Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions

Health Care Settings for Older Adults

Alleviating Suzanne’s Concern

A charge nurse can help to alleviate Suzanne’s concerns by sharing personal experiences. It is not a secret that women are primary caregivers to the elderly relatives because it is socially acceptable. However, drawbacks of this social tradition are usually ignored. First of all, caring for aging relatives is commonly connected to both physical and emotional burdens. It is true for both a caregiver and a caretaker.

Besides, it imposes risks of family crises, especially keeping in mind that Suzanne’s mother stays with her family (Wold, 2012). It means that a nurse’s role is not to frighten Suzanne but help her realize that her mother required special care because of dependence on relatives. Once Suzanne recognizes that placing her mother in a nursing home is a reflection of the love that would decrease tension in her family, she will feel better.

Education Plan

Suzanne is worried that her mother will be treated badly in a nursing home. That is why she should be educated to realize that this decision is optional for her mother’s health. First of all, nursing homes provide a patient with personal care that is especially significant in this case because Suzanne does not have enough time to pay attention to her mother’s needs because of her job and home duties.

Moreover, her mother will have a personal room, i.e. never feel the lack of personal space like in the case of staying with Suzanne and her children. Also, all patients are provided with professional care. It means that all peculiar needs will be addressed properly. Finally, there are opportunities for socialization and communication that is also an advantage because of the connection between physical and psychological wellbeing (Wold, 2012). That said, professional care, personal space, and communication are the primary points of this education plan.

Elder Abuse and Neglect

Situation Assessment

In this case, there are two troubling points – grandmother’s recent concussion and her Alzheimer’s disease. Because she was brought in with a concussion two weeks before, it is vital to find out whether the trauma was properly addressed. However, because she was going to do the laundry, the primary assumption is that a recent concussion is the cause of new trauma. The motivation behind it is the fact that patients with concussions are recommended to rest and avoid similar activities for at least two. At the same time, it is vital to determine the stage of Alzheimer’s disease because it might have led to this problem as well, especially in cases of dementia (Torre, 2016).

Nursing Intervention Plan

First of all, it is imperative to note that nursing interventions differ in nature. That said, they can be physical, cognitive, social, behavioral, and psychological based on the needs of patients or their relatives (Sidani & Braden, 2011). Keeping in mind the situation under consideration, it is evident that two intervention plans are required. For instance, a grandson requires psychological intervention because of the necessity to feel emotional support, as he is extremely stressed.

Some educational measures are also appropriate because he should be aware of the severity of the given problem. As for his grandmother, physical and cognitive interventions are optional. It is paramount to obtain a trauma history, palpate places of injuries, and find out whether a woman experienced any other troubling symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. The rationale for this intervention plan is the fact that a recent concussion might have led to this incident if it was not addressed properly (Baird & Bethel, 2011).


Baird, M. S., & Bethel, S. (2011). Manual of critical care nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management. Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Sidani, S., & Braden, C. J. (2011). Design, evaluation, and translation of nursing interventions. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Torre, J. (2016). Alzheimer’s turning point: A vascular approach to clinical prevention. Austin, TX: Springer.

Wold, G. H. (2012). Basic geriatric nursing. Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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NursingBird. (2023, July 17). Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions. https://nursingbird.com/elder-abuse-and-nursing-interventions/

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"Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions." NursingBird, 17 July 2023, nursingbird.com/elder-abuse-and-nursing-interventions/.


NursingBird. (2023) 'Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions'. 17 July.


NursingBird. 2023. "Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions." July 17, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/elder-abuse-and-nursing-interventions/.

1. NursingBird. "Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions." July 17, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/elder-abuse-and-nursing-interventions/.


NursingBird. "Elder Abuse and Nursing Interventions." July 17, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/elder-abuse-and-nursing-interventions/.