Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership


Nurse leaders must select the most effective style of leadership that will allow them to build productive relationships with the team members, as well as communicate with patients. Each leader has his or her personal preferences, but it is also important to be aware of all the existing leadership approaches. Such knowledge will help to adapt to various settings and satisfy all kinds of professional environments.

Quantum Leadership

My model of leadership is quantum leadership, which is relatively new. According to this approach, the universe is unitary and integral (Watson, Porter-O’Grady, Horton-Deutsch, & Malloch, 2018). All health care is considered to be local, so communication cannot be non-local, according to the quantum theory (Watson et al., 2018). Another principle of quantum leadership is that by adding value to small details, one adds value to the whole system.

By applying this model in practice, I can make sure that every professional situation receives as much attention as possible, thus eliminating employee dissatisfaction and improving patient results. In quantum healthcare leadership, everything is closely connected, thus making it possible for all stakeholders to collaborate closely and gain the best outcomes (Watson et al., 2018). Another peculiarity of this approach is that all actions are value-driven (Watson et al., 2018).

Therefore, my team will choose the most optional alternatives for each case and each patient. I believe that quantum leadership will enable effective collaboration within diverse teams. Furthermore, this strategy fosters interdisciplinary collaboration due to the inclusion of all aspects and their analysis in the team’s work.

Quantum Leadership Compared to Other Leadership Models

Quantum and Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is different from quantum leadership in the order of obtaining power and using it to help others. In quantum leadership, the leader first realizes his or her position and then arranges the work of the team. Meanwhile, in servant leadership, one is firstly driven by the endeavor to help (serve) others, and only then decides to become a leader to attain the set objectives (Fahlberg & Toomey, 2016).

A common feature in these leadership styles is the prominent role of communication. In quantum leadership, one has to be in constant close collaboration with each team member. In servant leadership, the leader understands the significance of communication and cultivates it by empathy, attention, and promotion of the team members’ growth (Fahlberg & Toomey, 2016). Thus, whereas the initiation of leadership occurs differently in quantum and servant approaches, these styles still have some features in common.

Quantum and Transformational Leadership

The core principle of transformational leadership is the need for change, which requires an adaptive leader who is not afraid of new challenges. Transformational leaders are flexible and ready for adjustments (Fischer, 2016). These features are also nurtured in the team, which readily follows the transformational leader if he or she demonstrates confidence and professionalism. The main common aspect of transformational and quantum strategies is that both of them involve learning competencies and analyzing them as a team (Fischer, 2016; Watson et al., 2018).

However, unlike in the quantum approach, where the effect on patients is obvious, in the transformational approach, such an impact remains unclear (Fischer, 2016). Both quantum and transformational leadership styles are viewed as the ones inspiring teams to demonstrate excellent performance (Fischer, 2016; Watson et al., 2018). Still, quantum leadership is considered as a method that can be taught and learned, while transformational leadership is not regarded as something that can easily be taught.

Quantum and Democratic Leadership

In democratic leadership, prominence is given to each team member’s contribution to the process of making decisions. A democratic leader must make sure that each employee’s opinion is taken into account, and that each person’s achievement is acknowledged (Pullen, 2016). A similar feature of quantum and democratic styles is the need for listening skills in a leader. However, the use of these skills is somewhat different in the two approaches.

A quantum leader listens to others to understand the situation better and make his or her conclusions about the case. Meanwhile, a democratic leader listens to the team members to include each of their ideas in the final decision. Another similarity between the two leadership styles is the willingness of leaders to cooperate and collaborate with their subordinates. The quantum approach additionally includes communication with other teams, whereas the democratic one focuses on communication within the team.

My Worldview

My worldview is based on the cultural and religious traditions on which my upbringing was based, as well as on those I acquired at a mature age. Being a Christian, I believe that there is God, in whose hands the major power is held. God is omnipresent and omnipotent, and I support the idea that every ill-doing committed by a person will be punished by God sooner or later. At the same time, however, I hold scientific views due to my education. Hence, while I believe that people were created by God, I also assume the possibility of us being the result of biological evolution.

Irrespective of the diversity of opinions on the world’s origin, I consider that spirituality should serve as the basis of everyone’s decisions. People should be driven by the aspiration to do good to others rather than by the desire to gain wealth or popularity. This thought holds about my attitude towards leadership. I think that such features as the inclination to be helpful and kind, which emerge from my spiritual and cultural ideas, influence my attitude towards leadership the most.

Inspiring Others by My Professional Leadership Behaviors

Firstly, I find the approach of cooperative learning a highly useful way of inspiring others. When people see that their leader is ready to discover new things with them and discuss these findings, they become more trusting and dedicated. Secondly, I think that when team members see how attentive I am too small details, they will also feel it necessary to be observant and conscientious. Finally, I consider respect and professionalism to be the inspiring features that team members take after their leader.


Undoubtedly, becoming a leader is not enough to gain the subordinates’ trust and respect. Being a leader and cultivating leadership traits daily are the crucial foundations of success. Usually, a leader selects one predominant style, but it does not exclude the necessity of learning about other leadership approaches. In different situations, various methods might be used, which means that a leader should be aware of alternative strategies. My leadership style is quantum, but I realize that the application of transformational, servant or democratic leadership might be useful in some situations. With the help of carefully selected methods, any person can become a leader who will guide his or her team to the successful attainment of professional goals.


Fahlberg, B., & Toomey, R. (2016). Servant leadership. Nursing, 46(10), 49–52. Web.

Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2644–2653. Web.

Pullen, R. L. (2016). Leadership in nursing practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 14(3), 26–31. Web.

Watson, J., Porter-O’Grady, T., Horton-Deutsch, S., & Malloch, K. (2018). Quantum caring leadership: Integrating quantum leadership with caring science. Nursing Science Quarterly, 31(3), 253–258.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 18). Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership.

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NursingBird. 2024. "Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership." December 18, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership." December 18, 2024.


NursingBird. "Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership." December 18, 2024.