Free Thesis Creator

Creating thesis statements has never been easier than with our sentence generator.

Free Thesis Creator
Is used for research papers, response papers, and analysis essays
e.g. Gender pay gap remains an issue
e.g. On average, women earn 19% less than men
e.g. Women in developed countries are more educated than men
e.g. On average, women earn 19% less than men
Topic 1 (e.g. Conventional medicine)
Topic 2 (e.g. Alternative medicine)
(e.g. Aim to help people)
Topic 1 (e.g. Conventional medicine treats symptoms)
Topic 2 (e.g. Alternative medicine addresses one's entire health)
Result for analytical thesis statement

Conventional medicine and alternative medicine are similar as they both aim to help people, are very popular, have their benefits and risks, and often imply taking pharmaceutical-type preparations.

Conventional medicine and alternative medicine are different as conventional medicine treats symptoms, focuses on each organ separately, bases on scientific evidence, and mainly uses drugs and surgery, while alternative medicine addresses one's entire health, works with the whole body, bases on evidence-informed practices, and mainly uses natural remedies.

Whereas conventional medicine and alternative medicine are different as conventional medicine treats symptoms, focuses on each organ separately, bases on scientific evidence, and mainly uses drugs and surgery, while alternative medicine addresses one's entire health, works with the whole body, bases on evidence-informed practices, and mainly uses natural remedies, they are also similar as they both aim to help people, are very popular, have their benefits and risks, and often imply taking pharmaceutical-type preparations.

🎓 Thesis Creator: How to Use the Tool?

A small quiz:

What is the one sentence of an essay that takes the longest to write?

We can say with authority that it is a thesis statement. The difficulty lies in the necessity to embrace the entire text in a single phrase. But we have a better solution.

This thesis sentence creator generates the most appropriate variant based on the text you’ve written. Follow these steps to get your thesis sentence:

  1. Choose the genre: analytical, informative, compare and contrast, or argumentative.

  2. Describe your main finding or conclusion.

  3. Insert the evidence that made you think so. You can add several items here.

  4. Press “Create a thesis,” et voila!

đź“„ What Is a Thesis Sentence?

A thesis sentence is a statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. It identifies the scope of the topic in the essay. It is usually written with consideration of the specific audience. Thus, it is the essential part of any essay because of the following functions it performs:

  • To familiarize the reader with the writer’s opinion, interpretation, or point of view regarding the discussed subject;

  • To indicate the further direction of the text by listing the main points.

  • To raise a contentious issue and invite the reader to dispute it.

  • To make the paper debatable and engaging.

  • To summarize the text in the case of a descriptive, informative, or expository essay.

🪄 How to Create a Thesis Sentence?

Find the most precise wording of your topic A thesis sentence tells the readers what they will find in your text. Meanwhile, it also makes it clear what the essay does not cover. Imagine a pie diagram where all medical knowledge is the entire circle. Your topic is its small section, and the thesis sentence will draw its boundaries. Try thesis sentence creator at this stage. It will help you with formulating the main idea of your paper, which is the most challenging part of the work.
Rephrase the topic as a question and answer it in one sentence Most people struggle with fitting the thesis into a single sentence while preserving its clarity and eloquence. We have a tip on getting started:
  • Transform your topic into a question. For example, if it says “Introducing natal safety in developing countries,” make it “What can improve natal safety in developing countries?”.
  • If the answer is ready, write it down. Still, we recommend writing the main body before answering the question. It will be an excellent chance to use our thesis generator once again. The result may surprise you!
Refine the answer The first is the worst. Polish out the sentence you obtained as the result of the previous step. Most likely, something is missing or redundant. The following advice will help you:
  • Use decisive language and avoid ambiguity;
  • Keep it specific but not too much;
  • Mention all the subtopics or arguments;
  • If the thesis is too long, place the secondary information into the following sentence.

đź‘“ Thesis Sentence Examples

Now let’s take a look at some good and not-so-good examples made according to the 3 key criteria of a correctly formulated thesis statement. Below you'll find the questions you should ask yourself about your thesis once you’ve formulated it. Then we provide short but illustrative tables with examples and add some explanations.

Question #1: Did I Answer the Question Formulated in the Topic?

❌ A weak example ✅ A stronger example
Bed patients may have pressure ulcers that worsen their condition. Bed patients may have pressure ulcers due to pressure, friction, or shear.

The topic was “What are the causes of pressure ulcers?”. The thesis sentence in the left column is inappropriate, as it doesn’t answer the question.

In the stronger example, the causes are specific, and the sentence fully answers the topic question.

Question #2: Have I Taken a Position in the Debate?

❌ A weak example ✅ A stronger example
This essay explores whether organ donors should receive financial compensation. This essay explains why organ donors should receive financial compensation.

The bad example repeats the topic and tells nothing new. It is better to state your opinion.

On the contrary, reading the better example will dispel the doubts about your opinion even if the topic formulation was debatable.

Question #3: Is the Thesis Sufficiently Specific?

❌ A weak example ✅ A stronger example
Excessive alcohol consumption aggravates patient rehabilitation. Excessive alcohol consumption aggravates patient rehabilitation by provoking weight gain, liver complications, and heart conditions.

The thesis sentence in the let column is too general. Which specific problems caused by alcohol consumption do you plan to analyze in your paper?

In the good example, the reasons are specific. It doesn’t mean you should list each factor mentioned throughout the text. Otherwise, the sentence will be overloaded. But the central explored areas should be included.

Thank you for reading this article! If you need to quickly paraphrase a paragraph, try our rewording tool.

âť“ Thesis Creator FAQ

âť“ What Is a Thesis Sentence in an Essay?

A thesis sentence (also known as a thesis statement) informs the reader about the essay’s topic in the context of your intentions. It presents your opinion and argumentation plans that you will develop in the main body. But most importantly, it poses the limits for your research, explaining what it is not about.

âť“ What Is the Difference Between a Topic Sentence and a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is the last sentence of your introductory paragraph, while a topic sentence starts each main body paragraph. The former embraces the entire essay and its ideas. The latter presents only one argument that will be covered in the respective paragraph.

âť“ How to Write a Good Thesis Sentence?

A good thesis sentence provides an outline of the author’s position on the topic. It is a synthesis of everything you will say. Thus, it should mention the essential arguments but be concise and clear. This is not a place for mystery – you can introduce it in the title if you please.

âť“ How Long Should a Thesis Sentence Be?

Keep your thesis sentence in line with the overall style of your writing. Our recommendation is not to exceed the limit of 20-25 words. Still, lengthy expressions are acceptable in scholarly texts. In practice, a thesis sentence in an informative essay is usually shorter than the same in a persuasive one.


đź”— References

  1. Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement - Purdue OWL
  2. Thesis Statements - UNC Writing Center
  3. How to Write a Thesis Statement - Writing Tutorial Services
  4. Thesis Statement Examples