Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice

The third part of people aging 65often falls, and it results in complicated traumas. The risk of falling increases among aged adults. For this reason, it is crucial to develop a strategy that could help to reduce the number of accidents resulting from falls. This particular research investigates how the usage of alarm bells reduces the risk of future falls compared to frequent rounding in an acute care setting for age 65 years and older.

#1 Database

  • Title: The Joint Commission
  • Location of Database (URL): Web.
  • Owner or Publisher of Database: The Joint Commission
  • Describe (in your words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: The Joint Commission is an independent and non-profit organization that accredits and certifies health care establishments and programs across the United States. Its main aim is to improve the state of healthcare in cooperation with other stakeholders to provide patients with qualified services. Users of its database can access vital information about evidence-based practices to improve the quality of health.
  • Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question: This database is quite useful for my topic since it provides reports on the prevention of the inevitable fall risk in older adults.

#2 Database

  • Title of Database: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Location of Database (URL): www.cdc.gov
  • Owner or Publisher of Database: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  • Describe (in your words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: The given database relates to a non-profit organization that does research to protect the country from health, security and safety threats. It presents information about various illnesses and provides support to people and communities.
  • Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question: This particular database publishes some current articles and journals that address safety threats in the healthcare setting. Specifically, the database has some recent articles that revolve around care for the aged and precise measures that help to reduce the risk of future falls.

#3 Database

  • Title of Database: Mayo Clinic
  • Location of Database (URL): www.mayoclinic.org
  • Owner or Publisher of Database: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
  • Describe (in your words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: The database is supported by the research group with thousands of health professionals engaged in tertiary care. Mayo group contributes to a better understanding of disease processes and evidence-based clinical practices. Mayo has more than 5,000 publications, reviewed articles, and peer-reviewed journals that are vital for evidence-based medical practice.
  • Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question: Mayo has several peer-reviewed journals and reviewed articles that particularly addresses the issue of care for aged people. The organization’s database is particularly known for best practices that are related to the specific health issues in the society. In fact, the database has several articles that provide measures and solutions to the fall risk among the aged people.

#4 Database

  • Title of Database: National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • Location of Database (URL): www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Owner or Publisher of Database: National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • Describe (in your words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: NCBI is a governmental database related to biotechnology and biomedicine information. It includes GenBank, Epigenomics, and PubMed that is accessible through Entrez search engine. Additionally, the database provides access to the information related to biomedical and genomic practices
  • Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question: Promotion of health and prevention of disability among the aged are vital for the modern medicine. This database has several sub-databases which provide various articles and journals connected with the issue of care. Prevention of falls is discussed in the majority of the articles published on this website, and this fact determines our choice.

#5 Database

  • Title of Database: NIHSeniorHealth
  • Location of Database (URL): www.nihseniorhealth.gov
  • Owner or Publisher of Database: National Library of Medicine
  • Describe (in your words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers: It is a database created by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging to provide the information about the safety measures to the aged people. The NIHSeniorHealth avails the essential health information and makes it available for family members or friends that are interested in the issue. The database also suggests the specified information for aged people.
  • Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question: Safety and care form the basis of the National Library of Medicine and its database. It provides the topical health information about the challenges awaiting aged people. In fact, the information provided here could be taken as credible as it is supported bt the independent reviews. The site provides a number of the elaborated articles about the risk of falls and prevention measures.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 12). Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice. https://nursingbird.com/fall-risk-prevention-in-evidence-based-practice/

Work Cited

"Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice." NursingBird, 12 Dec. 2024, nursingbird.com/fall-risk-prevention-in-evidence-based-practice/.


NursingBird. (2024) 'Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice'. 12 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice." December 12, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/fall-risk-prevention-in-evidence-based-practice/.

1. NursingBird. "Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice." December 12, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/fall-risk-prevention-in-evidence-based-practice/.


NursingBird. "Fall Risk Prevention in Evidence-Based Practice." December 12, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/fall-risk-prevention-in-evidence-based-practice/.