Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals

Topic Selection


The topic chosen is the effects on fad diets on overweight individuals under the category of health and wellness.


The popularity of fad diets has grown tremendously due to the availability of social media and the promise to deliver results within a short time (Jáuregui-Lobera, 2017). As such, most overweight people prefer this form of dieting as a way of dealing with their health problems (Sifferlin, 2017). People have divided opinions concerning the usefulness of fad diets in cutting down weight for obese people. On one side, proponents argue that such kind of diet is effective in weight loss management. On the other hand, critics claim that fad diet does not play any role in reducing one’s weight. I opine that fad diets are more dangerous for the overweight individuals than not dieting at all.

Research Questions

  1. What are fad diets?
  2. Are there any health benefits associated with fad diets?
  3. Are fad diets more dangerous for overweight individuals than not dieting at all?
  4. What are the negative effects associated with fad diets?
  5. Are there healthy alternatives for fad diets?

Topic Reflection

How is the topic important?

The majority of overweight individuals are genuinely interested in following effective weight loss management plans. In addition, the process of cutting down one’s weight is long and painful. As such, people will easily adopt any solution that offers quick answers to overweight problems. Consequently, most obese persons have adopted fad diets as a weight-loss management strategy. However, the available research shows that such kind of diet does not give the sustainable results.

How does it affect you?

Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. As a nurse, I have interacted with different overweight individuals and I understand their long journey to weight loss. Therefore, it hurts me to know that such individuals can be misled into believing that fad diets can help them lose weight. Additionally, there is evidence that fad diets contribute to obesity in the end. Therefore, as a nurse, I am concerned about this issue.

What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?

I personally want to understand the effects of fad diets on obesity. I want to know both the temporary and lasting implications of having such kind of diets. This information will allow me to make informed arguments concerning this topic. As a nurse, people ask my professional advice on this issue. Therefore, I want to gain sufficient understanding so that I can offer appropriate responses.

What do you want your readers to understand?

I want my readers to understand that there is no scientific or nutritional evidence that fad diets help in weight loss management. Therefore, I want them to start making informed decisions concerning what they eat. People should start leading healthy lifestyles as a way of weight management as opposed to adopting quick fixes like fad diets.

What actions do you want them to take?

I want my readers to take charge of their lives and stop relying on fad diets as a way of losing their weight. My readers should adopt the proven ways of managing weight loss such as exercising and eating balanced diet among others. I want them to spread this information and educate their families and friends on the negative effects of fad diets on overweight individuals.

Research, Audience, and Thesis


My audience will be overweight individuals. There is an overwhelming need to sensitize this group of individuals that fad diets will not solve their health problems. The motivation and influence to use fad diets amongst such individuals is rooted on the desire to manage their weight and lead healthy lives. I will need to structure my writing in a way that exposes fad diets as a fraud in a bid to convince my target audience.

Narrow Your Focus

My unique angle will be to prove that fad diets do not work by asking provocative questions to audience concerning the topic. For instance, I will ask – how many pounds have you lost since you started using fad diets?


Fad diets are more dangerous to overweight individuals than not dieting at all. The available research shows that overweight individuals using fad diet may gain more weight.


Jáuregui-Lobera, J. (2017). Fad diets, miracle diets, diet cult… but no results.” Journal of Negative & No Positive Results, 2(3), 90–93.

Sifferlin, A. (2017). The weight loss trap: Why your dieting isn’t working. Time. Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, November 7). Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals. https://nursingbird.com/fad-diet-effects-on-overweight-individuals/

Work Cited

"Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals." NursingBird, 7 Nov. 2023, nursingbird.com/fad-diet-effects-on-overweight-individuals/.


NursingBird. (2023) 'Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals'. 7 November.


NursingBird. 2023. "Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals." November 7, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/fad-diet-effects-on-overweight-individuals/.

1. NursingBird. "Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals." November 7, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/fad-diet-effects-on-overweight-individuals/.


NursingBird. "Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals." November 7, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/fad-diet-effects-on-overweight-individuals/.