Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing


For this assignment, I have chosen to watch and reflect on the video about Hildegard Peplau and her theory of interpersonal relations in nursing. I selected this video because I believe that a healthy, positive relationship between the patient and the nurse is vital to successful recovery. At the same time, patients should not become overly reliant on their caretaker, as eventual separation is inevitable once the patient is healthy again.

Agreement and Disagreement

I agree that a nurse should serve as a teacher, surrogate, and leader for the patient. I also agree that it is critical to help the patient identify their felt need and then address it. A vital part of that statement is that a nurse should be able to deal with the human difficulties that affect the patient’s health (Fitna, n. d.). In general, the theory accurately describes my perception of the nursing process, which is consistent with the statement that much of Peplau’s work has been absorbed into the core nursing theory, with the author forgotten.

However, the theory is not applicable if the patient does not have a felt need, such as in scenarios where he or she is unconscious. Even within the constraints of the theory, it is somewhat outdated, and the concept of the connection between nurse and patient should be re-evaluated, according to Lane and Serafica (2015). Furthermore, I disagree with the theory’s lack of personal space considerations, as well as its focus on the role of the nurse as a caretaker. Modern nurses participate in a wide range of activities, such as community education and telemedicine, which do not involve close interaction with a patient.

Surprises in the Theory

An unexpected part in Peplau’s theory was the notion that the nurse and the patient should work together to become more mature and knowledgeable. I have viewed patient treatment as a static occupation that at best helps the nurse accumulate experience, and learning and growth have been matters to address in other time periods, according to that view. However, the idea proposed in the video sounds attractive when I consider it, and I believe it is going to change my perception of the task.

Video Recommendations

I would recommend the video to another student because it contains valuable information about the past of nursing as well as ideas they may not have encountered before. Peplau’s description of her upbringing and career was an enlightening journey through the evolution of the nursing profession. Her statement that parts of her work were quoted verbatim may inspire the watcher to search for cases of the theorist’s ideas being appropriated without citations and realize her importance to the current nursing teachings.


By watching this video, I gained a significant amount of knowledge about the past of the nursing profession as well as an understanding of the source that was responsible for the creation of much of the contemporary nursing theory. I believe that the knowledge of the issues nurses had to face in the past and the actions they took to address them may help me gain a sharper view of the current landscape of the profession with its current concerns and how those problems can be resolved. Watching the video has been a valuable experience, and I will commit the lessons I have learned to memory.


Fitne. (2012). Hildegard Peplau – Interpersonal Relations in Nursing. Web.

Lane, S. H., & Serafica, R. (2015). Examining the emerging ideas of connection within nursing practice and education. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 85(1), 4-17.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 26). Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing. https://nursingbird.com/hildegard-peplau-on-interpersonal-relations-in-nursing/

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"Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing." NursingBird, 26 Jan. 2024, nursingbird.com/hildegard-peplau-on-interpersonal-relations-in-nursing/.


NursingBird. (2024) 'Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing'. 26 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing." January 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/hildegard-peplau-on-interpersonal-relations-in-nursing/.

1. NursingBird. "Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing." January 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/hildegard-peplau-on-interpersonal-relations-in-nursing/.


NursingBird. "Hildegard Peplau on Interpersonal Relations in Nursing." January 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/hildegard-peplau-on-interpersonal-relations-in-nursing/.