Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records

Healthcare organizations are increasingly moving from patients’ paper charts to digital electronic health records (EHR) and electronic medical records (EMR). As such, the EHRs system has become a vital component of information technology in hospitals. Within our clinical setting, the EMR contains the medical history of the patients, diagnoses, treatment, medications used and allergic reactions and results from radiology imaging, laboratory and other tests. Thus, the EMR is also used as a decision-making tool by the nurses and physicians. Moreover, digitalization of the medical records leads to automation and streamlining of the workflow, enhancing efficiency.

For the EMR system to operate effectively and achieve continuous quality assurance, it is vital to implement some safety features. Students in the medical field need to be taught the safe use of EHRs so as to gain the most benefits that it offers (Aguirre et al., 2019). For instance, it is crucial to update the software frequently and that the anti-virus and anti-malware are installed. The physical security of the electronic devices can be ensured by always locking the offices and employing a security guard to deter thieves. Moreover, it is possible to prevent unauthorized by using complex passwords on patients’ records.

Failure to use the EMR may result in complications that have negative implications to the patients, the hospital and the medical professions. Medical errors due to unauthorized access or loss of patient are more prevalent in medications and treatment, with each getting 31%, diagnosis at 28% and others at 10% (Graber et al., 2019). The complications in any medical error are stuck and can result in patients’ death or disability, prolonged hospital stay, complicated prognosis and lawsuits for the hospital. For example, if a doctor makes a mistake and keys in the wrong medication to the client, then depending on the adverse reactions, the complications can be enduring. Therefore, it is vital for healthcare professionals to understand how to use EMR, and apply it appropriately to avoid making errors.


Aguirre R. R., Suarez, O., Mailenys, F., & Sanchez-Gonzalez, M. (2019). Electronic health record implementation: A review of resources and tools. Cureus, 11(9). Web.

Graber, M. L., Siegal, D., Riah, H., Johnston, D., & Kenyon, K. (2019). Electronic health record–related events in medical malpractice claims. Journal of Patient Safety, 15(2), 77-85. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 22). Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records.

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"Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records." NursingBird, 22 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records'. 22 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records." December 22, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records." December 22, 2024.


NursingBird. "Digital Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records." December 22, 2024.