Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth


GAPPS is a global organization that provides enhanced healthcare. The key aim of GAPPS is to prevent stillbirths and premature births. The organization was established to curb rising mortality cases of mothers and unborn babies. This problem is attributed to a lack of adequate resources and informed healthcare practices. Therefore, GAPPS has taken the initiative to develop projects that ensure better healthcare. Establishing a partnership between nursing organizations and GAPPS will ensure that all the key players have information on the provision of quality healthcare to patients.


Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) is one of the most recent organizations formed to solve issues regarding healthcare. GAPPS is an international organization that was created in 2007. Although this initiative targeted the ‘Seattle Children’, its scheme has become global. Internationally, expectant women have been affected by premature births. It is poignant to imagine the number of babies who are lost moments before or after birth. Mothers may lose lives in cases where premature babies are lost. Therefore, GAPPS spearheads an initiative that could adopt projects that curb these issues (Sponge, 2011).

Mission and vision

The mission of GAPPS is to direct a joint international effort to create awareness and enforce revolutionary research and intercessions. This will improve maternal and children’s healthcare issues worldwide, which leads to reduced rates of stillbirths (Spong, 2011).

GAPPS Projects

GAPPS has initiated several programs in a bid to meet its objectives as per the mission statement. One of these projects is the ‘filling the void project’. This is a program that aims at providing healthcare codes of behavior set up in areas with inadequate resources. Another project undertaken by GAPPS is the ‘lifesaving collection project’. This project aims at developing repositories or specimen banks, which widen research opportunities on pregnancy issues. Sufficient information should be gathered to enable the key players to make informed decisions regarding the states of pregnancy, which ensures health for both mothers and infants. Thus, it is evident that GAPPS’s projects aim at ensuring global health (Spong, 2011).

Impacts of GAPPS Projects on Global Health

GAPPS Projects have a great impact on the world’s health. First, the project creates extensive awareness and stimulates research on issues of prematurity and stillbirths. This improves the entire infant health knowledge. The projects also avail necessary resources for use in childbirth; the presence of these facilities prevents unnecessary deaths of mothers and their infants. Besides, it offers secure births hence an improvement of healthcare. Finally, the projects unite stakeholders globally, which hastens the progress of infants and maternal health. Therefore, these projects have great impact on the world’s healthcare (Spong, 2011).

American Nurses Association (ANA)

The American Nurses Association is a national organization, that partners with international health organizations and projects like GAPPS towards improving healthcare globally. ANA’s objectives include representing and checking the interests of all registered nurses in the nation. Nurses are key players in providing standard healthcare. In any career scenario, workers who are satisfied and feel respected perform best (American Nurses Association, 2010). Therefore, this makes ANA key towards the fulfillment of the objectives of GAPPS. Nurses are the major healthcare personnel who interact with patients. Besides, this organization represents the voice of the nurses, which will trigger strategies that need to be put in place by all people to curb stillbirths. Nurses are more likely to be prepared for handling pregnant mothers.


International health organizations, programs, and projects, are important tools towards the improvement of healthcare standards, and quality living. GAPPS specifically is an organization, which aims at safeguarding the lives of mothers and the unborn against stillbirths. This organization has developed projects that help it to meet its objectives. Global health organizations can work hand in hand with nursing organizations towards meeting goals, which lead to better healthcare globally. For further information visit this Website:

Proposal Outline for the partnership between GAPPS and ANA

  1. Association Bio Data
    1. Name of the Association
    2. Names of contact persons
    3. Address
    4. Legal status (Licensing and registration)
    5. Year of establishment
    6. Ownership of organization
    7. Status of share contribution
  1. Executive summary
  2. Background
    1. Association vision and mission
    2. Operations scope
    3. Description of current operations
    4. Key enterprises promoted by Association
  1. Justification for partnership
    1. Problem statement
    2. Projected benefits
  1. Partnership proposals
    1. Objectives of the partnership
    2. Proposed activities
    3. Roles and responsibilities of partners
    4. Time frame
    5. Output
    6. Strategic plan
    7. Budget


American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (Ana, Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice). New York: American Nurses Association.

Spong, C. Y. (2011). Stillbirth: Prediction, Prevention and Management. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 12). Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth.

Work Cited

"Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth." NursingBird, 12 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth'. 12 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth." January 12, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth." January 12, 2024.


NursingBird. "Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth." January 12, 2024.