Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets

The significance of human resource (HR) management cannot be underestimated because it is the key to improving performance by motivating people to self-development and organizing them. However, what does it take to create an effective HR management system? First of all, the most significant skill in human resource management is the ability to build the needed environment (Sadatsafavi & Walewski, 2013). Speaking of nursing, it means that HR manager should have enough inner power and knowledge to establish the atmosphere of trust and openness in the working place. The primary criterion of the efficient environment is the emotional stability of the workers and their desire to reach the set objectives and desired outcomes, i.e. enhance the quality of healthcare services. Second, it is vital to motivate and reward the most talented workers (Trebble, Heyworth, Clarke, Powell, & Hockey, 2014).

In the dimension of skills, it implies the development and implementation of the system of rewards individual for each institution and team, which would motivate the workers to improve their performance. In the case of nursing, it might fall within reducing the level of readmissions. Finally, it is paramount to measure performance through developing the system for skills maximization and determinants for controlling the effectiveness of such novelties (McIntosh & Sheppy, 2013). Because healthcare is a labor-intensive sector of services, it is crucial to make sure that specific attention is paid to skills development and applying the newly obtained knowledge and skills to practice. Speaking of HR skill sets, it means that human resources manager should be a strong leader, who would inspire others to constant personal and educational growth and have enough influence and competence to control the workflow and the process of development.

The Role of Having a Mission and Vision for Focusing on an Organization’s Resources

Mission and vision are indispensable elements of strategic planning. Mission defines the aim of an organization while vision is its future image, which would become the result of the planned changes (Perera & Peiró, 2012). They help determine the direction of an organization’s development, its strategic objectives, and desired outcomes of its functioning. In the case of healthcare organizations, they are used for establishing the criteria of performance, specifying target customers, and defining the purposes of their operation. However, the most significant role of having a mission and vision is focusing on resources. It means that when an organization sets the direction for its further development, it receives a perfect opportunity of estimating the effectiveness of the current allocation of resources and the necessary changes with the aim of reaching the planned goals (Moghal, 2012).

For example, an organization might state that enhancing the quality of healthcare services is its mission and becoming a leader in a sector is its vision. In this case, it should realize that it might need to invest in the professional development of its employees as well as in the equipment used for treating patients, e.g. implement electronic health records and teach nurses and doctors to operate it (Tazelaar, 2011). Except for realizing the very fact of the necessity to innovate activities, an organization obtains an opportunity to estimate the amount of the needed resources and whether there is the need to attract external resources to achieve the vision or those already available would be enough. In addition to it, having a mission and vision is a motivation for the productive use of current resources whether they are employees or equipment. In other words, they prompt the employees what is their function in an organization and what are the areas for improvement.


McIntosh, B., & Sheppy, B. (2013). Skill maximization: The future of healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 19(3), 118-122.

Moghal, N. J. (2012). Mission, vision, and values statements in healthcare: What are they for? British Medical Journal, 344, e4331.

Perera, F. P. R., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic planning in healthcare organizations. Revista Española de Cardiología, 65(8): 749-754.

Sadatsafavi, H., & Walewski, J. (2013). Corporate sustainability: The environmental design and human resource management interface in healthcare settings. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design, 6(2), 98-118.

Tazelaar, G. (2011). Challenges and trends in global healthcare missions. Journal of Christian Nursing, 28(2): 152-157.

Trebble, T. M., Heyworth, N., Clarke, N., Powell, T., & Hockey P. M. (2014). Managing hospital doctors and their practice: What can we learn about human resource management from non-healthcare organizations? BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 566.

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NursingBird. (2022, May 3). Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets.

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"Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets." NursingBird, 3 May 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets'. 3 May.


NursingBird. 2022. "Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets." May 3, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets." May 3, 2022.


NursingBird. "Major Human Resource Management Skill Sets." May 3, 2022.