Other Medical Specialties Examples for Free - Page 2

Other Medical Specialties

Blood Bank Specimen Labeling Policy

Strict Adherence to a Blood Bank Specimen Labelling Policy by All Clinical Laboratories Significantly Reduces the Incidence of “Wrong Blood in Tube” was published in the year 2009. The article focuses on a research exploring the occurrences of wrong blood in tube (WBIT) and mislabeled samples (O’neill et al. 1)....

Words: 595 Pages: 3

Medical Doctor Career in Microbiology

Career choice and influencing factors Career in microbiology Microbiology plays a key role in the development of other branches of medicine such as genetics. In this regard, after completing my degree, I would like to pursue microbiology. Microbiology is a branch in medicine under basic sciences of medicine. It involves...

Words: 640 Pages: 3

The Reproductive System Issues

Do the statistics concerning gender and delinquency provide information about the nature of gender and crime per se, or are they a result of biases associated with the legal system? How would the issue of race be related to this discussion? In a report in Archives of Sexual Behavior Journal,...

Words: 1814 Pages: 7

Motor Learning Importance in a Human Life

Learning is an indispensable part of human life. Motor learning is an intrinsic part of learning, and it is hardly possible to overestimate its importance. As far as I am concerned, I have always understood the importance of motor learning, and I have been aware of some of its peculiarities....

Words: 1127 Pages: 5

Menopause: Main Symptoms

As the symptoms of menopause can resemble some other conditions or states of the human body, it is suggested that the patient should take a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy (Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, & Thomas, 2015). Additionally, blood tests that will indicate the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and...

Words: 560 Pages: 3

Wellness Coach Health Practitioner

Introduction Nutrition-related issues have become a reason for concern in modern society. Although there is currently a plethora of opportunities for healthy eating, most people lack the knowledge required to create a balanced diet. Thus, they will need the assistance of a Wellness Coach Health Practitioner (WCHP). Overview Services A...

Words: 673 Pages: 4

Iron-Deficiency Anemia Treatment

Description and Clinical Goals Jessica, 16, complains that she has had fatigue, has been pale, and has not been able to exercise as much as before for the last two months. After the administration of necessary blood tests, the patient is diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. The first clinical goal is...

Words: 642 Pages: 3

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields vs. Pain Medications

Nowadays, pain and pain-related diseases are largely treated with drugs. However, the downside of many modern drugs is the great number of side effects and interactions with other medicines. Recently, a new way of dealing with pain started to receive attention – the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. The sources...

Words: 1455 Pages: 6