Epidemiology Examples for Free - Page 2


PICOT Statement: Influenza Vaccination

For this investigation, I will be using my place of employment which is the OpusCare of South Florida hospice. The population targeted in the PICOT question is the patients of this facility. It includes people who are elderly or very ill. The intervention consists of requiring mandatory influenza vaccinations for...

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Vaccination for Healthcare Workers

The lack of vaccination for healthcare workers is viewed as one of the causes of spreading the influenza virus in states where guidelines regarding mandatory vaccination are not followed strictly. The topic selected for this Capstone project is the role of mandatory influenza vaccination for healthcare workers in preventing the...

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Tuberculosis Problem

Tuberculosis is one of the most topical health problems specialists face today as one-third of the worlds population is affected by this disease. For this reason, the case you investigate is crucial for the enhanced comprehending of the roots of the problem, causes for its development, and treatment. Your attempt...

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Central Line Infections Prevention in the Adult Population

In all the studies shown in the table below, there were positive effects of the interventions on the occurrence of central line-associated bloodstream infections. Three studies (Dixon & Carver, 2010; Guerin, Wagner, Rains, & Bessesen, 2010; Marra et al., 2010) indicated significant changes while the other two studies showed positive...

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Influenza Epidemiology in North Africa

Synopsis The research analysis encompasses the effects of influenza vaccine in North Africa in 2005-2009.The study stresses the significance of the research by describing its global scale and the rapid pace if development. According to the study details, both the analysis of the patients’ records and the use of nasal...

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Epidemiology as a Medical Science

Epidemiology is the branch of medical science that deals with the distribution of diseases among people and recognition of the factors that could determine this kind of distribution (Stewart, 2016). In other words, epidemiology aims at gathering the material about a certain disease, analyzing all its characteristics, and presenting the...

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Delaware Cancer Incidence and Mortality in 2009-2013

Over the past decade, a constant decline has been observed in Delaware’s all-suite cancer mortality rate due to early screening and detection of cancer. The reported decline in Delaware’s cancer rate was about 15 percent during the period from 1999-2003 to 2009-2013 (Delaware Health and Social Services, 2017). The announcement...

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Epidemiological Evaluation of HIV/AIDS in Florida

Introduction In the US, the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS varies widely across states and counties. This global pandemic was initially prevalent among young gay men in the West in the 1980s (CDC, 2017). Presently, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the related condition of AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – affects...

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Global Health Issue: Malaria Disease

The health of the nation is the major concern of the modern healthcare sector. Being one of the pillars of contemporary society, the system monitors the situation related to various diseases with the primary aim to introduce appropriate treatment or measures to decrease risks that come from a particular issue....

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Epidemiology of Health Promotion

Epidemiology is highly important when massive outbreaks of infectious diseases occur in society. It is considered a branch of medicine and general medical science at the same time because of its wide utilization in public health. Furthermore, epidemiologists conduct thorough investigations, including data collection and analysis, interpretation of results, and...

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Epidemiological Studies: Principles and Essentials

There are different types of epidemiological studies, including cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, and randomized controlled trials. These epidemiological studies can be used for guiding physicians in their decision-making process regarding prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment. It is important to note that some types of epidemiological studies are more appropriate...

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Influenza Pandemic Planning Case

Introduction Many cases in the medical history show the importance of healthcare system units’ awareness of the outcomes of infectious disease epidemics such as influenza for both population and health workers. The case study analyzes the influenza epidemic planning developed at the London Health Science Centre (LHSC). The pandemic interventions...

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HIV/AIDS, Its Statistics and Health Disparities

Prominent Aspects of HIV/AIDS: Immune System Destruction In the 1980s, when the first epidemic of HIV erupted, a positive test result implied an immediate death sentence (Worobey et al., 2016). In the 21st century, the situation has slightly changed, with innovative solutions for slowing down the effects of the disease,...

Words: 841 Pages: 5

Zika Virus as a Public Health Threat

History of the Condition The Zika virus was initially discovered in 1947 by the scientists from the Yellow Fever Research Institute. The term “ziika” is a borrowing from the Luganda language that can be translated as “overgrown”. At first, the virus was found in a mosquito from the Zika forest....

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Epidemiology: the Case of Chickenpox

Introduction Chickenpox is a communicable viral disease associated with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). VZV is a member of the herpes group of viruses and commonly linked with children but can also affect adults with a weakened immune system (Lopez, Zhang, Brown, & Bialek, 2011). Communicable diseases define the group of...

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Hepatitis B Virus in the United States

Introduction Hepatitis B Virus is transferred from person to person by percutaneous and mucous membrane contacts with contagious bodily liquids, to be more precise, serum, sperm, and saliva. Perinatal conduction is considered to be the main course by which Hepatitis B Virus contagion is preserved in widespread populaces. Youngsters from...

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