Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record

One of the most popular technologies implemented thanks to the development of informatics in healthcare is the Electronic Health Record System (EHR). This innovation has significantly alleviated information processing in the healthcare sphere. Moreover, it provided extended opportunities for clinicians to collect and analyze the patient’s medical history and other health-related data. From the moment of its implementation, EHR System has improved the quality of medical services and provided more opportunities to enhance patient safety.

Before the creation of this system, all information was kept on paper holders, which was a short-lived and uncomfortable method. The EHR was created in the 1960s, striving to alleviate clinicians’ work and prevent the occurrence of information-related medication errors. An electronic variant of the medical cards provides clinicians with access to all patients’ data at any time, which ensures more qualitative treatment and improves the patient’s safety and treatment outcomes. The security of the patient’s personal information is under the federal protection of HIPAA (Chepalov, 2020). The act regulates two vital aspects of information protection: privacy and security, providing the rules and strategies to prevent fraudsters.

Today there are many trends in the development of EHR. Every year different new computer systems managing healthcare records are created. The EHR-producing companies focus on improving the technical aspects of the systems and enhancing the speed of information processing. The trend to evolve the general statistical data into the system was recently created. Such an approach is used to provide clinicians with the opportunity to consult valuable sources when diagnosing. Therefore, the EHR system allowed medical organizations to structure the patients’ health information. A more convenient method of such data management and constant access to the medical history significantly improves the quality of healthcare services and enhances the patients’ safety.


Chepalov, A. (2020). HIPAA and electronic health records: All you need to know about compliance. Riseapps.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 22). Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record.

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"Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record." NursingBird, 22 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record'. 22 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record." December 22, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record." December 22, 2024.


NursingBird. "Informatics in Healthcare: Electronic Health Record." December 22, 2024.