Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites

Smoking Cessation Program

  • It helps all adults to quit smoking painlessly.
  • Many therapies and procedures are included in the program (“Smoking cessation program,” 2018).
  • A thorough preliminary examination is conducted.
  • Individual and free consultations are available.
  • Group and individual lessons are regularly practiced.
  • Invited guests give lectures and answer questions.

Notes: The “Smoking Cessation Program” course is held in South Miami Hospital Lung Health (“Smoking cessation program,” 2018). Experienced specialists of the medical center conduct a comprehensive survey of all those who apply to them. Based on the results of examinations, an individual therapy program is prepared. The course provides for conversations with people who have already given up their addiction. Patients learn to control their habits and receive appropriate treatment. Free consultations with the specialists of the center are available at any time. All adult citizens can take part in the program.

Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade

  • The Tobacco-Free Workgroup is supported by the state (“Florida department of health in Miami-Dade,” 2018).
  • The group cooperates with other organizations and communities.
  • Anyone can receive qualified and timely help.
  • Learning, working, and living environments are affected.
  • The group’s meetings are held every two months.
  • One of the primary goals is to help the youth.

Notes: The Tobacco-Free Workgroup is a large organization that cooperates with many other communities and holds meetings of like-minded people every two months (“Florida department of health in Miami-Dade,” 2018). Different topics are affected during conversations. The goal of the community is to help everyone and, first of all, young people to realize that the life without smoking is free. The group is large and is one of the state’s tools in the fight against smoking.

Tobacco Prevention and Control

  • The statistics of addiction to smoking is given.
  • The website offers a variety of smoking cessation programs (“Tobacco prevention and control,” n.d.).
  • Important dates and events are mentioned.
  • Local laws regarding tobacco are described.
  • A number of useful resources for smokers are listed.
  • Activists’ initiatives are proposed and discussed.

Notes: The website contains much useful information for those who want to quit smoking (“Tobacco prevention and control,” n.d.). Also, this platform provides a large number of useful links to those programs that can be useful for giving up the addiction. The active promotion of tobacco prohibition is carried out with the aim of improving the people’s health. Different important stages of legislative changes and their results are listed.

Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Environment Policy

  • The website is promoted by the University of Miami (“Smoke- and tobacco-free environment policy,” 2018).
  • Smoking is prohibited in the nearby area.
  • All the nuances are explained in detail.
  • The participation of the University in the program against tobacco is mentioned.
  • Interested persons are involved in a special community.
  • Infringements and the measures of influence are discussed.

Notes: The website under consideration is the property of the University of Miami (“Smoke- and tobacco-free environment policy,” 2018). All the conventions regarding the rules and prohibitions are discussed, including the mention of smoking devices and places of their use. The creators of the site agitate active people to join the community that struggles against tobacco. Disciplinary actions are mentioned, and they are strict. Both university employees and students are subject to equal responsibility in case of the violation of the rules. The website is the part of the state anti-smoking program.


Florida department of health in Miami-Dade. (2018). Web.

Smoke- and tobacco-free environment policy. (2018). Web.

Smoking cessation program. (2018). Web.

Tobacco prevention and control. (n.d.). Web.

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NursingBird. (2023, November 6). Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites.

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"Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites." NursingBird, 6 Nov. 2023,


NursingBird. (2023) 'Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites'. 6 November.


NursingBird. 2023. "Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites." November 6, 2023.

1. NursingBird. "Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites." November 6, 2023.


NursingBird. "Anti-Tobacco Programs: Communities and Websites." November 6, 2023.