Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs

SWOT is the analysis tool that can be used for the assessment of programs or planning methods and involves the evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analyzed case presents a successful program aimed to reduce fertility rates in Bangladesh. One of the strengths of the program is that it involved the Family Welfare Assistants (FWAs), which was a significant step (Levine, 2010).

The reason for it is that it allowed for the establishment of trust-based relationships between outreach workers and rural women, which enhanced their awareness about the importance of contraception.

Moreover, the program offered a wide range of contraceptive methods to meet all needs of the population and ensure that all women received help. Another vital strength of the program is that it allowed for the establishment of more than 4,000 clinics that provided permanent and long-term contraceptive methods (Levine, 2010). Such a step ensured that rural women received continuous assistance in family planning. Moreover, educational programs were established; they encouraged the use of contraceptive methods and communication between partners, which resulted in decreased fertility rates.

It is vital to discuss the weakness of the program, as well as the opportunities it presents and the existing threats. The primary weakness of the program is that it involves high costs for outreach workers, which should be considered. It is necessary to mention that although the program allowed for a decrease in fertility and improved partners’ communication about family size, there are opportunities for growth.

For example, it may be feasible to develop a more effective outreach strategy that will allow for a steady decline in the fertility rate. As for the threats, women may not be aware of the risks associated with the wrong prescription of contraceptive methods related both to their health and future pregnancy. The program should address these issues as well to eliminate the potential adverse outcomes.

In the presented case, the patient seems aware of the significance of adherence to treatment. It is proven by the fact that he follows the prescribed diet and has agreed to discuss a plan to increase his compliance. However, it is vital to mention that the patient does not want to take additional effort and feel pressured about necessary treatment. It means that it is vital to choose the right strategy to increase his compliance.

Of three proposed strategies, the rational-empirical one seems the most effective. The reason for it is that it is based on the communication of information that outlines the incentives for a patient (Nickols, 2016). I would use this strategy by explaining to the patient what he could gain from adherence to blood glucose monitoring and insulin administration. I would show him that compliance with treatment would improve his health, allow him to spend more time with his family, and eliminate the risks of adverse health outcomes.

The patient’s wife would be involved in the change effort too; I would ask her to provide emotional support to her husband while also noticing his monitoring and administration routine. To increase the unfreezing, I would ask the patient what has motivated him to adhere to treatment, as well as analyze his perspective about the benefits of it. I would also consider the reasons why he does not want to use the insulin pump and discuss Sam’s concerns with him. To me, it would be vital to show to the patient that his feelings are valid and understandable, but adherence to treatment would improve his well-being significantly.


Levine, R. (2010). Case studies in global health: Millions saved. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Nickols, F. (2016). Four strategies for managing change. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 24). Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs.

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"Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs." NursingBird, 24 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs'. 24 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs." December 24, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs." December 24, 2024.


NursingBird. "Family Planning: Nursing Education Programs." December 24, 2024.