Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education

A negotiation is a form of communication whereby individuals discuss to find a common ground on a specific issue. During patient education, beneficiaries and physicians will need to share ideas and make informed decisions that can result in personalized care (Chesser et al., 2016). The face-to-face model will deliver positive results and involve more individuals.

The concepts of autonomy and awareness become meaningful as a patient or personages. The individual learns more about possible health problems that he or she might encounter. This change in status encourages professionals to improve their interactions with patients (Chesser et al., 2016). The approach delivers a culturally competent model that can transform beneficiaries’ health outcomes.

Negotiation presents certain pros in the field of patient education, such as the provision of personalized support, understanding of patients’ expectations, and individuals’ ability to ask the right questions. Evidence-based practice supports the effectiveness of the medical care delivery process (Benetos et al. 2019). The cons include the inability to guarantee positive outcomes and reduced patients’ involvement due to poor communication skills.

Three key requirements need to be part of a patient contract. The first one is attendance whereby individuals need to avail themselves during every appointment. The second is that patients have to act positively while staff members should avoid exploiting one another (Chesser et al., 2016). The final one is that of confidentiality whereby information participants need to handle information with integrity.

Baby boomers are citizens born after the end of the Second World War. These individuals are currently above the age of 55 and represent the greatest percentage of the United States’ old generation (Benetos et al. 2019). They are retiring very fast and are capable of overwhelming the healthcare sector due to their increasing medical needs.

The 30-year-old and the elderly patient present diverse cultural, generational, and religious aspects. First, the young ones rely on modern technologies and form strong social bonds with persons from diverse backgrounds while the elderly are conservative, have cultural norms, maintain family bonds, and require direct instructions (Chesser et al., 2016). Unlike the elderly, the 30-year-old patient will not value traditional practices. The young generation would not rely mostly on religious practices for healing while the elderly would meditate and pray to achieve their health goals.

The main barriers to patient education among the elderly include reduced attention and failure to engage in participative dialogue. They are not open-minded or willing to accept emerging ideas. Their special needs include hearing problems, hypertension, and mobility issues (Benetos et al. 2019). They are conservative and need delicate care. The medical support available to them should be culturally competent and personalized.

Some of the best ways to approach patient education of the elderly are being aware of their cultural attributes and views, integrating religious ideas, and involving family members. The professional should be attentive and avoid being authoritative. The educator needs to be patient with the elderly if positive results are to be recorded.

I have encountered religious and cultural beliefs about death. First, many people believe that death is the only way for becoming part of God’s kingdom (Golinowska et al., 2019). Some view it as a taboo that needs cleansing to ensure that no other person does not die. Different cultural groups treat it as a curse when it strikes more than twice in the same family.

When providing patient education to the elderly, professionals should inform them about death and its meaning. They should also understand how life is a continuum with significant stages. When all people are involved, the elderly will not be afraid of dying (Golinowska et al., 2019). Consequently, they will engage in self-care and prolong their experiences and lives. This knowledge will impact the involved positively and encourage them to focus on a common goal.

When teaching a patient with a terminal condition, it is appropriate to get informed consent and inform him or her about the importance of therapy and evidence-based medical practices. The person will learn about his or her purpose on earth and how no one knows about another’s one future (Chesser et al., 2016). The individual will accept the situation and pursue the best health practices.


Benetos, A., Petrovic, M., & Strandberg, T. (2019). Hypertension management in older and frail older patients. Circulation Research, 124(7), 1045-1060. Web.

Chesser, A. K., Woods, N. K., Smothers, K., & Rogers, N. (2016). Health literacy and older adults: A systematic review. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 2, 1-13. Web.

Golinowska, S., Groot, W., Baji, P., & Pavlova, M. (2016). Health promotion targeting older people. BMC Health Services Research, 16(5), 345-347. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 23). Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education.

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"Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education." NursingBird, 23 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education'. 23 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education." December 23, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education." December 23, 2024.


NursingBird. "Negotiation in the Field of Patient Education." December 23, 2024.