Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues

Components of Communication and What We Need to Avoid

Communication is essential in our daily lives. In effect, the quality of communication and the components utilized determine the effectiveness of the messages conveyed by an individual. Some of the components that augment the effectiveness of communication include attention, trust, and the use of the right phrases. In a particular setting such as a medical facility, attention is core in identifying and diagnosing the ailment presented by a patient.

Moreover, attention encourages the other parties to air out their issues confidently. Consequently, trust facilitates effective communication and helps parties involved in a conversation to share ideas and opinions openly. It is fundamental to note that with trust, patients and medical practitioners can exchange ideas that lead to smooth progress of the overall service accorded by the facility. Another important component that makes communication successful is the use of the right phrases. Ulmer, Sellnow, and Seeger (2013) allude that at times, wrong phrases used when communicating lead to emotional flare-ups and initiate untimely termination of a conversation. Therefore, for successful and productive communication one needs to utilize phrases that suit the subject which makes up the conversation.

During a communication process, one should avoid several factors. Loss of focus, looking at different directions, and engaging in other activities are among the factors that one should not undertake when communicating with others. Loss of focus during a conversation affects the overall quality of communication. The other party to the communication deems that the subject under discussion is unimportant to the person they are communicating with. On the other hand, looking at different directions when having face-to-face communication makes the individual appear inattentive before the participants. As such, the parties involved may terminate the conversation lowering the overall effectiveness of the communication. Leathers and Eaves (2015) explain that when one looks sideways when conversing with others, they in a way demonstrate boredom and the desire that the communication should end. The aspect of engaging in other activities during a conversation hampers the quality and success of communication. Besides distracting one from acquiring the desired message, engaging in other activities while conversing with patients or colleagues demonstrates the absence of attention.

Vision Changes during Chemotherapy and Ear Assessment at Old Age

Chemotherapy is a leading treatment, which helps in addressing cancer ailments. However, besides addressing cancer among several patients around the globe, chemotherapy has side effects that include lowered vision. When one undergoes chemotherapy around the head, the neck, and any other areas close to the eyes, the chances of experiencing vision loss are high. Radiation effects can lead to cataracts, red eyes, sensitivity to bright colors and light, as well as watery eyes.

The side effects triggering lowered vision emanate from the immunity that decreases with chemotherapy. Magge and DeAngelis (2015) assert that chemotherapy can compromise the immunity of individuals and make them vulnerable to infections that affect the eyes. Conjunctivitis is one such ailment that affects the eyes in the aftermath of chemotherapy (Nagaratnam, Nagaratnam, & Cheuk, 2016). It is important to note that some types of chemotherapy such as targeted chemotherapy increase the chances of swollen eyelids or dry eyes. Remarkably, radiation effects are the major causatives of the side effects linked to vision changes.

Ear assessment is important among old people because as individuals age, their ability to listen and decipher audio messages diminishes. Some of the factors linked to diminishing hearing include low immunity, aging, prolonged use of drugs, and past infections. The high rate of old individuals who have hearing challenges informs the relevance of regular ear assessment among the old persons. Mick, Kawachi, and Lin, (2014) claim that in a group of four individuals who are above 65 years, at least one has a hearing problem. The worrying statistics call for heightened assessment and continued research on how to minimize hearing challenges among the elders in society. Besides lowered hearing, some elders experience tinnitus, a condition associated with buzzing sounds. Notably, while other hearing conditions are normal with aging, tinnitus is one of the conditions that require timely medical intervention. The urgency in intervention accorded to tinnitus is due to its effect on hearing and the scale of distraction that occasion from the buzzing sound that it triggers.

Healthcare Disparities among Vulnerable Populations

Women, the elderly, and minority groups fall under the class of vulnerable populations. Their vulnerability emanates from the limitations that they encounter in their quest to access equitable medical attention. Race and gender disparity place minorities and women under some level of distress and limit their chances of enjoying fair healthcare. Notably, limited access to healthcare is one of the several disparities faced by the vulnerable in society. Grabovschi, Loignon, and Fortin (2013) state that financial constraints, discrimination, and abuse are some of the disparities that vulnerable groups in society encounter during their attempt to acquire medical services. In as much as modern society has embraced diversity and appreciated different races, some individuals are reluctant to change. The individuals who are unwilling to change at times discriminate against vulnerable groups basing on gender or race.


Grabovschi, C., Loignon, C., & Fortin, M. (2013). Mapping the concept of vulnerability related to health care disparities: A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 94.

Leathers, D., & Eaves, M. (2015). Successful nonverbal communication: Principles and applications. New York, NY: Routledge.

Magge, R., & DeAngelis, L. (2015). The double-edged sword: Neurotoxicity of chemotherapy. Blood Reviews, 29(2), 93-100.

Mick, P., Kawachi, I., & Lin, F. (2014). The association between hearing loss and social isolation in older adults. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 150(3), 378-384.

Nagaratnam, N., Nagaratnam, K., & Cheuk, G. (2016). Diseases in the elderly: Age related changes and pathophysiology. New York, NY: Springer.

Ulmer, R., Sellnow, T., & Seeger, M. (2013). Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity. New York, NY: Sage Publications.

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NursingBird. (2021, August 12). Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues.

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"Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues." NursingBird, 12 Aug. 2021,


NursingBird. (2021) 'Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues'. 12 August.


NursingBird. 2021. "Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues." August 12, 2021.

1. NursingBird. "Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues." August 12, 2021.


NursingBird. "Healthcare Communication and Other Related Issues." August 12, 2021.