical exercise’s tremendous health-promoting potential is most successfully realized at the societal level when people incorporate regular exercise into their daily lives. Highway safety barricades are designed primarily to preserve road infrastructure by protecting commuters and vehicles in the case of a crash. On motorways, proper driving precautions are often located in the middle, and they are highly effective at keeping an out-of-control vehicle from crossing into the adjacent lane. The absence of cycling infrastructure as a significant cause of crashes indicates that traffic vulnerability increases the chance of collisions.

Additionally, cycling on visible cycleways integrated into roundabouts results in more severe traffic deaths for bicyclists than crossings with no cycle point. Bicycling to and from work is a desirable way of participation because it is healthy and energetic. Since the transportation system impacts commuters’ perceptions of their surroundings, it affects accident rates. In the contemporary incredibly challenging environment, the obstacles for essential population health and how interacting with the mainstream press in a questioning fashion will assist focus attention on social dynamics that underlay the connection between road safety and cycling (Henderson & Hilton, 2018). Finally, Rimke (2020) suggests that the state should encourage citizens to be involved in health promotion activities such as daily physical activities to reduce incidences of chronic health diseases associated with a lack of exercise. Therefore, increased riding safety would assist in reducing risks levels of uncertainty that may deter potential cyclists and strollers from engaging in physical activity and reaping the associated health benefits.


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NursingBird. (2022, November 10). How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity.

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"How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity." NursingBird, 10 Nov. 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity'. 10 November.


NursingBird. 2022. "How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity." November 10, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity." November 10, 2022.


NursingBird. "How to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists to Encourage Physical Activity." November 10, 2022.