Nursing Education for College Students

Today’s world situation has proven the significance of having maximally productive nurses with a considerable knowledge base and sufficient flexibility in terms of education. The new viruses have proven that most of them have the same symptoms and consequences and, as a result, might be similarly cured. At the same time, humanity demanded new remedies since current diseases are mostly the developed version of previous ones. The most appealing aspect of modern nursing education for college students is that people might bring significant innovations in the industry independently of their social or educational status. Consequently, current professionals should gain their knowledge under the new system of education that permits giving students credible information but leaves enough ‘space’ for developing the latest approaches to provide more efficient treatment of various diseases.

In fact, different people might contribute to the development of the most fundamental stage of nursing education. Firstly, current educators. Secondly, scientists independently on the status. Thirdly, those who have recently experienced nursing education might be the best candidates for innovations concerning the methods of informational transition. I am one of the representatives of the last group of potential contributors to nursing education growth since I have graduated (your college) only X years ago and gained valuable experience of the current benefits and drawbacks of the nursing education system.

To prove the significance and relevance of nursing education for college students, I will present two recent studies that examine the subject from different perspectives. On the one hand, Morin (2020), in the study named “Nursing education after COVID‐19: Same or different?” discloses the actual problems of the educational system majorly for universities and suggests specific steps to develop the demanded flexibility of the new professionals. (You can give your opinion about this point and develop the question about the viability of the subject). On the other hand, Chicca and Shellenbarger (2018), in their research “Connecting with Generation Z: Approaches in Nursing Education,” presume that today’s educational system is organically developing by implementing the new technologies in primary studies for future nursing professionals. The authors insist on the fact that generation Z representatives are more adaptive to the immediate application of new approaches even though they do not have the sufficient desire to have fundamental knowledge about their field of work.

The analyzed topic might be elaborated by worldwide situation research. However, I would focus on the USA educational system due to the lack of professionalism in examining global tendencies and the necessity to provide specific and feasible approaches to the issue.

The study will be majorly focused on the five-year perspective. Due to the unprecedented technological development in the educational industry and healthcare sector as a whole, it is impossible to presume the situation for a wider time horizon rationally.

I would consider the subject as appropriate for a personal research project since it is broad enough for multilateral analysis but not too global to provide an unrealistic solution for the problem. (You can add some specific plans for your research project or dissertation or present a theoretical outline step-by-step).

In conclusion, today’s college students should learn in a new educational system that would provide sufficient flexibility for more specific development combined with a high-quality knowledge base. The research subject is relevant and consistent with today’s priorities since new viruses demonstrated that many professionals have a lack of inclusivity in their approaches, so the healthcare industry does not fully disclose its potential. The research project would focus on the US educational system to provide feasible solutions for current issues and avoid over-generalization of the subject. (You may notice other points that were developed in previous paragraphs, this might give you additional 100-150 words).


Chicca, J., & Shellenbarger, T. (2018). Connecting with Generation Z: Approaches in Nursing Education. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 13(3), 180–184.

Morin, K. H. (2020). Nursing education after COVID‐19: Same or different? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(17–18), 3117–3119.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 24). Nursing Education for College Students.

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"Nursing Education for College Students." NursingBird, 24 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Nursing Education for College Students'. 24 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Nursing Education for College Students." December 24, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Nursing Education for College Students." December 24, 2024.


NursingBird. "Nursing Education for College Students." December 24, 2024.