Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis

The case of Bangladesh reveals that proper strategies have the potential to promote population management and improve economic performance. This SWOT analysis gives a succinct summary of the initiative launched in this country to reduce fertility.

  • The initiated project focused on a real issue or concern affecting many people in Bangladesh
  • The new program was informed by the failures and challenges recorded in the previous years
  • The pioneers of this project deployed outreach workers (also called Family Welfare Assistants) to support the initiative
  • A well-managed distribution approach or system was considered to support the program
  • Over 4,000 clinics were established to support the initiative
  • Information and training centers were launched to educate more people about the dangers of the existing cultural practices
  • The project lacked adequate resources to meet the needs of outreach workers
  • The introduced model lacked health and family planning professionals, thereby increasing the time taken to deliver positive results (“Reducing fertility,”n.d.).
  • Very few clinics and centers were established to support the initiative
  • The program did not offer adequate information regarding the importance of low fertility
  • Modern contraceptives are becoming more safe, affordable, and available to many people
  • Many citizens are now able to read and write and have access to health services
  • The government remains supportive and partners with outreach workers to deliver positive results (Starbird, Norton, & Marcus, 2016).
  • Many people now understand and appreciate the importance of family planning
  • The cost for maintaining outreach workers has increased significantly, thereby affecting the success of this program
  • Low education level
  • The social status of many women in different communities
  • Cultural trends and barriers still affect the decisions many people make
  • The government is expected to focus on other areas of economic development, including infrastructure and the overall healthcare sector


Reducing fertility in Bangladesh [n.d.]. Web.

Starbird, E., Norton, M., & Marcus, R. (2016). Investing in family planning: Key to achieving the sustainable development goals. Global Health: Science and Practice, 4(2), 191-210. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, November 6). Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis.

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"Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis." NursingBird, 6 Nov. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis'. 6 November.


NursingBird. 2023. "Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis." November 6, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis." November 6, 2023.


NursingBird. "Bangladeshi Fertility Reduction Program Analysis." November 6, 2023.